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Kirja-arvio TA:n numerossa 5/2020.
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      Dogmatic theologyChurch of the East theologyNestorianismChurch of the East
وضع نسطور أثناء وجوده بالمنفى رسالة قام فيها بتبرير نفسه ونسبها إلى هيراقليدس الدمشقي، احتراساً من إحراقها. فعرف ايفاغريوس سكولاستيكوس (594–536) بوجودها14. فلم يسلم الكتاب على أصله اليوناني الى أيامنا هذه. بيد ان جاثليق كنيسة المشرق مار... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityChurch of the East theologyNestorianism
This article summarizes the comprehensive archaeological excavations of a medieval settlement located in the Ili River valley in southeastern Kazakhstan, which is partially occupied by the modern village of Usharal, Panfilov district near... more
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      ArchaeologySyriac StudiesCentral AsiaOld Turkic
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      Eastern ChristianityChurch of the East theologyNestorianismChurch of the East
Joseph Hazzaya's Romanian translation by Hieromonk Agapie Corbu. The Introduction represents a very comprehensive and synthetic view on the theology and the age of this great spiritual author, being followed by the translation of ten... more
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      PatristicsSpiritualityMonastic StudiesEastern Christianity
Published also in French in "Istina”, in German in “Heiliger Dienst” (1995) and reprinted in English in “Christian Orient“ (2020)
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      Church of the East theologyEarly Christian LiturgyEucharistic Anaphora
In 1917, Guiseppe Furlani introduced the Syriac world to an otherwise unknown sixth century document composed by Mar 'Īšō'yahb I the Arzōnite, catholicos-patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East from 581 to 595. Furlani provided the... more
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      TheologyLiturgyChurch of the East theologyEast-Syriac Christianity
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      MysticismChristologySyriac StudiesMuslim-Christian Relation
The present study examines the social history of the Graeco-Arabic translation movement from the perspective of the Christian communities that participated in it. Special attention is given to Melkite and Nestorian translators active in... more
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      Middle East StudiesIslamic PhilosophyByzantine StudiesArabic Philosophy
Item ВДсэ-524 in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg is an amulet scroll written in Syriac which was discovered by the Second German Turfan Expedition (1904-1905) and kept afterwards in the Museum of Ethnology (Museum für... more
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      Syriac StudiesFolk ReligionPopular/Folk MagicChurch of the East theology
This article offers a historical analysis of different attitudes toward Nestorius of Constantinople which became "traditional" and which formed opposing tendencies in various branches of Christianity. The main focus of the article is on... more
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      Manuscript StudiesTheodoret of CyrrhusByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
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      Middle East StudiesEarly ChristianityArab Christian StudiesByzantine Studies
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      ChristologySyriac StudiesChurch of the East theology
The “Book of Sessions” (Kitāb al-majālis) of Elias of Nisibis, Metropolitan of the Church of the East (975–1046), with his Muslim vis-à-vis, vizier Abū ʾl-Qāsim al-Maghribī (981–1027), is a remarkable example of the Christian Arabic... more
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      ChristianityArabic LiteratureHistory of ChristianityArabic Language and Linguistics
This essay offers a concise overview of the attempts to develop our understanding of East-Syrian Christianity known as the Church of the East, and of studies concerning its history and theological concepts. Beginning with early contacts... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityChurch of the East theologyNestorian Christianity
Catalogue of all the Syriac texts in the Turfan Collection in Berlin. You can download a PDF directly from the publisher's website:
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      Silk Road StudiesSyriac StudiesOld TurkicSyriac Christianity
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArab Christian Studies
Information on a talk I will be giving March 10, 2022
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      Central Asia (History)Silk RoadSilk Road StudiesSyriac Studies
This paper aims to discuss the philological ‘mechanisms’ used in translating Christian texts into Sogdian. In particular, it focuses on how different Christian theological and ecclesiological vocabularies were translated from Syriac.... more
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      EthnolinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsCentral Asia (History)Church of the East theology
Prezentul volum, ajuns repede după apariţie un titlu clasic în domeniu, cuprinde istoria Bisericii născute în timpurile apostolice la răsărit de Imperiul Roman. Aproape necunoscută în creştinismul apusean, Biserica Siro-Orientală a... more
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      History of ChristianityChurch HistorySyriac StudiesSyria
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      Kurdish StudiesSyriac StudiesSyriac (Languages And Linguistics)Syriac Christianity
The Church of the East, even if it was outside the Byzantine Empire and did not take part in the Christological discussions and controversies there, could not be silent. Our analysis of the Christological statements and professions of... more
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      ChristologySyriac StudiesDogmatic theologySyriac Christianity
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityChurch of the East theologySyriac literature
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      AramaicChurch of the East theologyCyril of AlexandriaNestorianism
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      ChristologyMuslim-Christian RelationMuslim-Christian RelationsChristian-Muslim Dialogue
Table of Contents Foreword Heraclius and Ishōʿyahb II: An Eastern Episode in the ‘Ecumenical’ Project of the Byzantine Emperor The Age of the Caliphate The Epistle on the Unity by a Baghdadi Melkite in a Coptic... more
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      ChristianityArabic LiteratureArmenian StudiesHistory of Christianity
""Inhaltsverzeichnis Miscellanea Orientalia Christiana Von den Herausgebern SYRIACA Yulia Furman Der erste Schöpfungstag und die „ersten Naturen“ in der „Geschichte der zeitlichen Welt“ von Johannes bar Penkaye Evgeny... more
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      Arabic LiteratureAristotleSyrian StudiesPrayer
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      Church of the East theologyCyril of AlexandriaNestorianismTHEOTOKOS
The text is the Introduction to Joseph Hazzaya's writings. It is a very comprehensive and synthetical view on the theology and the age of this great spiritual author.
