Christian Epigraphy

340 papers
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Christian Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions and writings related to Christianity, particularly those found on tombstones, monuments, and artifacts. This field examines the historical, cultural, and theological significance of these inscriptions, contributing to the understanding of early Christian communities and their practices.
BIBLID [0213-2052 (2003) 21, 133-137] RESUMEN: Questo articolo analizza alcune epigrafi provenienti da due province romane dell'Africa (Mauretania Caesariensis e Numidia), che presentano la carica di rex sacrorum. Tale sacerdozio,... more
the Department of Cultures and Civilisations of the University of Verona, the Chair of Ancient History of the University of Leipzig, the Chair of Ancient History of the University of Regensburg, the Chair of Ancient History of the... more
The late fifth-and early sixth-century upper Egyptian monastic leader and archimandrite Moses of Abydos penned several letters to the women's community under his leadership. The only extant version of these letters is comprised of six... more
Il 3 marzo di quest'anno, Franco Sarnari avrebbe compiuto 90 anni. Ne ricordiamo la data e la memoria con alcune sue riflessioni, pubblicate nel catalogo della Vallecchi Editore del 1983, curato da Lorenza Trucchi.
by Iulia Iliescu and 
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The paper brings to the foreground a ceramic artefact discovered in 2023 in Histria, in the “Basilica with Crypt” Sector, in a trench located in the vicinity of the Christian monument. The item was discovered in a 6th century AD context... more
Christian Inscriptions from Neoklaudiopolis/Andrapa (Vezirköprü/Samsun İli, Türkiye) Four inscriptions are presented in this contribution: one votive inscription and three funerary inscriptions. The votive inscription (no. 1) and two of... more
The publication of the 11th volume of ICI, edited by Valeria Cipollone, presents a fundamental point in the study of early-Christian epigraphic material from the city of Chiusi, giving a broad picture of evidence relating to the area's... more
Whilst everyone knows where Asia Minor lies, by contrast the term early Christian can be misleading since historians, historians of art, archaeologists, and epigraphists commonly use it to denote a long period. In the broadest sense,... more
The family grave of the Epidii from the 1st century BC found in the ancient landscape of Krestonia (near Platania) with its unpublished Latin funerary inscription lay in the focus of this paper. The inscription, engraved on a relief... more
disciplina delle Chiese, poiché corrispondevano a visioni ecclesiologiche contrastanti. Per un verso la Chiesa veniva raffigurata sul modello di un piccolo ed esclusivo gregge di eletti. Per altro verso si considerava la Chiesa come un... more
Il contributo presenta due inedite epigrafi dal monumento funebre del conte Diego Cavaniglia di età rinascimentale.
The world's first list of all Old Testament quotations with the following features: · Greek UNCIALS typesetted, · Word-for-word matching, while comparing 'apples with apples' and not translations of 2 different languages, ·... more
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, Vol 20, No 2 (1979). ...
14-15 май 2022 година Доклади от студентската конференция в гр. Пловдив Студентски историко-археологически клуб " ‚‚Проф. Велизар Велков при Пловдивски университет ‚‚Паисий Хилендарски" Редакционна колегия Председател: доц. д-р Георги... more
This article attempts to clarify the etymology and origin of the name "Galata", the northern suburb of Constantinople. Firstly, the literary evidence from the 9th century onwards and current hypotheses are discussed. The first publication... more
Revisione di alcune epigrafi rinvenute nell'area subdiale della catacomba di s. Sebastiano, sita lungo la via Appia, edite da Antonio Ferrua nel quinto volume delle Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae septimo saeculo antiquiores. Nova... more
From graphium, or stylus, the scribal instrument commonly used to write on waxed tablets. See I. DI STEFANO MANZELLA, Mestiere di epigrafista: Guida alla schedatura del materiale epigrafico lapideo (Roma, 1987), p. 143.
