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China's stunning growth rates have corresponded with the rise of "state capitalism." Since the mid-2000s, China's political economy has stabilized around a model where most sectors are marketized and increasingly integrated with the... more
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      Institutional EconomicsInstitutional TheoryChinese PoliticsChina Political Economy
When a billion Chinese jump, the earth definitely shakes. Despite the huge potential for Chinese investment in UK infrastructure, many challenges still persist, none more so than a negative perception of Chinese investment, in... more
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      Modern Chinese HistoryChina Overseas InvestmentsChina's foreign policyChinese Society
This data article shows that most of the rail and road projects in which the Chinese are involved in Central Asia are implemented within the territories of individual countries and thus are still poorly linked with each other. However,... more
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      Road TransportCentral Asian StudiesRail Transport and InfrastructureChina
The "Länderbericht China" (Country Report China) is a flagship publication on contemporary China in German language. Funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education the report includes 27 articles written by distinguished scholars. The... more
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      China studiesChina Political Economy
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      ChinaChina studiesChina Political Economy
Property price in China skyrockted in a past few years, particularly housing and real estate. As the data shown at data analysis. According reliable sources, it caused by there is no tax obligations for non-income property. It attracts... more
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      FinanceTaxationForeign Direct InvestmentInternational Finance
Perspectives on Chinese Business and Law contributes to the debate and understanding on China by offering insights and perspectives from both Chinese and European scholars on themes related to business and economic affairs. The current... more
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      ChinaDoing Business in ChinaChina Overseas InvestmentsChina Law
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      International DevelopmentInternational Political EconomyChina Political Economy
Los estudios sobre China son una actividad que sobrepasa a este mismo país, ya que las grandes migraciones de chinos a diferentes rincones del orbe, principalmente desde del siglo XIX con el declive de la Dinastía Qing, han hecho que la... more
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      Chinese StudiesCuban StudiesChinese Language and CultureCosta Rica
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate change policyEnvironmental Management
China’s next five year plan, the thirteenth, will run from 2016-2020 (The Economist 2015). Now that China has become the world’s second largest economy, the implications of its five-year plans could have tremendous impact on economies... more
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      ChinaChina studiesChina's Economic & Rural DevelopmenrChina Political Economy
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesCensorshipForeign Policy Analysis
In order to survive from capitalization and liberalization, China reforms the economic system. China economic is growing rapidly after being reformed. Since 2009-2014, GDP of China achieved the growth percentage more than 9%. It attracts... more
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      FinanceForeign Direct InvestmentRisk ManagementChina
China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) is one of the largest projects ever undertaken. The proposed chain of roads, ports, fiber optic cables, and pipelines was designed to increase economic activity from China to South and Southeast Asia,... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyEducationCambodia
China has become the second largest economy in the world in a historically unprecedented space of time. Subsequently, China has begun to exert a form of geoeconomic influence that is changing the way we think about both the nature of... more
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      GeopoliticsChina's foreign policyGrand StrategyChina Political Economy
Has the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched by China in 2013, changed the perception of China among local actors in Central Asia? There are numerous internal problems and contradictions among the Central Asian countries and the... more
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      Central Asian StudiesChinaChina studiesCentral Asia
China's African investment has skyrocketed in recent years, moving from $7 billion in 2008 to $26 billion in 2013. In 2015, President Xi Jinping promised African states $60 billion in loans, aid, and export credit (knowledge.wharton 2016... more
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      ChinaChina studiesChina Political EconomyChinese Economy
A study of China's modernisation is arguably the most important research project that Sinologists could embark on in close collaboration with China oriented scientists from various quarters ready and willing to co-operate with each other.... more
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      Modern HistoryAsian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryChinese Studies
Many economists believe that a country’s trade balance has an impact on the general health of the economy, including currency value, budget deficit, Gross domestic product (GDP), employment, Trade Volume (TV), Foreign direct Investment... more
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      MacroeconomicsInternational TradeChinaSino-US Relations
Since the dawn of the 20th century, the average life expectancy has increased nearly everywhere in the world. In the US, for example, the average life expectancy has gone from 45 to roughly 77. In China, the average life expectancy was... more
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      EconomicsMacroeconomicsPolitical EconomyChina
Resumo: O trabalho busca mostrar importância do branding na evolução comercial da China Continental através da crescente mudança de perspectiva sobre o produto chinês. Com esse objetivo, será discutida a relevância de políticas sociais... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinaChina Going GlobalModern Chinese History
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      Information SystemsTelecommunications EngineeringPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
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      Environmental SustainabilityEnvironmental PollutionRare MetalsChina Political Economy
中国是东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)最大的贸易伙伴。 过去十年来,中国与东盟的贸易额增长了三倍多。 中国也是各个东盟成员国前五大贸易伙伴之一。中国是东盟最大的FDI合作伙伴之一 一些中国FDI项目包括:2015年,上海汽车工业公司与美国通用汽车公司和中国武陵汽车公司的合资企业(JV)开始在印度尼西亚兴建汽车厂。 北京汽车国际合作在马来西亚设厂。中通橡胶在泰国芭堤雅开了一家轮胎厂。中国企业能源基础设施项目 -... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyChinaASEAN
The US and China stand on the brink of a trade war, with each side raising tariffs against each other’s imports. President Trump sees the levying of import tariffs as a mechanism for addressing a number of US business concerns regarding... more
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      ChinaUs-China RelationsChina Political EconomyTrade Disputes Between US and China
Foreigners look at China’s tremendous population and see economic opportunity. Over the years, countless individuals and companies have tried to make their fortune in China, and most have failed. Starbucks would be one example of a... more
