Chuvash Languages
Recent papers in Chuvash Languages
Çuvaşça çokluk eki ve çokluk bildiren kelimeler
Deals with the features of early Turkic varieties in Eastern Europe.
Review of the said work, forthcoming
In this paper, I argue that three morphological (morphosyntactic) features in Udmurt, Komi, Volga Bulgarian and Chuvash show mutual influence between the Proto-Permic and Volga Bulgarian languages in the Volga-Kama area in the late first... more
This is such a tiny revision of the work of giants of the field that it really is hard to tell the difference, not worth discussing among gentlemen really. We propose that possibly this comes from *Won-ogur-dur meaning we would think... more
This is as much as I have managed to more or less (less rather than more) clean up of the perhaps-one-day-to-be-published version of Türkoloji 4.0. I am sweating blood and bullets over this, and do not know when the rest will be ready to... more
Bu çalışmada, kökeni tartışmalı Çuvaş Türkçesi пӗҫӗ pĕśĕ “uyluk; kalça, bacak” sözcüğü için iki yeni etimoloji önerisinde bulunulmuştur. Bunlardan biri, Ermenice poçʻik “kuyrukçuk”, diğeri Orta Türkçe biçäk “baldır” sözcüğüne... more
Çalışma süresince anlayışını ve desteğini hiçbir zaman esirgemeyen, böyle bir çalışmayı yapmam için beni teşvik edip cesaretlendiren tez danışmanım değerli hocam Prof. Dr.
Book review: AGYAGÁSI, K. Chuvash Historical Phonetics, an Areal Linguistic Study, with an Appendix on the Role of Proto-Mari in the History of Chuvash Vocalism, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2019, XII+334 pp. ISBN: 978-3-447-11163-8
This article is in no way a serious scientific study. This is a more comic publication. Its goal is to show the true complexity of the problem of reading the runiform writing monuments from the territory of Eastern Europe, showing based... more
Wilhelm Schott’un 1841 yılındaki keşfiyle Çuvaşçanın Türkçenin bir lehçesi olduğu gerçeği gün yüzüne çıkmıştır. Bu buluşla birlikte Türkoloji çalışmaları Çuvaşça üzerinden farklı bir ivme kazanmış ve Orta çağda Batı Türklüğünün diline... more
Zamir çekiminde birden fazla hâl ekinin üst üste gelerek kullanılması, Türkçenin hem tarihî hem de yaşayan bazı lehçelerinde görülen bir özelliktir. Bu özellik, önceki yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarda çeşitli şekilde adlandırılmıştır. Bu... more
We claim that a series of commonly held beliefs about the Khazars and their languages are based on mistranslations of Hebrew or Arabic, on reading lines of text out of context (as here), arbitrary emendations, arbitrary speculations, and... more
This is a very rough work in progress, again one basically written years ago, where we show that the source for the word at issue has been brutally mistranslated. Those who take the word to be the West Slavic strawa simply make it mean... more
Bu yazı, Emine Yılmaz’ın “Sunuş: Konstantin V. İvanov’u Anıyoruz” (Ed. Emine Yılmaz, Bülent Bayram, Feyzi Ersoy, Çuvaş Edebiyatının Kurucusu Konstantin V. İvanov Kitabı, ss. 2-10, TÜRKSOY) adlı yazısının güncellenmiş biçimidir.
Megjegyzések az első csuvas grammatika keletkezéstörténetéhez
We propose that this is a Turkic compound that literally translates the Greek name and so means 'reaching the salt(y sea)'. We also suggest that Proto-Turkic (which everyone accepts had *ia etc. diphthongs) also had *ua, and that this... more
I offer a possible (I dont feel sure about this but it looks good) etymology of this name as being simple Turkic (of the correct branch, viz. Chuvashic alias Bulgaric, Lir, Shshlir, Uncommon, etc.) for 'little city'. I also repeat what I... more
This Excel file provides a searchable list of Proto-Turkic most stable basic lexicon (as defined in It includes all... more
Agyagási Klára, (2019). Chuvash Historical Phonetics. An areal linguistics study. With an Appendix on the Role of Proto-Mari in the History of Chuvash Vocalism. Turcologica 117. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 333 s.adlı çalışmanın... more
I offer here my renalysis of the Turkic (clearly Bulgaric alias Uncommon alias Shlir Turkic and almost as clearly Danube Bulgar or if not then another blind Greek of the same name) inscription of which the first cogent analysis was by... more
Gerundium, as forms which express the accesorry movements related to the main verb, provide a wide expression ability to Turkish. The mopheme {-mAsĬr} that carries out the negative form relationship to verb in Chuvash, has interesting... more
Vowel harmony is typical for the languages of the Volga–Kama area. As both Turkic and Uralic proto-languages exhibited vowel harmony, we could suggest that the existence of vowel harmony in the area follows from the historical heritage... more
Bu çalışm a Çuvaş yazar Mihail Belov ’un "Asker K arısı" adlı öyküsünün yazıçevrimi, Türkiye Türkçesine çevirisi ve sözlüğünü içermektedir. Öykünün Kiril harfli orijinal metni J. Benzing’in Johannes Gutenberg Üniversitesi, Türkoloji... more
Elinizdeki kitap, bütün ömrünü Çuvaş halkının aydınlanmasına adamış bir Çuvaş eğitimcisi olan İvan Yakovlev’in (1848-1930) yüz yetmişinci doğum yıldönümü anısına hazırlanmış olup Çuvaş dili, edebiyatı ve halkbilimi alanlarında kaleme... more
This is really just a small part of the overall effort to clean up the field of Proto-Bulgarian or Danube Bulgar studies. The key result here is that we can dispense with Vásáry's assumption of a different source for the Hungarian word... more
Vowel harmony is typical for the languages of the Volga–Kama area. As both Turkic and Uralic proto-languages exhibited vowel harmony, we could suggest that the existence of vowel harmony in the area follows from the historical heritage... more
This is more than twenty years old article. All what I say about Altaic there should not be taken seriously.
Overall, it is an attempt to establish vowel correspondences between Chuvash and East Turkic.
Overall, it is an attempt to establish vowel correspondences between Chuvash and East Turkic.
Vásáry (2007) has done at least five crucial jobs: (1) calling attention to the title word and its obviously Turkic (and indeed pretty clearly Danube Bulgar) origin, (2) noting the key problem for this etymology, namely, what could have... more
Handout for talk given at the Sydney Language Festival, September 21, 2019.
I would like to share a two-part article of Malov, published in Russia (1882). The author Evfimii A. Malov was archpriest, professor of the Kazan Theological Academy in the department of “anti-Muslim missionary subjects”, who taught... more
Pierre-Charles Levésque, Grammaire Abrégée de la Langue des Tchouvaches, Journal Asiatique, Tome V (1825), 213-224; 267-276.
Éva Kincses-Nagy was born on 6 June 1955 in Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary). After completing her primary and secondary education, she studied Hungarian Language and Literature, History and Altaic Languages (Turkology) at the József Attila... more