This paper argues that long-standing problems in the analysis of Chinese, such as the question of word classes and grammatical relations, can be resolved, or actually done away with completely, if we take a constructionist approach in the... more
關鍵詞: 疑問句分類、臺灣客語、徵詢問句、徵訊問句
關鍵詞: 疑問句分類、臺灣客語、徵詢問句、徵訊問句
The position of the reason-asking ‘why’ has been under much discussion for the past few years. Although some have suggested that it is situated within the CP domain, its exact position varies depending on different proposals. Meanwhile, a... more
This study investigates two types of adjunct WHAT merged at peripheral positions in Chinese. The L-WHAT denotes a why-interpretation with an aggressive, prohibitive force. A VP shell construction is adopted to accommodate the L-WHAT. The... more
This is an overview of the history of Sino-Tibetan clause patterns.
En el horizonte de una investigación acerca de las solidaridades entre las artes del lenguaje (lengua, poética, escritura) y maneras de concebir lo real o habitar un mundo, el seminario interrogará el legado filosófico-literario de China... more
This volume collects papers presenting corpus-based research on Chinese language and linguistics, from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective. The contributions cover different fields of linguistics, including syntax and... more
Medieval Chinese Syntax " Medieval Chinese Syntax " aims to provide a rough sketch of the development of function words and syntactic structures during the Chinese Medieval period, including Early Medieval Chinese (c. 0-700 CE) and Late... more
Abstract: [Verbal phrasemes and grammatical metaphor in Spanish and Chinese]. This paper analyzes the phrasemes with a verbal function from a contrastive point of view between two typologically opposed languages, in search of... more
This paper argues that long-standing problems in the analysis of Chinese, such as the question of word classes and grammatical relations, can be resolved, or actually done away with completely, if we take a constructionist approach in the... more
This volume collects papers presenting corpus-based research on Chinese language and linguistics, from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective. The contributions cover different fields of linguistics, including syntax and... more
It has been intriguing to linguists that Chinese languages or dialects have a head-initial VP and yet a head-final NP. This property is typologically marked (Dryer 1992), defying an elegant and straightforward account based on processing... more
While forms of left dislocation and topicalization serve topic management functions, the status and function of right dislocation are less clear. Various studies have treated it as afterthought, a repair device, a focus marking... more
Abstract This paper aims to explain the development of the copula function of wei 为and to show that wei in the “wei V” construction is a copula during pre-Han times, rather than a passive marker. Therefore, in essence, the “wei V”... more
A short introduction to the current structure and functions of the DCMT, as well as its use in research and pedagogical contexts.
Semantics of Chinese Questions: An Interface Approach is the first major study of Chinese questions, especially wh-questions, within the framework of Alternative Semantics. It takes an interface approach to study the syntax, semantics and... more
This paper has made two claims pertaining to the derivation of Mandarin Chinese directed motion constructions, herein referred to as Directional Complexes (DCs). It is first shown that a distributional ‘locative object restriction’ exists... more
This thesis aims to explore the adjectival modification in Mandarin Chinese numeral classifier constructions. The distributions and restrictions of adjectival modification are examined and explained in terms of formal syntactic and... more
漢語構詞法分析的提出可上溯至19世紀末的《馬氏文通》,該書雖首創「駢列」、「加字」、「前加」等概念,但有關的構詞法論述乃散見於各章中,對有關問題尚未有充分的重視及探討。直至20世紀初,黎錦熙在《國語講壇》中將「複字名詞」分為「合成的」、「並行的」、「聯屬的」、「對待的」、「叠用的」、「帶語尾的」六類,可以視為漢語構詞法研究之始。上世紀中葉開始,由於受到結構主義語言學的影響,複合詞的結構問題漸受語法學家的重視,並多運用句子成分的分析方法討論構詞,例如高名凱在《漢語語法論》明確提... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from ‘how-many’ phrases it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
poster presented in
The 9th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics
September 25th - 26th 2014
The 9th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics
September 25th - 26th 2014
In this study, we propose a syntactic structure for Chinese Causative Resultative V-Vs (CR V-Vs), which are also known as “resultative verb compounds”, in the attempt to account for the semantic ambiguity phenomenon observed in some... more
EACL-11 11th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-11) Date: September 25 – 27, 2020 Location: Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic Conference website:... more
first draws attention to the fact that, in Chinese in situ wh-questions, certain whphrase cannot be embedded within a strong island domain. For example, (1a) illustrates a regular in situ wh-question in Chinese. The wh-adjunct weishenme... more
As one of the most studied syntactic phenomena in modern Mandarin Chinese, the Ba construction has received continuous attention in Chinese syntax literature while its complex properties have excluded a clear analysis. Recently, the Ba... more
In Chengdu Chinese, degree intensifiers for APs/VPs are attested to pair with three different types of sentence-final particles (SFPs), i.e., the FinP-level, the FocP-level and the ExclP-level SFPs, which function to complete a sentence,... more
In Chengdu Chinese, degree intensifiers for APs/VPs are attested to pair with three different types of sentence-final particles (SFPs), i.e., the FinP-level, the FocP-level and the ExclP-level SFPs, which function to complete a sentence,... more
The Chinese Causative Resultative V-V, also referred to as "resultative verb compound", is a construction that expresses caused-result meanings. A prominent feature of this construction exists in its word order: the cause-denoting V and... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from “how-many” phrases, it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
poster presented in
2nd Asian and European Linguistics Conference
2nd Asian and European Linguistics Conference
In Chengdu Chinese, degree intensifiers for APs/VPs are attested to pair with three different types of sentence-final particles (SFPs), i.e., the FinP-level, the FocP-level and the ExclP-level SFPs, which function to complete a sentence,... more
We argue that the contrastive dislocation to the low peripheral position in Mandarin Chinese does not target phrase markers, like TopicP or FocusP, contra recent proposals that attempt to extend the cartographic theory to the low IP-area.... more
While the sentence-initial position in Chinese is generally related to givenness/definiteness, instances of informationally new or indefinite sentence-initial NPs may be found in language in use. This paper systematically explores the... more