Chinese Culture
Recent papers in Chinese Culture
This is a Chinese book that introduces and reflects on Chinese family culture and morality.... more
Öz Birçok dinin tarih boyunca ortaya çıktığı coğrafi bölgelerde kabullenilmesinde zorluk yaşanılmıştır. İslamiyet de bu dinlerden biri olmuş ve ilk vahyin geldiği Mekke topraklarında belli sayıdaki insanların dışında kabul görmemiştir.... more
The concept of interfirm adaptation is a critical component in the IMP (industrial marketing and purchasing) paradigm. The existing wisdom points to the “five metaphors” (investment, decision making, political process, learning, and... more
It is an undeniable fact that China has basically succeeded in controlling the spread of the epidemic in China in the first half of 2020. Behind this success there may be several reasons, among which the cultural factors have certainly... more
is a prolific writer who has handled varied themes in her novels. Most of her novels bring out the culture, tradition and custom of Chinese culture. Grandparenthood is a subject of minor importance in the works of many authors. Gaan has... more
Écouter, WuYuan » , premier album de ce projet signé par le musicien Li Chao, c'est se plonger dans une expérience unique et singulière, c'est écouter les histoires de fantôme prendre vie, se laisser happer par une forme sombre et... more
Ph.D. thesis about philosophy of culture and gender issues, from Lisbon University, Faculty of Arts, in 2005.
Leonesi, Barbara, Wang Qianru, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 3, Il Capitello, Torino, 2018. ISBN: 9788842690627. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each... more
The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is one of the two most important festivals in the lunar calendar (the other being the Spring Festival). Dating back over 3,000 years to China's Zhou dynasty (1066-221 BC), the... more
Dall'incontro della Cina imperiale con l’Occidente nel XIX secolo, il volume effettua un percorso – che giunge fino ai nostri giorni – attraverso temi cruciali come identità e nazionalismo, Stato e governo, partito e organizzazione,... more
Review of "Chinese Characteristics" by Arthur H. Smith (1894). The American missionary who lived in China for 52 years described 26 "characterisics" of the Chinese people, drawn from observations of family and village life. This is a... more
Nossas atitudes e crenças precisam mudar
In a mere quarter century, Mainland China has grown into a hotspot of international self-help. Though the self-help industry has a centuries-long tradition in the Anglo-American realm, this particular, commercial type of life advice is... more
The most comprehensive guide produced to date. The result of over five years of intensive research presents for the first time a true understanding of what has to be the most complex and probably the largest silver category ever... more
This preface by the guest editors provides a situated overview of the purpose, structure and methodologies of the contributing articles on Chinese animations in this special issue. Aiming to reconfigure Chinese film studies through... more
Systemization of apparently pre-existing elements of traditional Chinese wedding ceremony is generally credited to scholars of the Warring States period (402-221 BCE). Three venerable texts, The Book of Rites, The Book of Etiquette and... more
This study shows that in order to develop their social media advertising strategies and obtain optimal results, global luxury brands that wish to enter the Chinese market, must consider a number of Chinese cultural peculiarities. Several... more
As a result of China's growing participation and importance in the process of internationalization and globalization a continuously rising number of Chinese students has gone abroad for further study. By the end of the last decade the... more
La maternidad es un fenómeno universal, sin embargo, la experiencia de las mujeres se diversifica dependiendo de la sociedad a la que pertenezcan y del lugar que ocupen en ésta, el tipo de sistema familiar que prevalece, el valor de los... more
Chinese painting has a long history and excellent tradition. Through thousands of years, it has developed its own style, its own techniques, and a complete system of art which expresses the aesthetics of the nation. Through its unique... more
Hu Shi, being praised as “the Father of Chinese Renaissance”, always juxtaposes the Chinese New Culture Movement and the European Renaissance. Scholars thus tend to review this analogy from the perspective of comparative history,... more
Leonesi, Barbara, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Wang Qianru, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 1, Il Capitello, Torino, 2016. ISBN: 9788842690405. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each... more
Discourse of early and middle Ch’an and its prajñāpāramitā predecessors state prajñā, or wisdom, is derived from dialectic investigation of phenomenon. This investigation, referred to as śūnyatā, is principally deconstructive. Following... more
Leonesi, Barbara, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Wang Qianru, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 2, Il Capitello, Torino, 2017. ISBN: 97888426906010. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each... more
DO NOT RE-PRINT WITHOUT PERMISSION. This paper is designed to show the theoretical formulation on the left column, and demonstrate this formulation by cultural narratives on the right column. This is a pre-presentation draft for Asian... more
Page 1. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series VII, Seminars: Culture and Values, Volume 26 Communication across Cultures: tke Hermeneutics of Cultures and Religions in a Global Age edited by Chibue^ e C ...
The classical poetry of Yu Dafu (郁达夫) remains important to historians and critics seeking to come to terms with the modernization of China, the events of World War II, and subsequent developments. While some critics are interested in how... more
Chinese restaurant adalah restoran khusus yang menyajikan makanan khas dan sistem pelayanan makanan nya sesuai dengan budaya Negara China.
Reseña de la tesis doctoral La fraseología en chino y en español: caracterización y clasificación de las unidades fraseológicas y simbología de los zoónimos un estudio contrastivo (Wu Fan 2014) (”对博士论文《汉语与西班牙语的习语研究:习语的特点和分类,动物的文化象征对比》的评论)
This volume contains 81 carefully selected Chinese poems arranged in chronological order, from antiquity (c.2000 BCE) to the modern time (1972), though most of them are from the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, since these... more
Resumen: Sueño en el Pabellón Rojo, uno de los cuatro clásicos de la literatura china, cuenta con traducciones a más de 17 lenguas entre ellas la lengua hispana. En este trabajo se defiende como la biculturalidad del traductor Zhao... more
“The brave and reverent front general (狀穆前將軍)”, “Demon-subduing emperor across the three realms (三界伏魔大帝)”, and the fabled “Lord of beautiful beards (美髯公)”. These are but a few of the many titles attributed to Three Kingdoms legend Guan Yu... more
This paper discusses about the Chinese family system in Malaysia. The authors interviewed four respondents and discussed the main elements that play important roles in the Chinese community in Malaysia.
开斋节对大部分印度尼西亚人来说是一个很重要的节日。因为每个人有“叶落归根”的精神,为和家人一起庆祝开斋节,所以家庭的委员将要安排一个特定的时间回家。和印尼人相同,为庆祝春节,大部分中国人也会从很远的地方回到家乡。 两者在庆祝这两个节日的时候,他们会有相同的方式,就是... more