Cinema of Yugoslavia
Recent papers in Cinema of Yugoslavia
Jugoslovenski horor i kritika razuma Sedamdesetih godina javlja se novi intelektualni trend-poststrukturalistička saznanja nalaze se na vrhuncu, podstičući relativizaciju marksističkog pogleda na društvo i dovodeći u pitanje autoritet... more
The Contemporary Film Directors series provides concise, well-written introductions to directors from around the world and from every level of the film industry. Its chief
Crni talas: novi jugoslovenski film Sanja Lazarević Radak Blog Pedesetih godina dvadesetog veka filmskom umetnošću Jugoslavije dominirao je sovjetski, propagandistički pristup. Ubrzo su usledile promene na planu političkih... more
Yugoslavya Nedir?
Violated sex : rape, nation and representation of female characters in Yugoslav new film and black wave cinema Reference: Vukovic Vesi.-Violated sex : rape, nation and representation of female characters in Yugoslav new film and black w... more
DVD booklet text for Ante Babaja's Breza.
Okončanjem Drugog svjetskog rata i uspostavljanjem socijalističke vlasti, nosilac većine kulturnih aktivnosti u Zavidovićima postaje Radničko kulturno-umjetničko društvo „Rad“ koje će tu ulogu zadržati do 1956. godine kada se gradi Dom... more
Živojin Pavlović (1933( , Šabac-1997 spada u grupu reditelja »crnog talasa« (Stojanović, Petrović, Žilnik, Makavejev) što je predstavljalo političku oznaku koju je tadašnji režim odredio za » dela koja su »crno« slikala stvarnost pod... more
Hrvatski filmski ljetopis, br. 75, 2013. (5-26) UDK 791(497.1)"192/193"
УДК 791.622(497.)1: 327"1945/1955" Институт за савремену историју, Београд Домаћи трилери у иностраној режији: Обавештајне и саботерске активности против југословенске кинематографије 1945-1955. године Апстракт: Чланак се бави мало... more
The positive reception afforded to many Serbian-produced films in Croatia since the breakup of Yugoslavia seems surprising, given the strained relations between the two states. Such films as Goran Marković's Tito i ja have been viewed as... more
SAŽETAK: Tema vojske važna je za politiku, identitet, dominantnu kulturu te kinematografiju najrazličitijih zemalja, a socijalistička Jugoslavija nije bila nikakvom iznimkom. Filmovi hrvatskog redatelja Dejana Šorka Oficir s ružom i... more
Film i psihoanaliza su bili nezavisni kulturni proizvodi sve do šezdesetih godina dvadesetog veka. U ovom periodu film o Balkanu nije bio predmet interesovanja psihoanalitički usmerenih kritičara. No, interesovanje za stereotipe o njemu... more
УВОД У српском послератном филму приметно је, као и у југословенском филму генерално, слабо присуство историјског "филма епохе". Да се неко бавио српском историјом само преко поратног филма открио би да, поред тзв. НОБ... more
MA Dissertation. School of History of Art, Film and Visual Media, Birkbeck College, University of London, October 2005. Tutor: Prof. Laura Mulvey. Received Distinction. Proofed by author Mar 2021. Examining the dark heart of laughter and... more
This article assesses the Surrealist and avant-garde dimensions of Du san Makavejev's films, concentrating particularly on his 1960s and 1970s features, as well as his amateur short films. My analysis reveals the overt presence of... more
"On Retracing Images: The essays in this collection disclose cultural and political dynamics as they occurred before and in the wake of Yugoslavia's dissolution (1991-92) by analyzing visual data such as film, art, graffiti,... more
Cilj rada je da istraži odnos filmskog stila i reprezentacije nacističkih logora u jugoslovenskom igranom filmu do početka 1990-ih godina. U radu se postavlja teza da je stilsko pomeranje od klasičnog fabularnog stila ka modernizmu... more
The main cultural symptom of " post-socialist " transition is the transition of social imagination – from the one driven by the enthusiastic formation of the new egalitarian society, which is culturalized by the idealisation of labour and... more
Film cultures are all too often colonised in terms of exclusive national ownership, descending into cataloguing exercises which ignore overlapping double occupancy in favour of unique national designations, such as Serbian, Croatian or... more
