Christian Theatre

19 papers
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Christian Theatre is a genre of performance art that incorporates Christian themes, narratives, and values into theatrical productions. It aims to explore and express faith-based messages, often using biblical stories or moral teachings to engage audiences and promote spiritual reflection.
Little over 400 years ago, Europe saw the outbreak of one of the most extensive, bloody and destructive wars in its entire history, involving all the major European powers. This war¾the so-called Thirty Years' War¾famously began with the... more
With an eye towards Zion Royal Theatre and Free Gift International, this study presents a comparison of operational management techniques in Christian theatrical production. Using a case approach, this study looks at how these companies... more
Culture is a vehicle for communication. Language, symbols and beliefs or religion being intrinsic elements of culture can greatly contribute to the effective communication and understanding of a dramatic message. Samuel Obikoya's "Àìkú"... more
Sequel to the outlaw of theatre from the church in the Medieval era, Christian theatre moved from the church to the trade guilds and even beyond but never ended. In Nigeria, the same cycle had been repeated following the introduction of... more
Effective communication in today's contemporary world is a herculean task as audiences have transitioned beyond the traditional means of accepting information through verbal and non-verbal communication to the level of aesthetic... more
Sequel to the outlaw of theatre from the church in the Medieval era, Christian theatre moved from the church to the trade guilds and even beyond but never ended. In Nigeria, the same cycle had been repeated following the introduction of... more
The wide spread of media-technologies has demanded a change in the modus operandi of human and business operations in the contemporary world. By implication, theatre practice today has gone beyond mere interpretation of the dramatic text... more
Biblical prophets have served a pivotal function in the process of communicating God’s divine messages to others to whom the messages are intended using various methods. Significantly, these prophets have had to live as dramatists who... more
This study investigates the relationship between Old Testament prophecies and their fulfillment in the life, ministry, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Anchored on the theoretical framework of biblical theology, particularly influenced by... more
The proliferation of media technologies has redefined theatre performance in contemporary times. This modification which includes mixed-media and mediatization; interactive media; social media; aesthetic communication and spectacle have... more
Pierwsza wersja w druku: M. Klinger Wystąpienie na 40 – lecie „Gardzienic” w: KONTEKSTY (Polska Sztuka Ludowa t. LXXII) Nr 1-2 /2018 (320-321), Instytut Sztuki PAN Warszawa 2018, s. 298-9. Stawiam znów pytanie o dostępne dziś ślady... more
What a great privilege to volunteer the supervisory editorial role for the packaging of the book, The Margaret Idahosa We know: Reflections on the Man Called Mama @ 80! After the wonderful editorial experience I had, five years ago, in... more
This Book, CHRISTIAN DRAMA AND APPLICATIONS OF BIBLICAL DOCTRINES has dissected the Biblical Doctrines as they apply to the Drama Ministry. The Book paints the pictures of the Christian Drama as a tool derived from the Doctrine of The... more
H «Εξαγωγή» του Εβραίου τραγωδού της ελληνιστικής εποχής, Εζεκιήλου, συνιστά έργο με σημαντικό αντίκτυπο, λόγω του μονοθεϊστικού του θέματος. Με χρονολόγηση προ του 35 π.Χ., φέρει σημαντικές επιρροές από το θέατρο της κλασικής... more
H «Εξαγωγή» του Εβραίου τραγωδού της ελληνιστικής εποχής, Εζεκιήλου, συνιστά έργο με σημαντικό αντίκτυπο, λόγω του μονοθεϊστικού του θέματος. Με χρονολόγηση προ του 35 π.Χ., φέρει σημαντικές επιρροές από το θέατρο της κλασικής... more
Alicja MullerFaculty of Polish Jagiellonian UniversityPoland(Un)spectacular Bodies (Do Not) Go to War Uniforms and DisciplineAbstract: The aim of this article is to present uniforms (or costumes) as masks used by the disciplinary... more
Tekst analizuje manifestacje rzeczywistej i potencjalnej sceniczności w średniowiecznej twórczości dramaturgicznej i kronikarskiej - rozumianej jako przedstawiciel twórczości narracyjnej.
Il manoscritto assisiate 705, detto anche “Illuminati”, è noto per essere l’unico testimone conosciuto del laudario dei Disciplini di Santo Stefano; come laudario è stato molto studiato e recentemente edito . Il repertorio laudistico,... more
przypomnienie 3 rodzajów lit. , cechy dramatu jako rodzaju lit. TRAGEDIA : Wywodzi się z obrzędów rel.-Małe i Wielkie Dionizje (6 dni F 0 E 0 1-obrzędy kultowe, 2-konkursy melorecytacji dytyrambicznych, 3-konkurs komedii, 4,5,6-tragedia;... more
OUTCASTS IN THEATRE The paper provides a brief historical survey of the complex presence of the outcasts in theatre. If offers a series of selected case studies from ancient Greek tragedy (aulete, chorus, Cassandra, Io, Ajax and... more
Preamble: Professor Ediriweera Sarachchandra's play 'Sinhabahu' was staged for the first time at the open air theatre of the Peradeniya University at Peradeniya in Sri Lanka (then known abroad as 'Ceylon') in September 1961. Like his 1956... more
Vesti la giubba... czyli schematy i maski commedii dell'arte w operze werystycznej na przykładzie Pajaców Ruggera Leoncavalla Vesti la giubba, e la faccia infarina. La gente paga, e rider vuole qua. E se Arlecchin t'invola Colombina,... more
Philosophical interpretations of La vida es sueño have long since identified the elements of Platonic epistemology in Calderón’s play, and although some of these elements — such as Segismundo’s alleged spiritual awakening through the... more
Although from the times of Herod and Hesiod, poetry pointed to virtues and values, even in its own specific way, in today's literary and philosophical-ethical theory, however, we can only find a rare debate about this unusual... more