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All papers published in this conference proceedings have been peer reviewed through a peer review process administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards... more
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      Political ScienceScientometricsGeography of ScienceSocial Studies Of Science
Using matching and regression analyses, we measure the difference in citations between articles posted to and other articles from similar journals, controlling for field, impact factor, and other variables. Based on a sample... more
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      Social NetworksSocial NetworkingOpen AccessBibliometrics
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      NursingEconomicsHigher EducationExperience Design
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      Information LiteracyAcademic LibrariesLibrary InstructionCitations
The enemies’ speeches in the psalms reflect a theological controversy: is God really acting in aid of the pious and poor? By inserting its adversaries’ sayings in its own psalmic oration, the “I” of the Psalms arranges a space of... more
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      Hebrew BibleOld TestamentPsalms studiesCitations
RESUMO: Neste trabalho, exploramos o uso da citação em textos acadêmico-científicos, focalizando os limites da apropriação do dizer do outro na escrita de estudantes universitários. Para orientar nossas reflexões, utilizamos, como base... more
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      CitationsPlagiarismParáfrasePlagio Académico
The study investigated online scholarly visibility of Library and Information Science teachers in India. Records of 154 LIS teachers were sourced from the websites of various Indian universities. Thirty one of them had profiles on Google... more
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      Library and Information ScienceIndiaCitationsFaculty
De l’histoire de l’art européen à la réalisation des autoportraits de Morimura Yasumasa, il n’y a qu’un pas entre ce que nous appelons communément citation et pastiche. Néanmoins, la production de l’artiste chemine entre les concepts du... more
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      Japanese StudiesArt HistoryPhotographyJapanese Language And Culture
El estilo APA es un conjunto de estándares creados por la Asociación Americana de Psicología, con el fin de unificar la presentación de textos académicos y de investigación a nivel internacional. Es utilizado por muchas personas en todo... more
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      CitationsThesisTesis y DisertacionesDissertations
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      ScientometricsScientific WritingCitationsJournals
In 2010, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society published a 32-page brochure, "The Origin of Life", with the intention of supporting its view that life was created by a divine source, as declared in the Hebrew Scriptures. The purpose of... more
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      EvolutionDoctrine of CreationCitationsScientists
Info on citation of research articles on environmental science, life science, water science; the cited publications belong to a series of relevant publications of the researcher at Lomonosov Moscow State University, an award winner... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterBibliographyEcotoxicology
Citation Rule
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      Tanzanian StudiesTanzaniaCitationsJudiciary
Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos, 1782
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Esta es una guía breve de las normas APA 7ma ed. A diferencia de las guías habituales (que abordan más cosas, como el formato y el uso de gráficos), nos centramos en la consulta más habitual: cómo se referencian las diversas fuentes. Por... more
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      CitationsReferencesEstudios sobre plagio y falsificaciónPlagio
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      HomelessnessLaw EnforcementCitations
How to cite in your "Trabajo fin de grado" to avoid plagiarism and see your references under APA 7th frame.
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      PsychologyPhd WritingProfessional DoctoratesCitations
Рассмотрены особенности отображения научных статей в наукометрических базах данных. Определено, что наиболее применяемыми характеристиками продуктивности научной деятельности в мировом научном сообществе являються количество публикаций,... more
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      ScientometricsCitationsH IndexPublications
Maģistra darbā “Žurnāla “Letonica” bibliometriskā analīze” analizētas 15091 bibliogrāfiskās norādes, lai noteiktu citētākos autorus un izmantotos informācijas avotus žurnāla “Letonica” zinātniskajos rakstos, tādējādi raksturojot... more
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      HumanitiesBibliometricsCitationsMaster's Thesis
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François-René de Chateaubriand, 1811
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      JerusalemCitationsLitterature de VoyagesFrançois-René de Chateaubriand
Increasingly, academics have to demonstrate that their research has academic impact. Universities normally use journal rankings and journal impact factors to assess the research impact of individual academics. More recently, citation... more
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      Higher EducationOpen AccessMetricsAcademia Research
In this paper I explore the ways in which academic citation practices contribute to the construction of disciplinary knowledge. Based on the analysis of a computer corpus of 80 research articles and interviews with experienced writers,... more
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    • Citations
1000 publications that cited articles of this series of papers and books on environmental science, biology, ecology, water: the papers and books which were cited are here, on this big list of the titles with links to files on... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterBibliographyBiology
The APA 7th Edition in table format - common types.
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التوثيق وفق APA7
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      Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyCitations
« Heureux ceux qui n'ont point vu la fumeé des fetes de l'etranger, et qui ne se sont assis qu'aux festins de leurs peres ! »-p. 76 « OC Rene, si tu crains les troubles du coeur, defie-toi de la solitude : les grandes passions sont... more
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      French LiteratureCitationsFrançois-René de ChateaubriandLecture
résumé du roman réaliste et +
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      CitationsCoutureArchéologieLittérature Française
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This collective statement provides a general overview of the Cite Black Women movement, its principles, intellectual genealogy, charge, and history. It is both a reflection and an outline of the project's primary principles, hopes, and... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesGender StudiesAnthropologyBlack/African Diaspora
Some thoughts on whether the Beall's list tells you the 'whole' and 'indisputable' story when it comes to alleged predatory journals and publishers. Including a call for more consideration for researchers in this matter.
