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China's stunning growth rates have corresponded with the rise of "state capitalism." Since the mid-2000s, China's political economy has stabilized around a model where most sectors are marketized and increasingly integrated with the... more
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      Institutional EconomicsInstitutional TheoryChinese PoliticsChina Political Economy
Review: "Liu Yang’s catalogue for the terracotta warriors…is an outstanding contribution to the literature on the tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi as well as a beautifully illustrated record of the seminal objects from the Terracotta Warriors... more
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      Ancient HistoryChinese StudiesChinese ArtChinese Politics
These works of art by her are presented here to illustrate my research paper:
‘Soft Power: Chinese Women Artists & the Female Body’
软实力: 中国女艺术家和女身体
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      Chinese StudiesChinese ArtChinaChinese Politics
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      Visual propagandaChinese ReligionsPropagandaChinese Politics
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      Chinese StudiesChinese PoliticsAntigone
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      ProtestChinese PoliticsContemporary ChinaContentious Politics
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      International RelationsFilm StudiesChinese StudiesIntermediality
Asya’nın yükselen iki önemli ekonomik gücü Hindistan ile Çin arasında 15 Haziran Galwan Vadisindeki çatışmada 20 Hindistan askeri hayatını kaybetmesiyle gerilim yükselmişti. Sonrasında Çin Dışişleri Bakanı Wang Yi ile Hindistan Ulusal... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisIndian studiesChinaChinese Politics
Essay on Mao Zedong, on the 40th anniversary of his death.
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      Chinese StudiesChinaChinese PoliticsChinese history (History)
This is a commentary on the book, "Embedded Courts" by Kwai Ng and Xin He (my commentary is the first piece).
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      Chinese LawChinese StudiesLaw and SocietySocio-legal studies
... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic SociologyMedia Sociology
This paper discusses Chinese think tank following the attention by the Xi Jinping administration since 2012.
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisChinese StudiesSinology
Dokonując analizy Szanghajskiej Organizacji Współpracy (SOW) w aspekcie jej regionalnego i ponadregionalnego znaczenia politycznego i gospodarczego, niezbędne jest naświetlenie zmian na scenie politycznej, jakie stały się genezą powołania... more
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      Chinese PoliticsShanghai Cooperation Organisation
Les médias officiels chinois sont contraints par les réseaux sociaux à s’adapter et à jouer un jeu concurrentiel auquel ils ne sont pas habitués. Amenés par de nouvelles règles du jeu à descendre dans une arène qui n’est pas la leur, ils... more
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      Media StudiesChinese StudiesDigital MediaChinese Art
Nakaoki : Ueber die Bestandteile von Trifolium repens, L. (Untersuchungen uber. die Glucoside der Flavonreihe von weissen Bluten III.) [Aus der pharm. Fachschue zu Toyama] (Eingegangen am 27. Sept. 1933). Aus der Blute von Trifolium... more
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      GeographyIndian studiesPakistanChina
These works of art by her are presented here to illustrate my research paper:
‘Soft Power: Chinese Women Artists & the Female Body’
软实力: 中国女艺术家和女身体
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      Chinese ArtChinaChinese Politics
The Eighteenth Party Congress' Third Plenary Session's Decision maps out the country's plan for cultural and media development. There is nothing on the surface that suggests a radical departure from the tight control the Chinese... more
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      ChinaChinese PoliticsChina studiesContemporary China
It is easy to dismiss the value of any written rules laid down by the Party because the latter seems to suffer little from cognitive dissonance when ignoring or violating them just for the sake of expediency. So, if the Party itself does... more
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      Comparative PoliticsChinaChinese PoliticsChina studies
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      Media StudiesChinese PoliticsTelevision PolicyChinese Media Studies
Beginning in the early 1950s there were tens of thousands of ethnic Chinese who chose to ‘return’ to the People’s Republic of China (prc). Until fairly recently, little attention has been given to the approximately 600,000 ethnic Chinese... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyAnthropology
These works of art by her are presented here to illustrate my research paper:
‘Soft Power: Chinese Women Artists & the Female Body’
软实力: 中国女艺术家和女身体
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      Chinese StudiesChinese ArtChinaChinese Politics
Religious groups can reinforce, complement, or undermine authoritarian domination. This article investigates whether high-status Protestant churches act as democratising civil society organisations by gathering hundreds of Protestants... more
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      Chinese ReligionsProtestantismChinaChinese Politics
In 2001, in response to an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agreement with China regarding conduct in the South China Sea, Odgaard (2001) optimistically described the cooperation as the beginning of a "new order". Odgaard... more
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      BusinessReligionHistoryMilitary History
This chapter examines the relationship between migration and economic security, focusing on the political, economic, and social factors inducing CHinese people's migration to the Russian Far East and on Russian reactions to their... more
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      MigrationChinese PoliticsSino-Russian RelationsRussian Far East
I have deliberately translated the contents table without reference to Jun Wenren's "Ancient Chinese encyclopedia of technology : translation and annotation of the kaogong ji (the artificers' record)" nor to Brian Vivier's compilation... more
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      Chinese PoliticsEarly ChinaChinese history (History)
There is a wide consensus that the modern concept of race originated in Europe, and, by the same token, that in modern times this continent and its overseas offshoots had seen more than their fair share of extreme forms of racism. It is... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnic StudiesJapanese StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
Обзорная статья о развитии систему административно-территориального устройства в КНР
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      ChinaChinese PoliticsChina studiesContemporary China
Offers detailed review and criticism of Su Li's book published by Princeton UP in 2018.
