Church and Society
Recent papers in Church and Society
Управління культури, національностей, релігій та туризму Хмельницької облдержадміністрації та Державний історико-культурний заповідник «Межибіж» спільно з Хмельницькою обласною організацією Національної спілки краєзнавців України 20... more
This is a presentation of my PhD thesis, with the title: Justice and Righteousness in the Prophecy of Amos and their Relevance to Issues of Contemporary Social Justice in Ghana. It Summarizes the content of the study and its contribution... more
A paper for the Methodist Church
My dissertation is an analytical study of a historical anthropological nature of the special relationship between parish priests and church assistants active in Csongrád in the second half of the 19th century, and the role they played in... more
En este trabajo monográfico estudiaremos la fundación de varias órdenes religiosas en América, con énfasis en la fundación de órdenes religiosas femeninas. Es importante entender cómo el Concilio de Trento influyó en la... more
Field Hospital: The Church’s Engagement with a Wounded World. William T.
Cavanaugh. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016. ISBN: 9780802872975. Pp. viii
+ 268. $24.00 (USD).
Cavanaugh. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016. ISBN: 9780802872975. Pp. viii
+ 268. $24.00 (USD).
Quando il 29 luglio 1529, nella cattedrale di Barcellona, Carlo V e Clemente VII firmarono la pace, che dalla città catalana prese nome, Trivento era uno snodo importante nel piano strategico e delle operazioni militari della Corona... more
Une mÉmoire de pierre : chantiers romans et monumenta palÉochrÉtiens en provence Yann Codou [cepam, Umr 6130, Université de nice-sophia antipolis/cnrs]
A szerző az alsópapság, a laikus templomszolgák és az egyházközeli asszisztencia társadalmi szerepének változásait vizsgálja a 19. század második felében. Hipotézise szerint a csongrádi társadalom átstruktúrálódásával párhuzamosan az... more
It is noteworthy that these women who have been ordained have been very successful and faithful in their ministry. And yet, theologians and ecclesiastical authorities have been finding it hard to accept the ordained ministry of women... more
Recent events in Ukraine have forced post-Soviet evangelicals to address a question they had long avoided: ‘in what way is the gospel not only the source of personal salvation, but also the source of social transformation?’ This lecture... more
Die Krim als Grenze der „Russischen Welt“ // Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 2014, Nor 11-12, Ss. 12-14.
The essay discusses the relationship between the media and the Church. As a rule, until 1989, the media was hostile against the (Orthodox) Church, as well as against being religious, an attitude often passed over the intellectuals. The... more
Fletcher located his ethics between the extremes of legalism and antinomianism. The antinomians have no laws; the legalists have laws for everything. Fletcher’s situationism has only one law, this ethics is neither a lawless relativism,... more
Theology of displaced people and the church. The relationship between the refugees and the Chruch.
Pourquoi les églises sont-elles réticentes par rapport à un engagement politique de leurs pasteurs ? En France, ceci est rare. Pourtant, quand on regarde aux alentours, les exemples abondent Nous examinons quelques règlementations en la... more
This article attempts to be investigating the role Islam played surrounding Reformation. As Reformation occurring in the time when the Ottoman sultanate was at its peak and was invading Europe for the sake of expanding its territory, this... more
This web article provides a narrative description concerning the impact of Global markets on poverty in Tondo, Philippines from a United Methodist perspective. Written in 2009, the article was provided to the EPA Church and Society... more
The Vestry of Madona Dudu Church was an influential and rich entity that played a key role in helping and sustaining war efforts in the First World War struggle. Thanks to the founders, the vestry had a consistent wealth, including... more
The ministry to the transgender community in India is still in its infancy and the Mar Thoma Church through its Navodaya Movement has been making little steps in this direction. This essay employs Kosuke Koyama's deliberations on... more
The essay is focused on the developing interaction between ecclesiastical and civil territory organization from XVI to XIX century. This evolution concerned religious, political and dynastic strategies in the catholic Europe of the period.
Die Orthodoxie und die „Religion des Sieges“ in Russland // Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 2015, Nr 8, Ss. 14-16
In the course of the modern age, antagonism and conflicts between secular and ecclesiastical power reached a degree of intensity that involved some of the most important sectors of social life. This intensity, as well as the complexity of... more
This paper formed one of the presentations at the seminar which evaluated the LWF process: Seeking Conviviality - A New Core Concept for Diakonia. It set out some theological starting points for the consideration of the past work of the... more
As a global Wesleyan-Holiness denomination coming of age in the twentieth century, the Church of the Nazarene has both dramatically confronted and yet largely complied with the emerging hegemony of both federated and nation states,... more
Nei saggi che ha dedicato, a partire dagli anni ottanta del Novecento, al vescovo di Padova Gregorio Barbarigo Liliana Billanovich ha messo a fuoco l'apporto fornito allo stile di governo diocesano di Barbarigo da una prassi di esercizio... more
The following short paper is designed to unfold the following four theses concerning the nexuses of media, religion, mediation, and mediatization: 1. Mediation lies at the core of religion. The dynamics of mediation have always been... more
the sixth ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) will formally begin in Hong Kong. To most of Hong Kong's people, influenced by the mass media, the six-day meeting only means that many activists will come to Hong... more
Nowadays insightful information about the causes, meaning, prevention and management of HIV and AIDS is available. Statistics show new infections especially in areas not penetrated by the church because of different perceptions about... more
This invited session is CTSA's contribution to the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology (INSeCT)'s global research project entitled "A question of gender justice: the role of women in decision-making in different areas... more
Discrimination is one of the most challenging issues that we are faced with in the world today. It impairs human dignity and dehumanizes individuals and particular group of people, violating the order of God’s creation. It has and... more
This paper examines the role of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in shaping Peloponnesian society at the dawn of the 18th century. It explores the intricate relationship between ecclesiastical authority and the evolving social and political... more
If the Christian church seeks to foster truly redemptive change in the world, reflection on its social responsibility, its life and activity is essential. People of integrity, cultivated and supported by a community of faith can serve as... more
The Orthodox Church in Belarus tries to speak out in support of the state and at the same time uphold its own values. It can be effective in upholding its own values only if it participates in public dialogue.
"Не бойся, но говори и не умолчкай." -Деяния 18:09 «В мире будете иметь скорбь; но мужайтесь: Я победил мир. "-Иоан. 16:33 В июне 2000 года митрополит Сурожский Антоний дал большое интервью в Лондоне, отрывки из которого были опубликованы... more