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      PatristicsSyriac ChristianityChurch of the East theologyEast Syriac monasticism
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      ChristologyIslamic StudiesSufismSyriac Studies
The illustrious Patriarch of the Church of the East in the late 8 th Century, Timothy I, is well-known for his debate on the Christian Faith with the Islamic Caliph of Baghdad, Al Mahdi. His letters have received comparatively little... more
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      Church of the East theologyChaldeanAssyrian church of the east
We should like, with our paper, to highlight another aspect of the Christological controversy that took place immediately after the ‘nestorianization’ of the Church of the East in 612 AD. We mean the controversy of Martyrius-Sahdona and... more
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      DivinationChristologyChurch of the East theologyDeification
This article considers the involvement of the East Syriac churches— Chaldean Catholic and Church of the East—in the modern ecumenical movement, in particular Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako's efforts to further ecumenical... more
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A working draft of a translation for the complete Narsai translation project. This Memra has some interesting pecularities, as discussed in the Introduction.
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      Church of the East theologyChaldeanNarsai
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      HagiographyJewish MysticismEarly ChristianitySyriac Studies
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      ChristianityHistoryMiddle East StudiesHistory of Christianity
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      Ecumenical TheologyChurch of the East theologyEcumenical EcclesiologyNestorianism
The purpose of the present study is to examine echoes of East-Syriac Messalianism -- particularly the teachings of the eighth-century mystic John of Dalyatha -- in Jewish and Muslim heresiography. I shall focus on two testimonies: the... more
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      Jewish StudiesMiddle East StudiesChristian MysticismEarly Christianity
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      BuddhismManuscripts and Early Printed BooksMonastic StudiesByzantine Studies
Following the Islamic conquests of the Middle East, Christians living in Iraq and the surrounding region found themselves under a new socio-political system which was organised around the religious principles of Islam. Falling under... more
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      Arab Christian StudiesArabic-Speaking Orthodox ChristianitySyriac ChristianityChurch of the East theology
Nestorius gilt mit Arius als einer der beiden großen Häretiker oder der Frühgeschichte des Christentums. Er wurde beim Konzil von Ephesus im Jahre 431 verurteilt.
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptChurch of the East theologyEarly Church HistoryCouncil of Ephesus
In the histories of ecumenism, its initial formation is usually dated the early 20th century. The World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910 is referred to as its «symbolic beginning». A quest for the origins of the ecumenical... more
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      ReligionArabic LiteratureArmenian StudiesArabic Language and Linguistics
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      Syriac StudiesChurch of the East theologyJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle AgesHeresiologia
The Church of the East describes an institutional form of Christianity rooted in the Syriac tradition that formed in late antique Persia. Christian communities must have been present in Persia before the rise of the Sasanian Empire... more
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      ChristianityMedieval HistoryMiddle East StudiesPatristics
A short commentary and full translation of Mar Narsai's 13th Memra, titled "On Supplication and Fasting."
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      Syriac StudiesChurch of the East theologyChaldeanAssyrian church of the east
The History of East Syriac Christianity in modern times is not least the history of migration and resettlement. One of the main landmarks of the history of transnational mobility of the East Syriac Christians in modern times was the... more
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      History of ChristianityOrthodox TheologyEastern ChristianityRussian Orthodox Church
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      Aramaic DialectologySyrian StudiesSyriac StudiesSyriac (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Middle East StudiesManuscript StudiesArab Christian StudiesReligious Conversion
CMR entry on a 9th c. (?) Christian apologist writing in Arabic
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      Arab Christian StudiesChristian ApologeticsChurch of the East theologyJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages