Recent papers in Cicero
On the History of Political Philosophy is a lively and lucid account of the major political theorists and philosophers of the ancient Greek, Roman, medieval, renaissance, and early modern periods. Topics include discussions concerning... more
Bilingual Latin-Polish edition of Cicero's De oratore.
Sintetica biografia della vita e dell'attività politica di M. Bruto. Capitolo I, tratto da "La fortuna letteraria di Bruto cesaricida fino all'età augustea".
本発表は執筆中の『西洋演技論史序説 歌と踊りのない演劇はなぜ生まれたのか?(仮)』の一部を紹介 するものであり、リアリズム演技論をその原理から問いなおすことを企図している。西洋近代演技論にお いて「自然」という概念は歌や踊りといった音楽性の排除を促す機能を持っていた。「自然な」演技とは、 歌唱的・舞踊的要素を排除した演技のことだった。だが歌や踊りもヒトという生き物にとって「自然な」... more
Pour contribuer écrire à -Per contribuire -Send your information to: [email protected] Les noms des membres de la SIAC sont en gras. -I nomi dei membri della SIAC sono in grassetto. -Names of SIAC members are written with bold... more
Ponencia presentada en VIII Congreso Regional de Historia e Historiografía, realizado en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral en mayo 2019. Publicada en actas de dicho congreso
The paper examines the upsurge of piracy in the last century of the Roman Republic, to underline its impact on politics. Analysing the testimonials about the period after 105 BC, we can appreciate that as well as interfering in the wars... more
Modern accounts of Stoic politics have attributed to Zeno the ideal of an isolated community of sages and to later Stoics such as Seneca a cosmopolitan utopia transcending all traditional States. By returning to the Cynic background to... more
Analisi del rapporto di amicizia e politico fra M. Bruto e Cicerone, in particolare attraverso una puntuale analisi delle opere dell'Arpinate e di come queste veicolarono il mito di Bruto quale tirannicida. Capitolo II, tratto da "La... more
Séminaire Philosophie et Rhétorique dans l'Antiquité,
Programme janvier-mai 2018
Université de Lille-SHS
Organisé par Thomas Bénatouïl et Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic
Programme janvier-mai 2018
Université de Lille-SHS
Organisé par Thomas Bénatouïl et Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic
This paper focuses on the portrait of Miltiades in the sources between 4th cent. B.C. and 1st A.D., thus after Herodotus and before Plutarch and the Second sophistic. After the first paragraph, devoted to an introduction to the issue, the... more
J.Linderski, Review of T.N. Mitchell, Cicero. The Ascending Years (1979), in Classical Journal 77, 1982, 275-177 = Roman Questions (Stuttgart 1995) 287-289 + addenda 654-655. History and histories; history and philosophy; Wilhelm Drumann;... more
In this article I note that in his Pro Milone Cicero tries to depict Milo as one who has Stoic characteristics so as to reinforce his line of defence that his client did not plan the ambush against Clodius, but was acting in self-defence.... more
Cicero's speeches and essays-especially the Verrines-were widely read in France and England during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, when they were used in public debates about the fate of art in wartime. The early... more
Version originale : Geschichte der römischen Literatur von Andronicus bis Boëthius mit Berücksichtigung ihrer Bedeutung für die Neuzeit, München, 1994 (2. Auflage), 1466 p. "Retraçant l'histoire de la littérature latine de l'Antiquité,... more
The article deals with Rhetoric in Antiquity and the Middle Ages from the perspective of eleven philosophers – Plato and Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca and Quintilian, Rhetoric to Herenium (by unknown author), Augustine, Martianus Capella and... more
citation: Zsuzsanna Simonkay, "Friendly Knights and Knightly Friends: Sworn Brotherhood as Amicitia Perfecta in Medieval English Romances," Első Század 14 (2015)/1-2, pp. 101-119 ABSTRACT: In the present paper I demonstrate that... more
"Few people would disagree with Cicero's graceful insight that: 'They seem to take the sun out of the world who take friendship out of life; for we have nothing better from the immortal gods, nothing more pleasant than friendship'. And... more
In spite of their unquestionable elements of idealization, critics have pointed out the importance of De oratore as a source for the study of the Roman aristocracy’s social practices. The analysis of one of the basic resources of... more
In this paper we consider how the influence of the meanings of Greek concept of “ἀρετὴ” on the meanings of Latin concept of “virtus” could cause the arising of such meanings of the concept of “virtual” as “being something in essence,... more
It is commonly held that political society is based on an agreement about justice, especially in terms of a guarantee of individual rights. Cicero suggests that we need to look elsewhere for the origin and strength of the social fabric,... more
À quoi sert la prose ? Quelle est la tâche spécifique qui lui incombe ? Quel pouvoir neuf se donne le langage, quand il se détourne du vers ? Telles sont les questions abordées dans ce volume, à travers certaines des réponses que leur ont... more
These are troubling days for the humanities in America. In response, a recent prolieration of works defending the humanities has emerged. But, taken together, what are these works really saying, and how persuasive do they prove? The... more
Voor mijn bachelorscriptie heb ik onderzoek gedaan naar de filosofische dimensie van Cicero's geschriften, met name door analyse van zijn "De officiis" ("Over de plichten"). Dit is de uiteindelijke literatuurlijst die ik gemaakt hebt.... more
Quo usque tandem ... What made (and still makes) this opening question so eminently effective and memorable? By way of an answer, this paper suggests that (i) it is the double collusion between rhetorical form and content, of which (ii)... more
This paper presents a list and loose taxonomy of arguments for the immortality of the human soul found in Cicero's philosophical works; especially considered is Book 1 of Tusculan Disputations, where immortality of the soul is the main... more
(Philological Quarterly, Summer 2018) This article reads Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar using the framework of classical rhetorical writings of Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, and their Renaissance commentators. Topics include the... more
Che cosa vuole tutto quanto il mio corpo dalla musica in generale? Giacché un'anima non esiste…Sentirsi alleggerito, io penso: come se tutte le funzioni animali dovessero venir accelerate da ritmi leggeri, arditi, sfrenati, sicuri di sé;... more
the reception of an ancient consolatory "sententia" ("sciebem me genuisse mortalem") in the "Vita Gallieni" (17, 1) of "Historia Augusta" (and related textual problems)
Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch von Marcus Tullius Cicero "LAELIUS - DE AMICITIA" - "Über die Freundschaft" für Titus Pomponius Atticus
But concerning friendship, all, to a man, think the same thing: those who have devoted themselves to public life; those who find their joy in science and philosophy; those who manage their own business free from public cares; and,... more