Recent papers in Choreology
In questa nuova lettura anticlassica del magistero di Aurel M. Milloss, danzatore e coreografo ungherese, i cui scritti sono qui per la prima volta raccolti e commentati in una ricca antologia, le competenze tecniche (coreografia) e la... more
Sequenza di diapositive presentate in occasione dei Seminari di primavera in memoria di Febo Guizzi, Università di Torino, 16 marzo 2016. Messe qui a disposizione degli studenti e del pubblico allora presente. Rappresentano... more
Nieprzypadkowy, znaczący jest sam moment, gdy pojawia się podręcznik, gdy sytuacja dojrzewa do propozycji całościowego ujęcia historii dyscypliny. Od dwóch dekad (mniej więcej od połowy lat 90.) polskie zespoły budują coraz bardziej... more
Martha Graham’s Lamentation (1930) is one of her early works. Graham herself and, subsequently, several writers have commented on and discussed Lamentation. The present article intends: firstly, to analyze the “strands of the medium” and... more
Из поредицата интервюта, провеждани в периода 2000-2002 г. във връзка с етнохореоложко проучване. Части от интервюто с Тончо Тончев са включени в книгата “Съставът за народни танци като културно явление в България”, София, Издателство... more
13 - 15 Eylül 2019 tarihleri arasında Ankara Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi akademik ve Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık, Kültür ve Spor Daire Başkanlığı Kültür Sanat Merkezi'nin organizasyonel destekleriyle gerçekleştirilmiş; Blm. Uzm.... more
"«Shakespeare on Pointe Shoes: Dramaturgy of A Midsummer Night's Dream by George Balanchine». [English abstract at the end of the article] A reading of Shakespearean comedy and a technical and dramaturgic analysis of the ballet (La... more
«A Vedic Glance at La Bayadère». [English abstract at the end of the article] The paper analyses a philological reconstruction of the ballet (La Scala Theatre, Milan, 2006) and through a theorical and technical knowledge of Indian... more
The Zeybek dance is one of the symbolic elements of Zeybek Society, which culturally continues its existence in the Aegean region of Turkey. Zeybek dances are performed in most areas, although they have been categorized for each region by... more
Бях на 16, когато за първи път прекрачих прага на репетиционната зала на танцовия състав при Студентския дом на културата в София (днес Академичен фолклорен ансамбъл). Ученичка в гимназия с разширено изучаване на немски език (19 СУ „Елин... more
toMasz noWak the teChnique of Mazurka danCes in the gentry-bourgeois and peasant environMents P oland during the Baroque and Classical eras was one of many European countries in which prototypes of peasant dances were adopted and... more
с о в е т с к и й ж е с т 4.2 Основы лабораторной работы для пластических школ. Тиан Н. Ф.
English version of the chapter Choreology in the booklet coming with the DVD Trentino: danze della traditione edited by Renato Morelli, Neuma 2005
A study of Rudolf Laban's notion of choreosophy in relation to Laban's use of space harmonic models (solids), and the choreological notion of human movement architecture. The essay also touches on a practice-based exploration of Laban's... more
The oberek and the kujawiak are two dances now considered as part of the Polish national dance canon. What they have in common is: triple time, mazurka rhythms, whirling motion and the improvised character of the movement composition.... more
Dans cet article je pose l'hypothèse que l’article d’Alf Ross intitulé « Tû-tû » , hapax dans son œuvre vise à le poser comme chef de file de l'école du réalisme juridique européen. J'envisage sa construction et les fonctions de la fable... more
dossier Teatri del suono, a c. di Enrico Pitozzi
The work National dance in the Polish cultural canon. Sources, genesis, transformations attempts to present the historical panorama of the canon of Polish national dances. The goal of this work is to define the sources and history of the... more
demonstrates that definition for "sword dance" has an ideological connotation, is based on poor analytical instruments and gives rise to ambiguous interpretations. Distinction is made between the blunt swords used by thespadonari, the... more
The most ancient pieces of evidence about dance belong to an extensive corpus of images produced by our ancestors on a variety of objects (shelters, cave walls, rock outcrops, items made in baked clay and metal, pottery), with most... more
How can a dance performance function as a condensed cultural event? Is there such a role in the educational system? Does music “embody” the dancing movement? Nowadays, the art of Terpsichore is being developed through a generous number of... more
The mainstream interest of Polish dance researchers was set out in 1818-1847 by Józef Elsner, Kazimierz Brodziński, Łukasz Gołębiowski and Karol Czerniawski, who characterized broadly some elements of the dances considered as the national... more
Propomos uma reflexão crítica a respeito das possibilidades e desafios epistemológicos identificados no desenvolvimento de um pensamento Arqueocoreológico, através de uma pesquisa transdisciplinar entre os campos da Dança e Arqueologia.... more
L'ultima Settimana della Moda dello scorso febbraio a Milano si è conclusa con il motto «Valorizziamo il Made in Italy», estremizzato da case italianissime come Fendi con il recupero della tradizione nazionale di conceria e pellicceria.... more
The paper introduces the core concepts of Sociochoreology and indicates its goals and possible applications. Presented at the International Leadership Association Conference, ILA Prague, 2009