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Análisis de la composición de los ciliados en la interfase termoclina y/o oxiclina en lagos cráter de la Cuenca Oriental, Puebla TESIS Que para obtener el título de Bióloga P R E S E N T A: Ma M Co M Co M Ma Ma M Co M Ma M Ma M Co M Co M... more
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      CiliatesECOLOGIA ACUATICA LIMNOLOGIACiliated Protozoa
Perikanan merupakan suatu bidang ilmu yang terus berubah dan berkembang karena ikan merupakan produk utama dari subsektor perikanan yng merupakan salah stu penghasil protein hewani bagi manusia, terutma dalam bentuk lauk pauk yang amat... more
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      ParasitologyFungiFish ParasitesParasitology, Fish Health
Protease function is essential to many biological systems and processes. In parasites, proteases are essential for host tissue degradation, immune evasion, and nutrition acquisition. Helminths (worms) depend on several classes of... more
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      PathogenesisIntestinal ParasitesAnaerobic DigestionParasitic Helminths
This book is about representations of the body in all fields (fine art, medicine, ethnography, racial studies, biology). It is intended for artists, art students, and people interested in theories of art. This is the 2021 revision. Every... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryLiteratureMicroscopy
White Syndrome (WS) and Brown Band Disease (BrB) are important causes of reef coral mortality for which causal agents have not been definitively identified. Here we use culture-independent molecular techniques (DGGE and clone libraries)... more
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      MicrobiologyMarine EcologyToxicologyMarine Protected Areas
The results of author’s investigations and literary data on ciliates of the order Tintinnida observed in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov are summarized in the monograph. Book contains the general characteristic of order, information on... more
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      TaxonomyEcologyDISTRIBUTIONCiliated Protozoa
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Paramecium bursaria is an unicellular organism that lives widely in fresh water environments such as rivers and ponds. Recent studies have suggested that in vivo cellular robotics using the cells of P. bursaria as micro-machines... more
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      BiochemistryMarine BiologyPlant EcologyFire and Emergency Services
Microscopy has revealed tremendous diversity of bacterial and eukaryotic forms. Recent molecular analyses show discordance in estimates of biodiversity between morphological and molecular analyses. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of the... more
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      PhycologySystematics (Taxonomy)Morphological evolutionMolecular Evolution
A study of microfauna, associated with pathological changes in the gills of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was conducted over 2001–2002. Monthly samples of 1+ salmon smolts were taken, protozoan populations were quantified and gill... more
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      Marine BiologyEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyMarine Aquaculture
A study to compare the intensity and prevalence of parasites in the organs of pond cultured fish was carried out at the African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Aluu, Rivers State. A total of 85 Clarias gariepinus samples were examined from 3... more
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      AquacultureWater ResearchFisheries SciencesAquatic Health
Protozoan isolates from the gills of marine-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts were cultured, cloned and 8 dominant isolates were studied in detail. The light and electron-microscopical characters of these isolates were examined,... more
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      Marine BiologyEpidemiologyMarine AquacultureFish Diseases
Colpodella gonderi is the only ectoparasitic flagellate of ciliated protozoa described thus far. This investigation reveals new records of C. gonderi retrieved from soil samples in southern Scotland, UK. Of fourteen ciliates species... more
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      MicrobiologySoilMedical MicrobiologyEcology
The vertical and temporal dynamics of total picoplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates were monitored monthly from May 2002 to April 2003, along with environmental parameters, in Lake Faro, a meromictic coastal basin... more
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      Earth SciencesHydrobiologyTemporal dynamicsPlankton ecology
They are prtozoans and are microscopic, not visible to the naked eyes. We are talking about Balantidium coli. It is a parasitic member of ciliate protozoans and causes a disease known as Balantidiasis. It is the only member of the ciliate... more
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    • Ciliated Protozoa
Samples of Dreissena polymorpha were collected at several sites along the River Shannon navigation in Ireland, to determine the occurrence and distribution of their obligate host-specific commensalistic ciliate, Conchophthirus acuminatus,... more
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      Environmental ScienceAquatic EcologyInvertebrate BiologyFreshwater Biology
Recent advances in molecular technology have revolutionized research on all aspects of the biology of organisms, including ciliates, and created unprecedented opportunities for pursuing a more integrative approach to investigation of... more
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Two new species of astomatous ciliates (Dicontophrya minus n. sp. and Dicontophrya ebebdaensis n. sp.) endocommensal of Glossoscolecidae earthworms pertaining to the genus Alma are described using light-microscopy and a combination of... more
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    • Ciliated Protozoa
Ova knjiga je zamišljena kao pregled savremenih znanja iz opšte protistologije, biološke nauke koja ima za cilj svestrano izučavanje fenotipske i genotipske prirode najstarijih eukariotskih organizama na Zemlji – protista. Knjiga je... more
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      MicrobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyTaxonomy
The vertical and temporal dynamics of total picoplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates were monitored monthly from May 2002 to April 2003, along with environmental parameters, in Lake Faro, a meromictic coastal basin... more
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      Plankton ecologyMeromictic LakesAnoxygenic Photosynthetic BacteriaCiliated Protozoa
Recent advances in molecular technology have revolutionized research on all aspects of the biology of organisms, including ciliates, and created unprecedented opportunities for pursuing a more integrative approach to investigation of... more
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      MicrobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyGeography
Summary. The host specificity is estimated of 28 commensal or parasitic ciliate species referred to as troglo- or stygobites from the classes Suctorea, Heterotrichea and Oligohymenophorea. However, only three suctorians (Spelaeophrya... more
