I would like to express all my gratitude for his kind help to Michael Featherstone. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the anonymous reviewer for her/his useful suggestions and emendations.
La christianisation du monde antique est un thème central d'un point de vue historique (c'est un des grands sujets d'étude de la fin de l'Antiquité gréco-romaine avec la disparition de l'Empire d'Occident et la fin du système civique... more
During the Late Antiquity, monumental inscriptions played an important role in the sacralization and allegorization of ecclesiastical architecture and its liturgical space and furniture. This article assembles and discusses (in greater or... more
En el mes de noviembre de 1975 apareció a pocos kilómetros de la ciudad de Cabra, provincia de Córdoba, una lápida sepulcral de mármol blanco, de extraordinaria monumentalidad. El lugar exacto del hallazgo es un pequeño cerro, situado en... more
El autor presenta diversas inscripciones cristianas encontradas en la localidad de Bonares (Huelva), entre ellas el epígrafe funerario de Vincomalos, obispo de una diócesis desconocida, pero que por la proximidad del lugar del hallazgo... more
The issue at hand is a Greek epitaph inscribed on an early Christian sarcophagus found in St. Elijah’s Church on the island of Lopud off the coast of Dalmatia in the southern Adriatic. We present a description of the monument, a reading,... more
I – Nouvelle étude du septizonium II – Un complexe chrétien inédit. « L'église double » ? Les deux dossiers rassemblés sur des monuments de Cincari près de Tébourba en Tunisie résultent des fouilles entreprises dans les années 1950... more
Inscriptions from the Byzantine period in southern Jordan include a corpus of mainly funerary Christian-Greek and Jewish-Aramaic texts discovered in recent years in the Ghor as-Safi area. Containing more than 456 epitaphs from the An-Naq'... more
The Christian population in Medieval Nubia created numerous manifestations of their faith in various forms from monumental cathedrals to minuscule inscriptions. Among the latter are monograms, cryptograms, and cross-shaped symbols.... more
An editio princeps of new inscriptions in Aramaic/Early Syriac and
Greek from the Cemeteries of Edessa
Greek from the Cemeteries of Edessa
The contribution aims to give a general overview of the early-Christian epigraphic evidence of the island of Cyprus and of its main categories. After a brief introduction to earlier studies and to the Christian tradition on the island,... more
RESUMEN El autor del artículo, tras la revisión de las piedras, reedita-con aparato crítico, traducción española y un extenso comentario-ocho inscripciones cristianas de Císamo en Creta. ABSTRACT «Paleochristian Epigraphy from Ancient... more
Universidad de La Laguna [email protected] RESUMEN El autor del artículo, tras la revisión de la piedra, reedita-con aparato crítico, traducción española y un extenso comentario-un epigrama funerario cristiano de Creta. ABSTRACT «A Greek... more
This article consists of a series of comments, revisions, and new readings of five Latin epigraphic documents dating approximately from the third to the sixth century CE. Four inscriptions come from various areas of Italy (Rome, Ascoli... more
This article consists of a series of comments, revisions, and new readings of three Greek inscriptions coming from different areas of the Roman Empire (Asia Minor, Thessaly, Gaul), and dating approximately from the third to the fifth... more
In this paper are discussed some expressions and formulas that are unique or specific in the Christian epigraphy in provincia Baetica (Hispania), especially in its western part are discussed in this contribution. Some of them are... more
Greek and Coptic from Christian Egypt and Nubia.
In these last years the amount of digital images of inscriptions increased very quickly: we do not need accurate textual descriptions of the so-called anaglypha, because we can directly see them. But we have to build a search-by-image,... more
Second installment of an annual overview of published inscriptions in Greek and Coptic from Christian Egypt and Nubia.
Abstract: The author presents in this paper seven latin unpublished inscriptions, six unchristian and one Christian, from the country of Villamartín (Cádiz), that are conserved in the Museum of Villamartín (Cádiz).
celestial omens within imperial contexts, the role of divination in warfare among kingdoms, the openness and secrecy of ritual and prophecy, subversive and propagandistic depictions of empires and Chaoskampf in Isaiah and Ezekiel, and the... more
Christians inherited the tradition of verse inscriptions, which kept their forms and topics alive. However, they created their own model, easily identifiable, combining tradition and innovation, replacing some elements with others, so... more
The authors offer a recently found carmen epigraphicum from Corduba (provincia Baetica). We present this new verse inscription, particularly interesting for the quality of the poetic text, the unusual onomastics and its singular content,... more
In 1878 the front panel of a Roman sarcophagus was found in the basilica of SS. Maria and Donato in Murano. The artefact, which dates to the 3rd century AD, had first been reused as a grave marker in the early Middle Ages and was later... more
Facendo seguito ai primi due corsi estivi di epigrafia svoltisi nel 2014 e nel 2015, la Società Friulana di Archeologia, in accordo con il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici e del Patrimonio Culturale dell'Università degli Studi di Udine e... more
Sesión IV: Obispo y arquitectura (Occidente) -Comunicaciones L'inquadramento cronologico del nutrito numero di chiese, oratori e monasteri, che popolano città, suburbio e territorio della Sicilia orientale, in particolare della cuspide... more