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      Chinese PoliticsEarly ChinaHistory of ChinaChinese Legal History
These works of art by her are presented here to illustrate my research paper:
‘Soft Power: Chinese Women Artists & the Female Body’
软实力: 中国女艺术家和女身体
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      Chinese ArtChinaChinese Politics
In 2016, Little Pink has emerged as the label for a new wave of female-led cyber-nationalism in China. While increasingly popularized in media and online discourses, little is known about the evolution of this label and its significance... more
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      Digital MediaNationalismPolitical communicationChinese Politics
C onfucianistes, bouddhistes, taoïstes, musulmans, évangéliques protestants, Église catholique, Falun Gong… Les religions investissent une Chine que l'on aurait pu croire sécularisée par des décennies de communisme. Cette vie religieuse... more
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      Sociology of ReligionChinese ReligionsChinese PoliticsContemporary China
These works of art by her are presented here to illustrate my research paper:
‘Soft Power: Chinese Women Artists & the Female Body’
软实力: 中国女艺术家和女身体
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      Chinese ArtChinaChinese Politics
¿ Hubo democracia en China? Frecuentemente se dice que la democracia es algo exclusivo de Occidente y que no existió nada semejante en China.Sin embargo, si consultamos con detalle los textos del Periodo de Los Reinos Combatientes,... more
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      Ancient HistoryChinese StudiesPolitical ScienceChinese Politics
From the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, debates about its origin became substantially ideologised. The main ideological competition comprises the opposition of the two poles, the West understood in the collective sense, and... more
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    • Chinese Politics
These works of art by her are presented here to illustrate my research paper:
‘Soft Power: Chinese Women Artists & the Female Body’
软实力: 中国女艺术家和女身体
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      Chinese StudiesChinese ArtChinaChinese Politics
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsPolitical EconomySubnational Politics
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      JournalismModern Chinese HistoryChinese PoliticsTiananmen
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      Visual propagandaChinese StudiesSinologyPropaganda
Based on eight in-depth interviews, this article analyses the quandary faced by liberal mainland Chinese student migrants in Hong Kong. On the one hand, the liberal pro-democracy movements in Hong Kong are deeply intertwined with the rise... more
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      LiberalismEast Asian StudiesChinese PoliticsHong Kong
Contested Memories in Chinese and Japanese Foreign Policy explores the relationship between the construction and the contestation of collective memories and the process of elaboration of foreign policy in the cases of China and Japan. The... more
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      Social TheoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryChinese Studies
These works of art by her are presented here to illustrate my research paper:
‘Soft Power: Chinese Women Artists & the Female Body’
软实力: 中国女艺术家和女身体
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      Chinese ArtChinaChinese Politics
This study seeks to identify and test a mechanism through which the Internet influences public support in an authoritarian environment in which alternative information is strictly censored by the state. Through online discussions, web... more
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      Media StudiesChinese PoliticsThe InternetPolitical Support
As Irene Eber writes in her foreword to this book, "This is a ground-breaking work". She is right, for it is indeed a work of utmost importance-and for many different reasons. First of all, it is a work that explores and introduces a... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese PoliticsChinese history (History)
Russian-Chinese relations have at least 400-year history. Although there were rises and falls in the bilateral relations during this period, Russian-Chinese relations hardly ever ceased to be an important factor of the foreign policy of... more
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      International RelationsChinese StudiesHistory of International RelationsChinese Politics
Comparison of the novel 1984 and today's world. The article clears up the similarity of 1984 and today's  factual situation. Especially the similarity between China and 1984.
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      Chinese Politics1984 George Orwell
Dall'incontro della Cina imperiale con l’Occidente nel XIX secolo, il volume effettua un percorso – che giunge fino ai nostri giorni – attraverso temi cruciali come identità e nazionalismo, Stato e governo, partito e organizzazione,... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureChinese PoliticsChinese Culture
Doomsday predictions on China and on Xi’s future, must be made with caution. Projections that Xi faces ingrained resistance from intra-party factionalism, or is locked in a battle for control, and that his apparent failures in handling... more
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      International RelationsChinaChinese PoliticsChina studies
Introduction and Table of Content
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      Chinese PoliticsChinese Communist PartyBulgarian Literature and Culture 20th Century; Post communism
Le récit des crimes du 7 janvier 2015 comme leur motif le plus évident - les caricatures du prophète Mahomet - ont fait le tour du monde, nourrissant des réactions et des interprétations multiples et divergentes malgré l’unanimisme des... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)MulticulturalismFrench StudiesTerrorism
These works of art by her are presented here to illustrate my research paper:
‘Soft Power: Chinese Women Artists & the Female Body’
软实力: 中国女艺术家和女身体
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      Chinese ArtChinaChinese Politics