Small nations, like the nations of the Balkans, often do not have their own history. It is not because they are new or because they are primitive; it is because history was always written for them, whether it would be the victor or a... more
O književno-filmskom "partnerstvu" Babaje i Novaka. Ante Babaja kao predstavnik modernističkog stila uglavnom se, barem u igranom filmu, oslanjao na literarne izvore (Hansa Christiana Andersena, Slavka Kolara, Ante Babaje). No, samo je u... more
Socialism depends on capitalism for its constitution, because reflecting on capitalism is how the very raison of socialism is generated; indeed, socialism may be one of the few positions where capitalism crystallizes as or into... more
Savremeno shvatanje jugoslovenskog i srpskog filma zasniva se na pretpostavci da je takozvani beli talas (1975-1985) nastao kao rezultat konsenzusa između kinematografa i jugoslovenskog političkog vrha. Beli talas se marginalizuje s... more
Në dy dekadat e para të modernizmit socialist, në Kosovë është realizuar një numër shumë i ulët i filmave dhe dokumentarëve, në krahasim me vendet tjera të ish-Jugosllavisë. Nga 2977 prodhime (filma dhe dokumentarë) sa janë realizuar në... more
historiographical toils can open an interesting way to understand the complexity present in history. Simply for this reason we don't pretend to carry out a new global analysis of questions as the rise to power of communism but how the... more
Review of the book Modernizam u hrvatskom igranom filmu by Tomislav Šakić
Abstract: This paper aims to provide an overview and analysis of the film censorship system in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia in the period from the end of the Second World War to the end of liberal tendencies in film art, which occurred... more
A Solin-born Bogdan Žižić who spent his childhood among the excavated finds of the ancient city of Salona was a student of the famous Split Classical High School, a lawyer whose first film was made in 1964 as a documentation of the great... more
This article tackles the relationship between gender and work as screened by classical Yugoslav cinema. It focuses on a string of films produced from 1948 to 1958, set in the context of the reconstruction of the war-ravaged country and... more
In socialism, Yugoslav women became empowered by employment and income, but gender equality stayed rather nominal in the family domain. Such gender inequity is addressed in the works of the Yugoslav novi film/New Film (1961-72) auteurs.... more
Apstrakt: U ovom radu je prikazana pozicija radničke klase u tri filma Živojina Pavlovića: Kad budem mrtav i beo (1967), Zadah tela (1983) i Na putu za Katangu (1987). Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da sagledam navedene filmove iz ugla... more
Talk given at Eberhard Karls Universität, Tübingen, 11 May 2016
Cjelovečernji igrani film Koncert (1954) Branka Belana započinje prizorima tipičnim za ikonografiju ranog socijalizma: bezbrižna i poletna mladež hita u svijetlu budućnost; prenosi koncertni klavir u novi dom kulture te traži nekoga tko... more
What is an experimental documentary film? The histories of documentary film such as Erik Barnouw’s seminal Documentary: a History of the Non-fiction Film (1993) or Betsy A. McLane’s A New History of Documentary Film (2012) generally... more
УДК 791. 633-051:929 Ђорђевић П.(047.53) научни сарадник Институт за савремену историју, Београд Лирски осврт са ироничном дистанцом: интервју са филмским редитељем Младомиром Пуришом Ђорђевићем * Интервју са Младомиром Пуришом Ђорђевићем... more
National and transnational categorisations employed within Post-Yugoslav film studies are marked by inconsistencies and contradictions. Rather than mapping the actual state of film cultures, a priori, absolute labels like Croatian and... more
ABSTRACT Just as the queering of the western cinemas helped us to discern the complexities lurking under the ‘hetero vs. homo’ dichotomy in the western socio-political milieux, similar enquiry into the Eastern European cinemas during... more