National University of Singapore
序 蔣三石 「谷神」一名的援引,除了因為石上水墨是以谿谷中石為桌,以及對老子第六章的思考,同時,也是 我一直秉持「萬物有靈」的態度:認為在自然中的存在, 與我是共振交感的共在關係。 作品從 2021 初見端倪、2022 始見雛形、2023 出現聯屏到 2024 聚焦任運,實為一個創作風格自然演變的過程。雖 然還是在蘭溪畫、也還是在畫蘭溪,但是,當曾瞥見那只可意會的神妙之後,筆下的表達就不會再一... more
L'article présente l'exploitation -dans le cadre d'une problématique de géographie sociale -de la méthode dite « idéale-typique » initiée par Max Weber. Les recherches ont porté sur l'analyse de la diffusion socio-spatiale des pratiques... more
This paper in on the aesthetics of West Lake, which is located in Hangzhou, China. It is forthcoming in “Research on Marxist Aesthetics,” edited by Wang Jie, who is Qiushi Distinguished Professor and Yangtze River Scholar at the College... more
Guan's (2024) main body is the thought of "aesthetic conceptions" in ancient China. This idea has been defined for a long time. It is one of the most important categories that constitutes Chinese classical aesthetics and it is also one of... more
Architectural and aesthetic features of traditional Chinese architecture have been quite often demarcated by the influence of three branches of Chinese philosophical thought—Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. However, in this short paper... more
Architectural and aesthetic features of traditional Chinese architecture have been quite often demarcated by the influence of three branches of Chinese philosophical thought—Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. However, in this short paper... more
In the Chinese cultural context, music is deeply intertwined with the human heart and plays a central role in both healing and governance. Guqin, an ancient Chinese zither, exemplifies holistic care throughout history, embodying... more
Estudio de la recepción de la estética del jardín chino por parte de la estética inglesa ilustrada. Se sostendrá que dicha recepción estuvo mediada por los debates internos del momento entre estética y teoría política en el contexto... more
With/out and Use/Uselessness in Chinese Aesthetics Workshop with Fabian Heubel. Respondent Marita Tatari 7th-9th October 2024, 15:00-18:00 University of Patras, University Campus, Rio, Greece Building II, Philosophy Seminar by Fabian... more
This paper explores the relationship between Chinese photography and traditional landscape painting, emphasizing their shared theoretical and technical foundations. Early Chinese photographers, such as Lai Afong (黎芳; c. 1838 or 1839 –... more
This issue of Technoetic Arts encompasses eight articles by artists and scholars from around the globe who engage with methodologies of art practice within research that reflects on technological and ecological change, contributing to the... more
This article explores how the English language has (partially) accommodated the culture of Chinese calligraphy since the twentieth century. The notion of cultural translation is used and substantiated as the theoretical and explanative... more
Chinese calligraphy, which distinctively represents traditional Chinese culture, contains many culture-specific aesthetic terms that pose a translation challenge requiring creative cross-cultural strategies. This study presents several... more
One of the best known painters of the 20th century, Qi Baishi came from a poor family and owed his education to scholars who had recognized his talent and determination. This article tries to answer the question of how much of the... more
Ignaz Sichelbarth (Chinese name Ai Qimeng), a missionary and court painter in Peking, arrived there in 1745 to assist G. Castiglione and J-D. Attiret. Sichelbarth continued Castiglione’s mode, and despite a lesser artistic capability,... more
Bi (2023) primarily examines Gary Snyder's poems through the lens of Chinese culture, aiming to highlight the ideological depth that connects his work with Chinese cultural influences. Deeply influenced by Zen thought, Snyder's creation... more
In this presentation, I will try to outline an aesthetics of resistance inspired by Jī Kāng and his writings. It is an aesthetics of resistance that responds to painful, or even traumatic experiences by way of aesthetic cultivation in and... more
Bifaji 筆法記 by Jing Hao 荊浩 (ca. 855–915) is one of the most critical writings on painting in the Chinese art tradition. It reflects the shifting artistic trends of the late Tang and Five Dynasties periods from portraits to landscapes and... more
The ravine (gǔ 谷) in Lǎozǐ 6 is an image in which the hard stone of rocks or mountain cliffs and the soft water flowing through them belong together. It is connected to the “female”. But the ravine as a paradoxical image goes beyond the... more
