Christianity in China
Most cited papers in Christianity in China
In this article, I put the ‘supply-side model’ advocated by religious economists to an empirical test. The ‘supply-side’ model in some measure already constitutes a move ‘beyond the market’, as it seeks to expand and enlarge the economic... more
During the 1950s, the universal ideology of Chinese Christian churches clashed with the universal ideology of the Maoist party-state. Since Christian churches were autonomous moral communities (ideologically self-contained, with members... more
There has been a growing resurgence of Reformed Christianity in contemporary China, largely focused within China’s urban centers. Based on a case study of a Reformed congregation in Shanghai, and its development of a church membership... more
This article provides a microlevel perspective of the interacting dynamics between religion and the Chinese state, demonstrating how religious leaders and local officials negotiate with each other pragmatically, continually withstanding... more
Ancestors, Virgins, and Friars: Christianity as a Local Religion in Late Imperial China. Harvard Yenching Institute Monograph Series, no. 69. Harvard University Asia Center and Harvard University Press, 2009 Recipient of the 2011 Joseph... more
Cai Renhou, a prominent New Confucian scholar, has challenged the notion that Christianity can affirm that ‘everyone can be Christ’. This article will, however, explore the doctrine of sanctification of Jia Yuming (1880–1964), a Chinese... more
For more than 100 years, China has seen waves of students and scholars heading overseas and studying in the West as well as the concomitant returning waves. This study draws on information obtained from secondhand documents and firsthand... more
China has experienced remarkable religious revivals since the Cultural Revolution. I argue that the revivals rely on religious elites summoning collective memory to restore religion, among other factors. In addition, a micro-level... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
God's Little Daughters examines a set of letters written by Chinese Catholic women from a small village in Manchuria to their French missionary, "Father Lin," or Dominique Maurice Pourquié, who in 1870 had returned to France in poor... more
Un solo Cielo. Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649). Geografia, arte, scienza, religione dall’Europa alla Cina, (One Heaven. Giulio Aleni S.J. (1582-1649). Geography, art, science, religion from Europe to China),
Brescia, Grafo Edizioni, 1994.
Brescia, Grafo Edizioni, 1994.
The missionary as devil: anti-missionary demonology in China, 18601930 his item ws sumitted to voughorough niversity9s snstitutionl epository y theGn uthorF Citation: uvisxD FD PHIRF he missionry s devilX ntiEmissionry deE monology in... more
......In this chapter, the tjc is not just used to illustrate how Pentecostalism has been adapted to local culture. More importantly, this case study also responds to a more general theoretical concern: How can the problem of the... more
In the sixteenth century, Franciscan spiritual literature started to disseminate widely all over the world. There has been much research on how Franciscan literature was transplanted in Latin America, but there is presently little... more
This article explores familial conversion as an accumulative role in the mass conversion of Wenzhou Christians after 1949. The recognized revival of Christianity in Wenzhou by no means precludes recognition of the hidden upsurge of... more
This article aims to critically evaluate the current state of research into the Protestant and Catholic Churches in the Chinese context. It introduces two main academic discourses on Christianity in China; it also mentions some challenges... more This book introduces a simple idea: when we tell a story, we tell a story and at the same time create the world where this story takes place. Narration creates environments, spaces and, in a... more
This paper discusses Aurora College for Women, which was under the management of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Shanghai from 1937 to 1951. It was an American-style university-college like other Sacred Heart colleges in the United... more
W artykule zostaje poruszona kwestia religii tajpingów w oparciu o pracę Johna Scartha z 1860 roku, czyli jeszcze przed klęską odniesioną przez Hong Xiuquana. Jest to specyficzne ujęcie tematu, z tego względu, że autor nie ukrywa się z... more
El objetivo principal de este estudio es examinar el trabajo de los misioneros en la Edad Moderna en el rescate y bautismo de niños chinos. Para ello Manila se convirtió en un puente clave no sólo para los misioneros a seguir su camino a... more
The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) is not just a religious organization, but also a movement for social change and political rights. The church is very active in many different social events, such as charity, education, health... more
As a particular case study of “world Christianity,” this article seeks to develop a Chinese Catholic epistemological foundation for the Church’s theological quest to know God. It is a comparative study of the thought of Neo-Confucian... more
Brill's Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism (BEGP) will provide a comprehensive overview of worldwide Pentecostalism from a range of disciplinary perspectives. It will offer analysis at the level of specific countries and regions,... more
The paper introduces the major developments of the Chinese Rites Controversy (XVII-XVIII centuries), which had a devastating impact on China missionary endeavor. Special attention is given to religious and ideological background of the... more
In this chapter I explore how four African-initiated Pentecostal churches stage a campaign of spiritual warfare in Hong Kong. I foreground the spatial politics of this project at different scales. First, I look closely at how the four... more
This is a study of the Latin translation of the Chinese text of the Xi’an Stele (781) by the Franciscan friar Carlo da Castorano (1673-1755). His “Versio Monumenti seu Lapidis Sinici”, made in Rome in 1741, is a document of greatest... more
Paolo Aranha, "Reduci dalle Indie Orientali: Carlo Horatii da Castorano e Norbert Bar-le-Duca a confronto", in "Antonianum" 91 (2016): 465-477.
During the early twentieth century in China, a number of key economic leaders converted to Christianity. Some of these included sojourners from Australia who returned to establish lucrative business ventures in China. Inherent Chinese... more