LES RECHERCHES CANADIENNES DANS LE QUARTIER DE LA "ROTONDE DE L'ODÉON" À CARTHAGE : un ensemble paléochrétien des IV e-V e siècles ou une phase d'occupation et de construction du VIII e siècle ? * BEAUDOIN CARON ET CARL LAVOIE The... more
Tra l'Occidente Iberico e la Sicilia; il ripostiglio di Castelluccio Riassunto Alla fine dedel secolo scorso nei anni settanta nella Sicilia orientale, lungo il corso del fiume Irminio , in località Castelluccio (Ragusa), venne in luce un... more
The production of verse inscriptions in the Roman empire is everywhere characterised by regional patterns and fingerprints. Their diffusion and development along its borders is the object of various new studies, carried out especially in... more
Bu çalışmada konu edilen eserlerin incelenmesi, ilgili Müze Müdürlüğü tarafından 21 Ağustos 2017 tarih ve 62252840-152/791 sayı ile verilen yazılı bir izin sayesinde gerçekleşmiştir. This is the abstract of a lecture. In this... more
This is a progressing chapter of a forthcoming book on female saints that is not published yet, and the author is open for any suggestions, revisions and corrections by e-mail at [email protected] The main goal of our paper is to present... more
This article examines how the names of "church fathers" were compiled into lists from the end of the fourth century to the middle of the sixth century. Although not as common as biblical canon lists, these lists of church fathers attempt... more
The São Domingos Hillfort is a fortified site in the North of Portugal (municipality of Lousada, Porto district) with pre-Roman origins that was also inhabited during the Roman period. In 2022, on its southern hillside, an unusual Roman... more
Museo Correale di Terranova - Sorrento . Nuova sistemazione della raccolta archeologica. In attesa del riordino definitivo con anche i marmi medievali, per un catalogo.
Le ricerche archeologiche su questo territorio svoltesi con il rigoroso metodo scientifico sono iniziate solo nel 1991. Corleone purtroppo gode di una nomea che non sarà facile scrollarsi di dosso: terra di mafia. Ebbene, negli anni... more
Comme pour chaque numéro, nous remercions avec une immense gratitude tous ceux qui par leur investissement gracieux permettent à Ikosim de se perpétuer, les auteurs, les experts et les traductrices, Najat Lahdiri pour l'arabe, Fatma... more
The full text of the Old Testament readings of the Greek-Orthodox Church, from the Middle Ages and (theoretically) to this day have been published in the eight-volume publication Prophetologium by Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae (MMB), in... more
Via da Rostovzev Peter Brown è uno dei grandi storici dei nostri tempi. Ha introdotto nuove prospettive di ricerca sulla tarda antichità che oggi rappresentano un territorio familiare a molti studiosi. Grazie al suo sguardo, alcuni temi... more
The Author presents a brief overview of society, cults, literature and philosophy of the Severan age.

KEYWORDS: Severan dynasty, society, cults, literature, philosophy.
The re-examination of the inscriptions of Gregarius (CIL VI 1706) and Eusebius (CIL VI 1715), together with the Laterculus Polemii Silvii and Notitia dignitatum allows to date to AD 398 the creation of the Italian province Valeria. It... more
and its teaching methods of the European University of Flensburg, and the Chair of Ancient History of the University of Regensburg are organising the eleventh Epigraphic Summer School, from the 19 th to the 25 th of August 2024, for... more
From 2009 until 2013, the microregion around the Byzantine place of pilgrimage (Germia) was the focus of an epigraphic survey. In the course of the project, which was part of a wide-ranging archaeological study of the region, more than... more
La Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana è un periodico annuale destinato ad accogliere la pubblicazione scientifica di studi e ricerche attorno alle testimonianze monumentali del cristianesimo durante la tarda antichità e l'alto medioevo.... more
Fra le sue monografie: Fra biografia e cronografia. Storici cappadoci nell'età dei Costantinidi (2014), Marcello di Side. Gli imperatori adottivi e il potere della medicina (con G. Arena, 2016), Roma e la sua storia. Dalla città... more
In the archaeological excavations of the Balatlar Church in Sinop carried out in the 2017-2019 seasons, a building dating to the late 6th and early 7th century with the help of small finds and floor mosaics, some of which have been... more
In this paper we present the reconstruction of a Roman altar, through the identification of the two fragments into which it is split, upper and lower, preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Jerez and the castle of Gigonza.
The paper deals with the politics of the Severan dynasty about the colony of Ostia. The principal issues are the main new public and religious buildings promoted by the Severan emperors, as the great Round Temple near to the Forum; the... more
Ce texte vise à reprendre et à approfondir le dossier relatif à la brève inscription CIL, X, 4753 de Suessa Aurunca, en Campanie. Le personnage mis en évidence, C. Lieurius Tranquillius Tocius Soimus, est très mal connu. À l'exception de... more
Il volume si inserisce nell’ambito della revisione del corpus delle Inscrip- tiones Christianae Urbis Romae, per il quale sperimenta l’applicazione di alcuni approcci metodologici sistematici all’epigrafia cristiana dell’Area I della... more
The epigraphic practice of Late Antique Britain shows features of a strong break from the customs of the Roman period. The peculiarities that emerge, both in the production of the epigraphic artifact and in the typology of the... more
El articulo revisa la historiografia relacionada con la inscripcion CIL II5/5, 652 (placa de Nativola) y pone al descubierto nuevos elementos que pueden ayudar a esclarecer su origen, su localizacion primigenia, su descubrimiento y los... more