Where are the modernizers who believe in a Daoist approach to aesthetic cultivation, in Lǎozǐ’s education to softness and weakness? Where are the modernizers who know about the hard but are able to preserve the soft (知剛守柔)? Where are the... more
Critical terms in Chinese poetics pose difficulties to those who expect clear definitions and scopes of reference since many such words are not "properly" defined in their first appearances. To make matters worse, they gain new meanings... more
Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism is a welcome addition to the growing number of studies in the field that readdress long-held assumptions about the "essential" nature of Buddhism, and its relation to Chinese culture. The book's... more
Jing Hao’s Bifa Ji (Notes on Brushwork) applies the principle of qiyun (氣韻 rhythmic vitality) to the painting of natural scenery. The usefulness of this text about shanshui (山水) aesthetics for contemporary artists and designers is an open... more
In the framework of “three kinds of forms”, the main expressions of “metaphysical form”, in Tao Te Ching, focus on two pairs of concepts: Tao and Te, Wu and You. The final purpose of “form” based on these concepts is “actionless... more
The questions that interest me can be summarized thus: In what way do we benefit from speaking of things indirectly? How does such a distancing allow us better to discover-and describe-people and objects? How does distancing produce an... more
This workshop will explore the transdisciplinary and transcultural potential of breath and atmosphere for aesthetic theory and practice. Breath and atmosphere are the English terms through which we seek to connect with the meanings of... more
'i and the East-West Center hosted the 11th East-West Philosophers' Conference at the end of May, 2016. More that 300 philosophers from over 40 countries committed a week of philosophical discourse to the protean theme of the conference,... more
This paper is a literature review and exploration of early Human Rights in Eastern Cultures, focusing specifically on the philosophy of Confucianism. It includes an historical overview of Confucian China and development of Human Rights in... more
Over the past eight years, we have jointly taught a series of courses comparing Chinese and European political philosophy. These courses have convinced us that teaching comparative political philosophy is a way of doing two eminently... more
Perspektiven auf die Guqin Musik - 古琴雅集 Di. 13.02.24 Lilia's Grüner Salon in Kreuzberg/Mitte "Die Guqin古琴 (chinesische Griffbrettzither) nimmt eine besondere Stellung in der chinesischen Musik ein. Schon früh mit der Bildungselite... more
This chapter belongs to a collection of contributions, Language and Emotion. Volume 3, edited by Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altarriba, Bee Chin Ng. It elucidates the diverse intellectual background in China, introduces... more
Shakespeare identifies a paradox here in Othello that both St. Paul and early Chinese philosophers also recognize: namely, that the presence of "honor," or virtue, may be hidden, or veiled. This essay is an exposition of Paul's account of... more
The postponement of equality is not only a recurring topic in Jacques Rancière's writings, but also the most defining feature of modern Chinese aesthetics. Particularly in the period after 1980's, when the country opened its doors to... more
Enseñanza y transmisión 9. Religión, chamanismo e inmortalidad en el Zhuāng zǐ 9.1. Misticismo y prácticas meditativas 10. Estética, arte, poesía en el Zhuāng zǐ 11. El juego, el humor y la amistad en el Zhuāng zǐ 12. Comparativas 12.1.... more
A review of the English language academic literature on East Asian business ethical practices reveals an inordinate focus on Confucian values. This paper argues that present day business value systems in East Asia are rooted in a much... more
ABSTRACT. Confucian Values and the Revival of Confucius’ Thought in Contemporary China. The article deals with the Confucian values in the context of Confucian revival in contemporary China, on the one hand, and with Confucian thought... more
In ancient Chinese culture, landscape constituted a fundamental element in religious, literary and artistic expressions. This contribution is intended as an imperfect and concise attempt to trace the “guidelines” – influenced above all by... more
The article explores some of the important features of pre-Qin Chinese rhetoric and challenges it poses to traditional Western rhetoric, with the former being seen as harmonic or self-effacing for its purpose and paradoxical for its... more