China (Archaeology)
Recent papers in China (Archaeology)
Recent zooarchaeological studies on water buffalo (Bubalus sp.) remains from China and south Asia question the traditional view that water buffalo were first domesticated in Neolithic China over 7000 years ago. The results from several... more
Представлен краткий обзор памятников наскального искусства, выявленных на территории пров. Ганьсу на северо-западе Китая. Петроглифы распространены на всей территории региона, наибольшая их концентрация наблюдается в северо-западной и... more
This petroglyph is translated based on ancient depicted sign language. A Moche ceramic vessel from Peru is used as a comparison in terms of how the two compositions were organized as well as some shared signs.
Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907) – auch das goldene Zeitalter Chinas genannt – war eine blühende Epoche voller faszinierender Kulturphänomene. Das Zentrum des kosmopolitisch ausgerichteten Kaiserreichs bildete die vom heutigen Xi’an... more
Xanadu was Kublai Khan's imperial summer capital during the Yuan dynasty (AD 1271– AD 1368). In this article I show how Xanadu was designed in accordance with feng-shui principles that brought the site into harmony with visible and... more
Collection of digitized public domain books and articles on numismatics of Far East (China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia) and South East Asia (Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippinas, Thailand (Siam), Maynmar (Burma)
"The Delingha stable isotope tree-ring record provides exquisite precision and accuracy measurement for the Holocene paleoclimate proxies of the northeast Tibetan plateau, where 90% of annual precipitation now derives from the East Asian... more
***** As of January, 2024 this database has been moved to an ArcGIS Storymap and no longer being updated as a text file. For the most recent version, please see: Tattooed Human Mummies [ArcGIS story map]... more
Modern genetics, ecology and archaeology are combined to reconstruct the domestication and diversification of rice. Early rice cultivation followed two pathways towards domestication in India and China, with selection for domestication... more
The Lower Yangtze River Valley is a key region for the early development of rice farming and the emergence of wet rice paddy field systems. Subsistence evidence from Neolithic sites in this area highlights the importance of freshwater... more
Full catalogue of all BAR titles - updated July 2018 BAR Publishing is one of the world’s most respected publishers of academic archaeology. Over the past 40+ years we have built an international reputation for publishing a spectrum of... more
Workshop "Antiquities to compare? Discussions on pre-imperial trajectories, from the Mediterranean to China", organized by Julien Zurbach.
Hoppál K., Rome, China and West-East Intercultural Communications in Antiquity: An Archaeological Perspective. Studies on Cultures along the Silk Roads Vol2. (2020) 56-83.
Research on the Tomb of the Couple of Qifu Linghe Lu Yahui (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University) Abstract: The tomb of the couple of Qifu Linghe(乞扶令和,524-610AD) is located to the north of Dasima Village in Weihui City,... more
IN CHINA, COLLECTING HAS LONG PLAYED A PROMInent role. Historical records and archaeological evidence show that, since the highest antiquity, people treasured items from the past, seeing them as embodiments of political and moral... more
Xianrendong is a cave site, where the World's oldest pottery was found. According to the results of the 2009 studies, its age was determined in the range of c. 17500–16000 BP. This means that pottery appeared in southern China several... more
The appearance of the oldest pottery in the world is a major focus of Early Neolithic archaeology. So far, most discoveries of early pottery have occurred in South China, North China, the Russian Far East, Japan and Korea. The discovery... more A recent article argued that “texts can be used as tools for enacting identities in social settings” (Reading Research Quarterly 44.4 (2009): 416). Considering the multitude of manuscripts yielded by fourth through... more
Prevailing models of social development for the southern Korean Iron Age (ca. 300 B.C.–A.D. 300) focus on contact with China as well as the dynamic interaction between local polities to explain the development of socio-political... more
Проверяется гипотеза о том, что импульсы степных культур оказали влияние на формирование и развитие китайской металлургии. Сделан вывод, что китайская металлургия и с точки зрения происхождения, и с точки зрения последующего развития... more
This article introduces the spirit path monuments and tombs of the Liang Dynasty built for members of the closer family of the founding Emperor Wu. Against the background of historical facts, the analysis of both statuary and tombs... more
"Abstract. This paper exposes some theoretical and methodological issues considered particularly relevant in the Archaeology of China. Summarizes the stages by which has become the discipline, from his birth until today. On the basis of... more
The period from the late third millennium BC to the start of the first millennium AD witnesses the first steps towards food globalization in which a significant number of important crops and animals, independently domesticated within... more
The transition to farming is often written in the language of progress. The search has been for the oldest sedentary farming settlements, the processes of plant and animals domestication and the profound societal alterations that... more
INDEX oRal PResentations 1 Arbogast R.-M., Turck R. -Status and role of dogs in neolithic western Europe. 2 Avieli N. -Thai Migrant Workers in Israel and the Dog-Eating Myth. 3 Bealcovschi S. -La place du chien de compagnie dans la... more
Basic components of Han empire city: case of Chang'an 長安
Archaeology of Domestication Jan Turek - Letní semestr 2021/2022, rozsah (2/0) The emergence of the Neolithic introduced one of the most fundamental turning points in the history of humankind. People left this imaginary Eden of... more
Background material for "The Evolution of an Ancient Technology", including: 1) a primer on weaving 2) a review of archaeological literature relating to weaving in East Asia 3) a review of the literature relating to the cultural... more