In this paper, I argue that A refers to Iº in Mandarin A-not-A questions, which can either be a modal, an aspect marker, a raised verb, a verb with aspect suffixation, or a preposition. I also argue t hat the forma tion of A-not-A... more
This study attempts to account for the argument-adjunct asymmetry of Sluicing in Mandarin Chinese. Such an asymmetry is empirically demonstrated by a language-particular phenomenon, so-called shi-support, which is also the last resort... more
On Argument-Adjunct Asymmetry of Sluicing in Mandarin Chinese* Li-Chi Lee Chen Graduate Institute of Linguistics National Tsing Hua ... and (2): (1) a. Zhangsan xihuan shei (wh-argument) Zhangsan like who 'WhodoesZhangsanlike?'... more
The present paper attempts (1) to clarify some of the problems involved in current theories of discourse analysis, and (2) to re-interpret the concept of '' paragraph '' as a necessary prerequisite for an inquiry into certain functional... more
The journal is being made more researcher-friendly with every issue. Every paper is Turnitin-run, eradicating the ever present fear of plagiarism. Moreover, since the journal puts its premium on research, you will find neatly defined... more
As a variant of Copy Deletion (CD), partial/scattered deletion (Fanselow and Ćavar 2002, et seq.) has been adopted to handle different discontinuous phrasal constituents in both nominal and verbal domains (e.g., left branch extraction, as... more
This paper is discussing the subject in the disposal construction of Taiwanese Hailu Hakka. We concluded that the subject in this construction is needed to have the higher transitivity than Mandarin Chinese.
The present study is mainly concerned with the nature of the demonstrative shì 是 as the historical source of the copula shì. Tracing the development of shì in bronze inscriptions from the 11th to 3rd centuries bce and comparing the... more
This is a follow-up study on the nature of shí as a demonstrative in the light of new evidence from the recently published Anhui University, or Anda, Shi jing manuscript. In this paper, the author summarizes all the evidence that led to... more
This article is concerned with the problem of argument-function mismatch observed in the (apparent) subject-object inversion in Chinese consumption verbs, e.g., chi 'eat' and he 'drink', and accommodation verbs, e.g., zhu 'live' and shui... more
This paper provides an analysis of the Cantonese post-verbal particle can1. We argue that can1 is a resultative particle encoding the meaning of ‘a small degree’. It is only compatible with (i) verbs that entail a specific resulted state... more
In Chinese linguistics, there has been a long-term interest in the many uses of 有 yǒu. However, a number of these studies limit the functions of 有 yǒu only to a particular period (i.e. the Archaic or Modern period). Moreover, explanations... more
We argue that the contrastive dislocation to the low peripheral position in Mandarin Chinese does not target phrase markers, like TopicP or FocusP, contra recent proposals that attempt to extend the cartographic theory to the low IP-area.... more
Several functions have been proposed for the colloquial discourse particle like. This paper examines possible evidence for like as a focus marker. While this hypothesis seems plausible, it has been posited with insufficient definition or... more
Aoun & Li (1993) discuss an interesting phenomenon—the association between focus particles and interrogative wh-phrases (F-WH association, henceforth) in Mandarin. Specifically, it refers to the phenomenon that in a wh-question, a focus... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from “how-many” phrases, it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
'why 1 did John say t 1 that no one read that book?'. This is irrelevant for our discussion since the Intervention Effect is at stake for (18a) only when the NPI scopes over the LF-trace of way. Note also that (18a) lacks the reading... more
(E. Butler). 1 Laycock (1969, fn. 36) contrasts the term 'ludling', introducing it with the more general term 'play-language', which he finds "too broad". For him, a ludling involves a "systematic deformation of ordinary language". As... more
Chinese has been widely recognised as a classic example of a numeral-licensing classifier language, where the presence of a classifier is obligatory for overt quantification of nouns. This paper presents new data from Mandarin and Hong... more
Corpus-Based Research on Chinese Language and Linguistics, 7-16 of English-Chinese parallel corpora, translational Chinese corpora, Chinese dialects databases and corpora of ethnic languages in China. The great advantage of corpora lies... more
This paper compares the two postverbal elements in Cantonese:-faan1 and-haa5. In previous research, some scholars believe that-faan1 is a tone-softener (or Downtoner), and the derivation is based on the usage of positive evaluative... more
Please contact BLS regarding any further use of this work. BLS retains copyright for both print and screen forms of the publication. BLS may be contacted via The Annual Proceedings of the Berkeley... more
This article is concerned with the problem of argument-function mismatch observed in the (apparent) subject-object inversion in Chinese consumption verbs, e.g.,
Kayne (2022) has proposed that the asymmetry of syntax be built into the fundamental operation of Merge itself. This squib reviews some of his proposals and supporting evidence. Departing from Kayne, this squib hypothesized that the... more
We argue that functional categories, on a par with silent nouns (Kayne 2005), may exist in silent/unpronounced forms in syntax. Based on modifiers in the nominal domains, we provide a diagnostic for such silent projections. Our hypothesis... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from “how-many” phrases, it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
Amennyiben az-m rag nem jelentkezik, fokváltakozás utalhat hajdani meglétére. Pl. d'ed'i 'apát', vö. d'esi 'apa'.