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      ChinaDoing Business in ChinaChina studiesChina Political Economy
China is now producing close to 7 million university graduates per year. At the same time, the economic growth is slowing down. According to an ABC News 2015 report, The Chinese students who graduate university in 2015 are entering a job... more
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      ChinaChina studiesContemporary ChinaChina Political Economy
In recent years, China has become one of Cambodia’s largest donors, sources of foreign direct investment (FDI), and trading partners. According to the Cambodian-Chinese Economic Trade and Investment 5-year plan (2013-2017), bilateral... more
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      CambodiaChinaChina Political EconomyChinese Economy
In evaluating the research on Chinese modernization, one repeatedly finds that it does not relativize the blind spot of the Western observer. In this small study, results of the ProtoSociology research project on Chinese modernization are... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical EconomyPhilosophy
While ‘neoliberalization’ is increasingly used to conceptualize concrete realities of China’s economic development, it is not employed in dialectical relation with China’s prevailing developmental ideology – ‘socialism with Chinese... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsEconomic GeographyPolitical EconomyUneven Development
Siegfried O. Wolf’s book The China-Pakistan Corridor of the Belt and Road Initiative: Concept, Context and Assessment is a valiant attempt to delve into every aspect of CPEC. Dr Wolf, the Director of Research at the South Asia Democratic... more
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsInternational Political EconomyPakistan
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      Corporate GovernanceEconomic GrowthChinaChina studies
"China: Una historia en construcción" es el Dossier central del Número 7 de la Revista: "La Albolafia: Revista de Humanidades y Cultura". En él podemos encontrar ocho artículos de ocho autores diferentes, de tres continentes distintos... more
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      Chinese ArtChinaGlobal HistoryChina studies
The fundamental feature of the Chinese political system is the primacy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its control over all areas of the state’s operation as well as a large part of the economy. The CCP regards the state as a... more
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      China studiesChina's foreign policyChina Political EconomyChina’s foreign policy-making, state-society relations, nationalism, public opinion, social unrest and popular protest, political reform and democratization, soft power, and the rise of China
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      Information TechnologyChina studiesContemporary ChinaGlobalization and Gender, Labor market regulation and workers’ rights, Empowerment and inequality, Social and welfare policy
At a time when neoliberalism has become an accepted term in public debate to refer to the current state of modern societies and their political economies, Kean Birch critically analyses the conflicting theories that shape our... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipManagementBusiness Administration
Drawing on the literature on strategic hedging and adapting it to China's use of economic diplomacy in the service of comprehensive national security goals within the regionalised foreign policy approach of the Belt and Road Initiative... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesIranian StudiesThe Persian Gulf
One Belt One Road (OBOR) The New Silk Road is intended to strengthen ties and increase trade between Europe and China which have already grown 168 percent over the last ten years (Puls 2015). Other goals include: strengthening policy... more
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      ChinaChina studiesContemporary ChinaChina's Economic & Rural Developmenr
Although the US and its Western allies had long relationship with Africa in various categories of aid and development, China’s recent entry into the Dark Continent caused huge displeasure to the traditional donors. The Asian giant’s... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsAfrican StudiesAsian Studies
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      International RelationsAsia Pacific RegionChinaChina Political Economy
This study holistically examined the startup companies in China that have quickly achieved unicorn status (that is, a $1 billion dollar plus valuation). To explore this phenomenon, the study used a two-phased case study methodology. In... more
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      EntrepreneurshipChina Political EconomyTechnology Management and Small and Medium Enterprises
China's rise to the status of a global power is a very complex phenomenon. Yet students of international relations (IR) are taught that a good theory should be 'parsimonious', meaning that it should explain a lot with a little. In... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryGlobalizationComplexity Theory
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      International EconomicsFinancial EconomicsInternational RelationsPolitical Economy
China’s stock markets are barely 25 years old however, they already boast more members than China’s communist party, “90 million individual investors, compared with 87.8 million members of the Communist Party” (Faux 2015). First, this... more
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      ChinaChina Going GlobalChina Overseas InvestmentsChina studies
Through a framework drawn from Karl Polanyi’s substantivist theorization of economic practices, this paper evaluates the quest for equitable urbanization in Chongqing, a major city-region in southwestern China. Illuminating the tensions... more
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      Urban GeographyEconomic GeographyPolitical EconomyKarl Polanyi
Elinizdeki kitap, günümüz uluslararası sisteminde, Türkiye’nin ekonomik entegrasyonlar anlamında hem Avrasya Bölgesinde, hem Avrupa Bölgesinde oluşan ekonomik entegrasyonlarda yer almasının AB’ye üyelik sürecine bir engel ya da tehdit... more
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      International RelationsEurasiaEuropean UnionTurkey
This thesis assesses the social-welfare implications of modifications to the post transfer distribution of income, in the context of welfare maximising policy design. Both the inequality-distributional efficiency and inequality-growth... more
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      Welfare EconomicsInternational Business CyclesEconomic GrowthSocialisms
Contemporary impressions of Taiwan’s relations with Southeast Asia tend to focus on flows of labor, capital, tourism, and marriage. Countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand carry the impression that they are the... more
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      Cultural HistoryAsian StudiesJapanese StudiesDevelopment Economics
This article traces the history of Shanghai’s higher education institutions during the early People’s Republic. Initially, the Communists had many advantages in Shanghai’s universities, but the early political campaigns of the new regime... more
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      History of EducationChinaModern Chinese HistoryHistory of Republican Period China
The idea of China’s co-operation with the Central and Eastern European countries in the sixteen-plus-one format (16+1 Group) rather than bilaterally (including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary,... more
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      International Political EconomyForeign Direct InvestmentChina Going GlobalRussian History