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      EcologyBiospeleologyCave BiologyCiliated Protozoa
Suctorian ciliate Loricophrya bosporica was found at nematode Metachromadoroides remanei whereas peritrich Cothurnia sp. at nematode Spirinia sp. from methane seep of the the Ria Formosa lagoon (Southern Portugal). Consider sediment... more
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      EcologyProtistologyCiliated ProtozoaMethane Seep
The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Metopus yantaiensis n. sp., discovered in coastal soil of northern China, were investigated. It is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following features: nuclear... more
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      SymbiosisProtistologySoil Microbial EcologyCiliates
The present article addresses an overview of different types of extreme habitats in which sessile ciliates were found. Ciliates were found in different extreme habitats (marine deep waters, hypersaline, caves, and subterranean waters).... more
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      EcologyExtremophilesCiliated Protozoa
Ciliate protozoans, particularly representatives of the subclass Peritrichia, are well known to establish epibiotic relationships with an array of aquatic Metazoans, nonetheless, very few studies regard these epibionts on polychaetes. In... more
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      EcologyCiliated ProtozoaEpibiosis
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      TaxonomyProtistologyPhylogenyCiliated Protozoa
To improve understanding of diversity, phylogeny and evolution in tintinnid ciliates, it is essential to link multiple molecular markers with properly identified and documented morphospecies. Accordingly, 54 tintinnid... more
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      Marine BiologyMicrobiologyMicroscopyPhylogenetics
Recent advances in molecular technology have revolutionized research on all aspects of the biology of organisms, including ciliates, and created unprecedented opportunities for pursuing a more integrative approach to investigation of... more
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      MicrobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyGeography
A study to compare the intensity and prevalence of parasites in the organs of pond cultured fish was carried out at the African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Aluu, Rivers State. A total of 85 Clarias gariepinus samples were examined from 3... more
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      ParasitologyAquatic EcologyWater qualityFish Diseases
The present study was carried out to determine the association between distribution of marine tintinnid ciliates and such abiotic factors as water salinity and temperature. As a result, the 80 tintinnid species were classified into six... more
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      EcologyDISTRIBUTIONFactorsCiliated Protozoa
Peritrich ciliates are highly diverse and can be important bacterial grazers in aquatic ecosystems. Morphological identifications of peritrich species and assemblages in the environment are time-consuming and expertise-demanding. In this... more
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      ProtistologyCiliatesCiliated ProtozoaProtistan Ecology
The article is dedicated to re-discovery of ciliates Loricophrya bosporica (Suctorea) and Cothurnia sp. (Peritrichia) found at nematodes from methane seep of the Ria Formosa lagoon (Southern Portugal). Based on authors' data the lagoon... more
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      Marine EcologyProtistologyExtremophilesCiliated Protozoa
A method for ndiol.beling marine bacteria with o-JU-''CJ gt_ IUId • racIiotncer melhod for measuring ingestion .nd met.boIism of bacteri.1 biomass by cili.led protozoa IUId Olher mic:nnoopl. nkton .re pr...nled. Problems associ.led with... more
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      Ciliated Protozoabacterivory
The ciliates of subclass Apostomatia representing a peculiar group symbionting on invertebrates such as crustaceans, mollusks and coelenterates. There are a little finds of these ciliates resulting the group is poorly understood. In this... more
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      ParasitologyCiliated Protozoa
Determining the biomass of microbial plankton is central to the study of fluxes of energy and materials in aquatic ecosystems. This is typically accomplished by applying proper volume-to-carbon conversion factors to group-specific... more
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      LimnologyAquatic Microbial EcologyPlankton ecologyProtists
Here we use culture-independent molecular techniques (DGGE and clone libraries) to characterize ciliate and bacterial communities in these diseases. Bacterial (16S rRNA gene) and ciliate (18S rRNA gene) communities were highly similar... more
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      MicrobiologyEnvironmental microbiologyMarine EcologyToxicology
Colpodella gonderi is the only ectoparasitic flagellate of ciliated protozoa described thus far. This investigation reveals new records of C. gonderi retrieved from soil samples in southern Scotland, UK. Of fourteen ciliates species... more
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      EcologyMutualisms and ParasitismsFlagellated ProtozoansCiliated Protozoa
The article deals with suctorian and apostome ciliate species which are host –specific commensals or parasites of subterranean animals and may be considered as troglobionts. The data on caverni colous suctorians Spelaeophrya troglocaridis... more
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Recent advances in molecular technology have revolutionized research on all aspects of the biology of organisms, including ciliates, and created unprecedented opportunities for pursuing a more integrative approach to investigation of... more
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      MicrobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyTaxonomy
Recent advances in molecular technology have revolutionized research on all aspects of the biology of organisms, including ciliates, and created unprecedented opportunities for pursuing a more integrative approach to investigation of... more
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      MicrobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyTaxonomy
To improve understanding of diversity, phylogeny, and evolution in tintinnid ciliates, it is essential to link multiple molecular markers with properly identified and documented morphospecies. Accordingly, 54 tintinnid... more
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      Marine BiologyProtistologyMarine biodiversityProtists systematics
Nanociliates have been frequently found to be important players in the marine microbial loop, however, little is known about their diversity and distribution in coastal ecosystems. We investigated the molecular diversity and distribution... more
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      Aquatic Microbial EcologyMarine Microbial EcologyProtistologyCiliated Protozoa
Extended abstract: Dependence of generation time (g, hours) on body mass (W, mg wet weight) in ciliated protozoa at 20 oC can be described by power function: g = 150 *W^0.25 (1) Similar type of the relationship can be... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyToxicologyFreshwater BiologyAquatic Microbial Ecology