Christianity in China
Recent papers in Christianity in China
This is the English original of a published Chinese-language article: Chong Hai lai xin: Yesuhui dangan zhong de wan Qing Zhongguo difangshi 崇海来信 - 耶稣会档案中的晚清中国地方史 (Letters from Chongming and Haimen: Chinese local history in the Jesuit... more
Fr. Matteo Ricci SJ (Li Madou, 利瑪竇 1552-1610) is probably one of the most famous Jesuit pioneers who arrived in China during late Ming dynasty. For this reason, scholars have been studying his writings and his efforts to establish a... more
Poceski, Mario. Introdução às religiões chinesas. Fundação Editora da UNESP, Brazil, 2013.
Music, as a cultural commodity, usually travels early on, and so it was that even as the first important sixteenth century mission was established in China (by Matteo Ricci and Michele Ruggieri, at Zhaoqing in 1583) Western musical... more
Since the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, community members gradually took control of the Catholic community in Jiangnan. After waiting for decades and making great efforts to appeal for bringing back Jesuits to China, finally the... more
This paper discusses Aurora College for Women, which was under the management of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Shanghai from 1937 to 1951. It was an American-style university-college like other Sacred Heart colleges in the United... more
The paper introduces the major developments of the Chinese Rites Controversy (XVII-XVIII centuries), which had a devastating impact on China missionary endeavor. Special attention is given to religious and ideological background of the... more
The study introduces the major developments of the Chinese Rites Controversy (XVII-XVIII centuries), which had a devastating impact on China missionary endeavor. Special attention is given to religious and ideological background of the... more
In 1846 the Vatican assigned responsibility for mission work in Tibet to the Paris-based Missions Étrangères de Paris (MEP). The first MEP missionary visited eastern Tibet in 1847 and established a mission at Bonga (Bang ga) in south... more
移民與海外宣教:真耶穌教會近期的全球拓展 葉先秦(政治大学)、蔡彥仁(政治大学) 摘要:二十世紀中葉後殖民時期全球南方基督教人數的大幅增長,已然轉變過 往對宣教的西方主導以及文化帝國主義認知。這些急速崛起的南方教會,無論 是前殖民時期留下的宗派或者新興的獨立教會,也開始進行海外宣教工作。 1917 年創立於北京的真耶穌教會從 1920 年代以降就已運用海外移民網絡從事 宣教,可謂非西方教會「反向宣教」的先驅。在「國際聯合總會」成立後更是... more
Chapter Two of the book about the controversial missionary to China.
Taiwan has a long, troubled, and complex history, as the island and its people were influenced by many different forces and cultures over the last 400 years. All these different periods also shaped the development of Christianity in... more
1624年,意大利耶稣会士毕方济(Francesco Sambiasi)和士大夫徐光启完成了《灵言蠡勺》(探讨与灵魂有关的东西的谦卑尝试)。本文研究《灵言蠡勺》如何来源于《柯因布拉论灵魂评论》(1598年),同时也解释了在将西方灵魂学说传入中国文化的过程中,神学和哲学的传统划分如何被重新界定。
A popular account of the "Nestorian" Christian Church in Tang Dynasty China (published in "Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, vol. 20.3 (April 2007).
段琦。《奮進的歷程-中國基督教的本色化》。北京:商務印 書館,2004。[DUAN Qi. Fen jin de li cheng: Zhong guo ji du jiao de ben se hua. Beijing: Commercial Press, 2004.] 陳明麗。 〈香港五旬節會的建立與初期發展:以《五旬節真理報》 為參考〉。載陶飛亞、賴品超主編。《基督教與中國社會文 化-第六屆國際青年學者研討會論文集》。桂林:廣西師 範大學出版社,2016。頁... more
The Luminous Way to the East offers a comprehensive survey of the historical, literary, epigraphic, and archaeological sources of the first stage of the Christian mission to China. It explores the complex and multifaceted process of the... more
The Jesuit polymath Athanasius Kircher SJ is among the prominent writers of seventeenth-century Europe, and his China illustrata (1667) was one of the most celebrated and influential works on China of the period. The present essay... more
19世纪中叶,天主教满洲宗座代牧区(Apostolic Vicariate of... more
Meister Eckhart is known for having developed a sophisticated form of inclusivist Christian universalism in the late Middle Ages. This universalism arose from the particular " globalizing " contexts of his times, for which there are real... more
Lansând o viziune interdisciplinară (elemente de istoria culturii și a ideilor, religii comparate, sinologie, teologie comparată, literatură comparată), China harului vă invită la o călătorie în profunzimea universului cultural chinez, în... more
Title of MA Thesis: Captivating God’s Heart: A History of Independent Christianity, Fundamentalism and Gender in Chin Lien Bible Seminary and the Singapore Christian Evangelistic League, 1935-1997 Supervisor: A/Prof Bruce... more
Madame Chiang Kai-shek was one of the most outstanding women of the twentieth century. The wife of Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Republic of China, she exercised immense influence over her husband, the government, and the entire... more
- by Wright Doyle
- Modern Chinese History, United States History, Chinese history (History), Research and writing on Black and Womanist theologies, Black and Womanist spirituality, African American Religion (s( and spirituality, the Catholic Church and racism, issues of Christianity and race, class, and ender, world religions in the US
In: Dietmar W. Winkler – Li Tang (eds.), Hidden Treasures and Intercultural Encounters: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia, LIT, Münster 2009 (Orientalia-patristica-oecumenica 1), pp. 225-239.
Christian missionaries play an important role in the history of the relationship between China and Europe. Their presence in China has been widely explored, but little attention has been paid to the role played by the Bible in their... more
The history of Christianity in China has become a very promising field in recent years. This paper uses the example of a recent study on the history of Catholicism in Manchuria and examines new trends in the study of Christianity in... more
The missionary as devil: anti-missionary demonology in China, 18601930 his item ws sumitted to voughorough niversity9s snstitutionl epository y theGn uthorF Citation: uvisxD FD PHIRF he missionry s devilX ntiEmissionry deE monology in... more
In the sixteenth century, Franciscan spiritual literature started to disseminate widely all over the world. There has been much research on how Franciscan literature was transplanted in Latin America, but there is presently little... more
Ancestors, Virgins, and Friars: Christianity as a Local Religion in Late Imperial China. Harvard Yenching Institute Monograph Series, no. 69. Harvard University Asia Center and Harvard University Press, 2009 Recipient of the 2011 Joseph... more
Title page and table of contents from the volume in which this article appears. Available for purchase from
La Storia delle religioni e la sfida dei pluralismi Atti del Convegno della Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni -Roma, Sapienza, 8-9 aprile 2016 MORCELLIANA © 2017 Editrice Morcelliana Via Gabriele Rosa 71 -25121 Brescia Prima... more