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      CitationsPubmedBibliometric and citation analysisCitation Analysis
Productivity metrics provoke mixed responses from the research community. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) facilitates an open and clear data infrastructure to handle publication products. ORCID is a unique identifier that... more
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      Academic DevelopmentBibliometricsBibliographyScholarly Editing
Les historiens des sciences accordent à Francesco Redi le mérite d’avoir réfuté, sur la base d’un rigoureux empirisme, la croyance millénaire dans la génération spontanée, c'est-à-dire l’idée que les êtres vivants pourraient se développer... more
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      Cheating and PlagiarismIntertextuality And PlagiarismHistory and Philosophy of BiologyHistory of Scholarship
The construction industry contributes significantly to economic development worldwide, yet it is one of the most hazardous industries where numerous accidents and fatalities happen every year. Little research to date has shed light on the... more
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      Civil EngineeringSafety EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceArchitecture
The subject of the book is the examination of the stages of research and writing a scientific study. The types of scientific papers are presented and library data are provided for the compilation of bibliography, as well as research tools... more
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      Research MethodologyBibliographyAcademic WritingDigital Archives
Engineering Essay on Construction Technology
Harvard Citation Style
10 pages
7 Sources
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering
სამეცნიერო სივრცეში ავტორთა დიფერენცირება/რანჟირება ხორციელდება მათ მიერ მეცნიერების ამა თუ იმ სფეროში შეტანილი წვლილის, განხორციელებული გავლენის მიხედვით. გავლენა, რომელსაც ახორციელებს ესა თუ ის ტექსტი იზომება იმის მიხედვით, თუ რამდენად... more
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      AlgorithmsSocial SciencesBibliographyDatabases
This file contains citations of articles by Ivan Vajsov. Most of them have links to review the originals.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyScience EducationNeolithic Archaeology
立命館大学国際関係学部は、2016... more
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      EducationPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Educational ResearchAcademic Writing
Why and how to set up and customize a Google Scholar Profile step-by-step that is effective for maximizing citations, academic networking, and curating an online list of publications.
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      CitationsE-PortfolioGoogle ScholarPublications
Citation in Russia. Остроумов С.А., доктор биол. наук (МГУ). Кто цитировал этого ученого в России. 2762 автора. РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ЦИТИРУЮЩИХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ ПО АВТОРАМ. Анализ: ПУБЛИКАЦИИ, ЦИТИРУЮЩИЕ С.А.ОСТРОУМОВА. Данные РИНЦ, 2016. 44... more
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"Čikago standard, stil i način citiranja, funkcionalne razlike i obilježja u teoriji i praktičnoj primjeni Rezime: Predmet istraživanja predstavljaju standardne odrednice čikago stila citiranja, njegovih općih I funkcionalne... more
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      Travel WritingWriting Program AdministrationScholarly Journals in EnglishPedagogy
Was als fremde und was als eigene Rede gelten kann, ist Ansichtssache, ihr Vorhandensein die Folge einer Perspektivierung. Beide entstehen im Ergebnis eines sprachlichen Verfahrens, durch das Teile einer Äußerung einer anderen, "fremden"... more
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      ClassicsCitationsLatin ProseSemantics and Pragmatics of Quotation
The AIRCC's International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT) is devoted to fields of Computer Science and Information Systems. The IJCSIT is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published in electronic form as... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureSoftware EngineeringEmbedded Systems
Цитирование. Большой список (309 стр.) институтов, публикаций - цитировали работы МГУ. Цитируемый исследователь - докт.биол.наук С.А.Остроумов: ;
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      Environmental ScienceBibliographyWater qualityEcology
Catálogo de la exposición del San Juan Bautista (1602) de Caravaggio en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Santiago de Chile.
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      CitationsCaravaggioCopies, Replicas, ReproductionsCaravaggio copies
This is a list of other scholars' works citing Dr. Ralston's articles and book chapters.
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wrong citation as well as the non-
citation of the enabling provisions of the laws renders the application incompetent.
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      Tanzanian StudiesKenyaNigeriaTanzania
The dramatic expansion of the use of metrics in higher education institutions worldwide has brought with it gaming and manipulation practices designed to enhance artificially both individual and institutional reputation, including... more
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      EthicsAcademia ResearchCitationsPlagiarism
Bibliometrics can be defined as the statistical analysis of publications. Bibliometrics has focused on the quantitative analysis of citations and citation counts which is complex. It is so complex and specialized that personal knowledge... more
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      BibliometricsCitationsResearch ImpactH Index