Chinese Cinema
Recent papers in Chinese Cinema
"Even though I am poor and I have AIDS, I am happy. Each day brings hope." Ximei Ximei, a documentary filmed in China over a seven-year period by Andy Cohen and Gaylen Ross, follows the HIV-positive titular protagonist and plain-spoken... more
Justo después de saber que había conseguido su tercer Oscar por Amarcord (1973), un periodista le pidió a Federico Fellini que diera un consejo a los jóvenes cine-astas. La respuesta del director italiano empezaba así: "Que hablen de sí... more
Global Cinema Networks investigates the evolving aesthetic forms, technological and industrial conditions, and social impacts of cinema in the twenty-first century. The collection’s esteemed contributors excavate sites of global... more
Chapter 7, "Disowning Shakespeare and China," delineates the theoretical and political consequences of disowning “Shakespeare” and “China” in the present time. Part of the question of consequence necessarily remains open-ended, as... more
This chapter attempts to understand the projection of stardom on a national and transnational level in the context of Taiwan and Hong Kong cinema. By studying Brigitte Lin, Rawnsley addresses four questions: (1) how is Lin’s star image... more
This article uses Sino-Soviet film festival diplomacy to show how anticolonialism played a crucial role in the cinematic Cold War. First, it analyzes the Sino-Soviet cinematic cooperation at the Asian Film Week in Beijing in 1957 and the... more
Španac Galen Boka kineskoj publici prikazuje prvi film 11. avgusta 1896. godine u Šangaju. Godinu dana kasnije, u Kinu dolazi jedan Amerikanac koji snima Čajdžinicu, film koji je bio senzacija među Kinezima. Pošto nisu imali reč za ovu... more
打着环保意识这个旗号,《美人鱼》讲述了一个多层次的寓言故事。然而,作为一部商业爱情电影,《美人鱼》是否有效而明确地传达环境保护的意识?电影是如何透过人鱼族比喻现实世界中濒危的海洋生物?我们如何在近年生态电影批评(eco-film criticism)这个学科的框架内审视《美人鱼》的环保、生态理念?... more
This paper argues that the current notion of ‘essay film’ is a western construct and questions whether it is a useful term to understand experiments in personal nonfiction cinema in non-western cultures. Essay film can be translated as... more
The Symptomatics of the Wenyi Film in Contemporary China QUARTERLY REVIEW OF FILM AND VIDEO Haomin Gong "If I love you, what business is it of yours?" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's well-known line from Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship... more
Se il cinema orientale inizia a farsi conoscere in Occidente già a partire dai primi anni Cinquanta - per merito dei film di Kurosawa e Mizoguchi, della tardiva scoperta di Ozu e dell'avvento, nel decennio successivo, della Nouvelle Vague... more
Literary translation is a love affair. Depending on the context, it could be love at first sight or hot pursuits of a lover’s elusive nodding approval. In other instances it could be unrequited love, and still others a test of devotion... more
Exclusion Act (1882-1943) was in effect, her strategy of sustaining her professional life and film career for two decades was through ocean-crossing-pursuing roles in the United Kingdom, the Weimar Republic, and Australia, then returning... more
Chinese Films in Focus II, ed. Chris Berry (BFI/Palgrave MacMillan, 2008)
This study is about the development of the Chinese movie industry through the economic and political opening of the country, from 1979 to 2015. It analyzes, in the first place, the demographic changes, as well as the economic and... more
Taking a close look at Zhao Liang's 2015 documentary Behemoth, this article argues that the film employs the aesthetic of slow cinema and combines it with Marxist critique in order to generate an ecological awareness that pushes the... more
Excerpt: "In an August 1995 issue of the American entertainment news magazine Variety, Todd McCarthy published an article titled 'Eng’s Lost Pix, a Chinese Puzzle,' mentioning Esther Eng for the first time in recent memory. Despite the... more
This introduction to the special issue, ‘Engagement, Witnessing and Activism: Independent Chinese Documentary Filmmakers’ Different Positions, Approaches and Aesthetics,’ argues that how the political is registered and expressed in... more
This study discusses the differences between Chinese youth film and American teen film through the perspective on cultural foundation. The authors argue that Confucianism is an alternative that greatly affects the depiction of young... more
Xie Jin’s film Hibiscus Town (Furong Zhen; 1986) tells a story whose message was welcome to audiences in the 1980s: the Cultural Revolution is over, now “to get rich is glorious.” Based on a popular novel by Gu Hua, the plot is relatively... more
In March 2010, MoMA dedicated a retrospective to Jia Zhangke, l'enfant terrible of contemporary Chinese cinema. (1) Considering his relatively young age (40) and the relatively short span of his filmmaking career (15 years), it was a... more
In contemporary Sino-French cinema, father characters who are dead, long lost or geographically distant leave gaping holes in the lives of the offspring left behind. The absent fathers in Sino-French films by Taiwanese auteurs Cheng... more
This is Chapter 7 of Lingzheng Wang ed. Chinese Women's Cinema: Transnational Contexts, published by Columbia University Press in 2012. This chapter focuses on four female directors of China's "Fifth Generation": Peng Xiaolian, Li... more
This article begins by asking why colour has ignited only limited interest in the field of Chinese film studies, and it uses the critical reception of China's first colour film -Fei Mu's Shengsi hen/Remorse at Death (1948) -as a condensed... more
History of Chinese Cinema, in Portuguese.
Audience reception has been an important area of research in literary, cinema, media, and performance studies in the West. The audience as a whole has become an influential force in the global cultural sphere today, as audience... more
This article studies several shots of large-scale natural disasters (flood, typhoon, volcanic eruption, and so on) that punctuate Dragonfly Eyes (2017), Chinese artist Xu Bing’s first foray into cinematic production which stitched and... more
Through an analysis of popular combat films and television shows, this article argues that there has been a transformation in the representation of the hero-soldier in both China and Japan. Using theories of masculinity and nationalism,... more
In the Wu Xia film Hero (Yimou, 2002), Jet Li's character Nameless ponders mid-combat the connection between the martial arts and music, stating that both wrestle with 'complex chords and rare melodies'. There have been various... more
This preface by the guest editors provides a situated overview of the purpose, structure and methodologies of the contributing articles on Chinese animations in this special issue. Aiming to reconfigure Chinese film studies through... more
‘My’ Self on Camera is the first book to explore first person narrative documentary in China’s post-Mao era. Since the emergence of the individual as an ever more important social figure in China, this mode of independent filmmaking and... more
When Wendi Deng (邓文迪 ), from China magically fell into the pan-national world of international business and married the media billionaire Rupert Murdoch, (who had abandoned Australia for the same stateless realm of five star hotels), at... more
Zhang Zhen has recently brought Jane M. Gaines’ notion of “political mimesis” to bear on a young lineage of Chinese activist documentaries. This article considers the appropriateness of political mimesis as a critical tool for... more