A ngar és ngal ige bizonyos esetekben úgy viselkedik, mintha intranzitív-tranzitív igepárok lennének. Munkámban összefoglaltam az igék előfordulásait, kiemelten az összetett igék esetében.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Arizona, 1996. Includes bibliographical references. Photocopy. s
The Results of the Research Chapters 2 through 4 presented the underlying theories and assumptions that this research is based on, and Chap. 5 described the methodology used. This chapter now presents the results relating to six... more
Cantonese linguists have said that Cantonese sentence-final particles (SFPs) express the same kinds of meanings that are expressed by intonation in languages such as English, yet apparently no study has ever systematically attempted to... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Shi and lian . . . dou/ye can both be used as focus constructions in Mandarin Chinese. The current paper aims to investigate the shi and lian . . . dou/ye construc- tions within the framework of Syntactic Cartography. The two... more
1. Introduction The relegation of syntactic variation to lexical features under the Minimalist Program has led to a growing awareness that syntactic change should be characterized in the same way: by changes in the discrete features of... more
Ebben a tanulmányban az (1) példához hasonló, a nem mintha szerkezet szervezte diskurzusokat elemzem. (1) Nem unatkozom mostanában. Nem mintha bármikor is szoktam volna, de az elmúlt időszakban megsokszorozódtak a tennivalóim.... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from “how-many” phrases, it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
This paper revisits intervention effects in Mandarin Chinesewhy-questions. I present new data showing that the ability for quantifiers to induce intervention hinges upon their monotonicity and their ability to be interpreted as topics. I... more
Taking effect immediately following Tunisia’s independence, Arabization has achieved mixed results with Arabic institutionally empowered but still competing with French. In fact, when examining the linguistic landscape, this monolingual... more
The Mandarin quantificational adverb dou 都 is well-known for its versatility: it occurs in a wide variety of constructions, and has a wide range of s emantic and pragmatic contributions to the meaning of the clause it occurs in, ranging... more
Sao in Modern Vietnamese is primarily interpreted as either how or why. We argue it is first and foremost a what-element. Sao's omnipresence in adverbial formatives is attributable to the tendency for how and why to be... more
Chinese language arts: The role of language and linguistic devices in literary and artistic expressions. In Chu-Ren Huang, Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, and Barbara Meisterernst (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Applied Chinese Linguistics. (pp.... more
The primary purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of verbal clause and topicalization in Siladang Language. This study is based on the theoretical framework of language typology in regard with the difference between... more
Based on the caused eventuality, causation can be subdivided into the causation of activity and causation of change of state. By analyzing how causatives are expressed in European Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese, this study shows that... more
In Chengdu Chinese, degree intensifiers for APs/VPs are attested to pair with three different types of sentence-final particles (SFPs), i.e., the FinP-level, the FocP-level and the ExclP-level SFPs, which function to complete a sentence,... more