Circulation of Knowledge
Recent papers in Circulation of Knowledge
The Second World War gave a strong impulse to the development of translation and interpreting services in the Soviet Union. Military translators/interpreters were expected to engage in frontline propaganda, ad hoc language teaching and... more
This article aims to reassess the figure of Garcia da Orta and his work, Colóquios dos simples e drogas da Índia (Goa, 1563), a dialogue between Oriental and Western knowledge, by addressing aspects of the author’s origins and education... more
Academic thought circulates on a time-space continuum: authors, ideas and methods are discovered, discussed, discarded, praised, rewritten, refracted, transformed, transposed and translated. The contributors of this anthology develop... more
Cet ouvrage collectif résulte d’une coopération entre historiens, philosophes et juristes belges, français et allemands menée à l’occasion d’une journée d’études organisé par le centre de recherches Contextual Research in Law de la Vrije... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Part of the "Shortlists" series from Asia Art Archive. Shortlists offer thematic selections from AAA’s Collection, including overviews and annotations by invited contributors. The following Shortlist by Display Distribute focuses on zine... more
Travail de recherche qui propose une analyse historique des réseaux et de la mobilité scientifiques entre le Mexique et la France. Il s’appuie à la fois sur une étude d’histoire de la science et de relations internationales à travers une... more Uruk is the only other site apart from Babylon where all major categories of Babylonian astral science are represented in... more
HSU Chi-Lin, Université nationale centrale, Taiwan LADRIÈRE Maxime, Université nationale de recherche « École des hautes études en sciences économiques » (Moscou) LAUGRAND Frédéric, Université catholique de Louvain MARRES Thierry,... more Science moderne, science globale remet en question la croyance selon laquelle la science moderne a été créée uniquement en Occident pour être ensuite diffusée ou... more
This dissertation studies the emergence of literary history and criticism in the Americas during the eighteenth century. It focuses upon the study of 1.) Natural history as a matrix of literary history and criticism; 2.) The geopolitical... more
This research presents an overview and historical analysis of academic networks and scientific mobility between Mexico and France. Its objective is to explain how the scientific exchanges between both countries have been developed, from... more
Please download the published version of the article from Huang Zhong’s 1536 Hai yu is a short text about foreign countries and products connected to the sea. To compile his... more
Observar a Chile desde la distancia, es el ejercicio y meta que muchos/as investigadores/as chilenos/as nos hemos propuesto al decidir salir de nuestro país a realizar estudios de postgrado o investigaciones al extranjero, al trazar redes... more
This article reconstructs the rhetoric of persuasion in “*Jīn Téng” of the Tsinghua collection of manuscripts. “*Jīn Téng” has well-known transmitted counterparts in the Shàngshū and the Shǐjì, but in comparison with these texts, it... more
" History begins with writing, " because writing is the most important and reliable tool for transmitting knowledge to future generations. It has made use of various materials for this very purpose for centuries and one of these materials... more
Supervised by Dr Mary Augusta Brazelton
is an international interdisciplinary academic organization, founded in 1973, that is dedicated to promoting the professional study, criticism, and research of all aspects of Romanian culture and society, particularly concerning the... more
The sixteenth century marks a watershed in the study of the natural world, and animals within it. Never before did so many Europeans devote so much ink to describing animals, their physical characteristics, their utility, and the... more
This Japanese-language paper has appeared in Vol. 21 (2018) of the journal Arīna of Chūbu University as an "inquiry" (ronkō).
(In the body of the document, the English outline can be found.)
(In the body of the document, the English outline can be found.)
«Dans les sociétés européennes à l'époque moderne, le voyage fut tout sauf une activité marginale ou un luxe réservé aux élites» 1 . En marge du Grand Tour, qui a connu une période féconde d'études et de recherches entre les années 1990... more
In the history of psychiatry in Spain, the first half of the nineteenth century has been considered a period of uncritical reception of the theories of Philippe Pinel and Jean Étienne Esquirol. In this article I strive to problematise the... more
the article deals with the multiplicity of relationships between literature and nation. Above all, the Francophone and Germanic cases are examined to explore how literature has played a founding role in the constituition proesses of... more
This article explores the contradictions between speeches on the ideology of racial tolerance, often anchored on a Luso-tropicalist elaboration, on the one hand, and, on the other, the discrimination, the naturalization of hierarchies and... more
In the eighteenth century, intrigue, libertinage and criminality changed the social norms of politeness and education thereby creating nonconformist social behaviours. An explicit, but certainly not unique, manifestation of these new... more
Le 15 mai 1789 commençait la longue pérégrination dans les mines d'Europe qui conduisit six naturalistes napolitains, entre aventures et mésaventures, en Hongrie, en Allemagne, en Transylvanie, en Saxe en passant par l’Irlande, l’Écosse,... more
A presente comunicação se articula com uma pesquisa de mestrado, em estágio inicial, que tem como objeto a coleção do Collegium Romanum sob os cuidados do padre jesuíta Athanasius Kircher, no período entre 1651 a 1680. Propõe a... more
This essay will present a documented Italian history of secrets devised in the late seventeenth century in an ordinary household, then temporarily brought into the world of (supposed) charlatanry and eventually taken on, from the end of... more
Este ensaio traça a evolução paralela, mas não relacionada, de dois conjuntos de reações à história idealista tradicional da ciência em um contexto histórico-mundial. Apesar de os estudiosos que promoveram a abordagem pós-colonial terem... more
Since the discovery of the New World, rival nations of the Spanish crown attempted to take part of the wealth of the Americas. The impressive production of silver from the Cerro Rico de Potosi made of Peru an appealing target not only for... more
Thèse d'histoire soutenue le 10 juin 2015 à Sciences Po, Paris Longtemps en marge des pratiques stratégiques occidentales, la guerre irrégulière fut réintroduite au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale sous l’impulsion de la stratégie... more