Christian List

9 papers
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Christian List is a philosopher and political scientist known for his work on social choice theory, collective decision-making, and the philosophy of social science. He explores the implications of individual preferences in group contexts and the intersection of normative and empirical approaches in understanding political and social phenomena.
One of the central problems within the free will debate liesin the apparent incompatibility of an agent’s ability to dootherwise and determinism. Recently, compatibilist liber-tarianism was proposed as an actualist position intendedto... more
It is argued that political realists have framed internationalized relations by way of an implicit appeal to what is called the 'agent-exclusion principle.' The agent-exclusion principle holds that in cases where agency is nested, agency... more
This book is an enquiry into the meaning and nature of collective responsibility. It analyses the moral culpability of collective entities implicated in some of the most pressing contemporary ethical issues, including institutional... more
We need an account of corporate agency that is temporally robust. One that will help future people to cope with challenges posed by corporate groups in a range of credible futures. In particular, we need to bequeath moral resources that... more
Amartya Sen has argued the impossibility of the Paretian liberal. While his abstract argument is compelling, the concrete significance of the conclusion is in some doubt. This is because it is not clear how important liberalism in his... more
The present doctoral dissertation aims to offer an indirect defence of the individualist position in the debate concerning collective moral responsibility. As such it swims against the general tide as it were. However, the individualism... more
Great Britain planned the Falklands campaign of 1982 very carefully and went to war intentionally. It aimed to retake the Falklands, and it was successful. British forces were outnumbered and not as well equipped as they could have been.... more
Attributing moral responsibility to an agent requires that the agent is a capable member of a moral community. Capable members of a moral community are often thought of as moral reasoners (or moral persons) and, thus, to attribute moral... more
Christian List and Philip Pettit have recently argued for a performative theory of personhood in which all agents who manage to perform in the space of obligations are taken as persons. Based on this account they claim that group agents... more
This paper argues that republicans have not sufficiently differentiated their conception of liberty from that of classical liberalism. By focusing strictly on Berlinian notions of liberty as non-interference, they have built up their... more
Amartya Sen has argued the impossibility of the Paretian liberal. While his abstract argument is compelling, the concrete significance of the conclusion is in some doubt. This is because it is not clear how important liberalism in his... more
This paper considers the contribution positive political theory has made to the resolution of “Hobbes’ Problem”—the problem of describing the nature of artificial persons, such as states. This problem plays a central role in both... more
Collectives are more or less structured groups of human beings. Responsibility-collectivism is the view that the moral responsibility of at least some such collectives is something over and above the combined moral responsibility of... more
Primarily due to the works of Quentin Skinner and Philip Pettit, the classical doctrine of republicanism has been resurrected in modern political theory. However despite the great and growing attention paid to it by numerous commentators,... more