Children's reading
Recent papers in Children's reading
The reading habits of children are affected by the penetration of electronic devices, social media applications and games. Hence, there is general decline in reading habits / culture in society and specifically among children. In this... more
The Shadow Box is a tangible computing project that exploits visual association and auditory clues to teach children the representational relationship between words and their meanings. The Shadow Box contains three major components: the... more
Extensive reading of children’s literature can be seen as one of the most powerful means to acquiring a large working vocabulary for both first language learners and second language learners. However, for foreign language learners,... more
This study investigated whether two groups of 6-year-old beginning readers taught to read by a phonics and by a “book experience” non-phonics approach would differ in reading comprehension as well as the processes of word recognition.... more
This chapter excerpt describes how to approach sight words and sight word instruction in a reading curriculum. This is appropriate from emergent level and beginning level readers as well as struggling readers at all levels. Related... more
A number of scholars in applied linguistics and reading proficiency have regularly underlined the significance of reading as a prerequisite to academic achievement and success. On that account, numerous studies have attempted to... more
reading ability of the pupils in grade 2
This short article provides operational definitions of word recognition, word identification, strategies, and skills. Related mini-lectures are below.
This essay considers the role children’s literature plays in what Lennard J. Davis has called “the hegemony of normalcy” by closely studying a sample of biographies of Helen Keller intended for children. Through the lens of disability... more
En este trabajo se analiza la situación del actual plan lector y se proponen líneas de mejora para el futuro.
Para citar: González-López, Mariela (2015). Habilidades para la lectura. (Tesis inédita) Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua. Chihuahua, Mexico. Recuperado de
What seems to be essential in teaching reading is to guide learners toward becoming more skilled, motivated and strategic readers . To this end, teachers need to take into account specific tools and criteria related to the determination... more
The study aimed at investigating the impact of teachers use of folktales on the performance of pupils in reading comprehension in primary schools in Kaduna, Nigeria. The sample of the study consisted of forty (40) primary four pupils from... more
‘‘Paragraph Reading Study III’’ contains taken from newspaper articles like The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, The Financial Times, The Washington Time, The Sun, The New York Times and The Washington Post. The Guardian :... more
Translation of Saint-Exupéry's "Le Petit Prince" into Cape Verdean
Was the decision to stop publishing six obscure Dr. Seuss titles containing racist imagery and messaging an erasure of history? Media coverage of the controversy has presented it as an example of censorship, an attack on free speech and... more
Lunceford, Brett. “Mommy and Daddy Were Married, and Other Creation Myths in Children’s Books about Sex.” In The Rhetorical Power of Children’s Literature, edited by John H. Saunders, 55-75. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016.
„Minden mese olyan varázstükör, amely belső világunk valamely összetevőjét tükrözi, és azt az utat, amelyet meg kell járnunk, hogy eljussunk az éretlenségtől az érettségig. Aki hajlandó belemerülni abba a mély igazságba, melyet a mesék... more
Between the years 1935 and 1946, National Comics—the leading comic book publisher in the United States—experimented with various strategies such as book lists and juvenile book reviews in order to encourage children and young adults to... more
Meskipun sudah diakui oleh banyak orang bahwa informasi merupakan aset strategis terpenting bagi suatu organisasi, banyak organisasi yang justru mengecilkan peran ─bahkan menutup─ unit informasinya dan mengharuskan setiap karyawannya... more
Highlights • We studied visual attention span as a predictor of reading in a transparent orthography. • This relation was significant and independent of phonological awareness skills. • We showed that the relation was also... more
Abstract Art forms become interrelated when intertextual phenomena occur. The choice of previous art forms to create humour may seem to be a playful game, but it is the result of many kinds of inserted messages. Fourteen animated feature... more
Reading comprehension instruction is considered one of the major challenges that most English language teachers and students encounter. Therefore, providing a systematic, explicit, and flexible model to teaching reading comprehension... more
This article presents the results of a study that examined the interest and influence of gender of students studying in International schools in Sri Lanka on reading. The objectives of this study was to find the nature of reading interest... more
This research endeavored to determine if a significant difference exists in reading comprehension scores when reading from electronic books compared to paper books. E-books and electronic reading devices are becoming more common place in... more
The theme of this chapter is straightforward but is often overlooked in beginning reading instruction: Beginning reading texts need to give young children many opportunities to apply their emerging knowledge of written words.... more
An investigation to see if young children could pick up on issues of cultural awareness, empathy and alienation in Shaun Tan's 'Eric.' This includes the study of picturebook theory, an analysis of Tan's book and interviews with 5... more
Türkçe programında yer verilen temel kazanımlardan biri olan okuduğunu anlama, sadece ilkokul kademesiyle sınırlı kalmayıp örgün eğitimin neredeyse her kademesinde ve sonrada yaşam boyu kullanılan bir beceridir. Bireylerin ilkokul birinci... more
Many studies have examined reading and reading development. The majority of these studies, however, focused on oral reading rather than on the more dominant silent reading mode. Similarly, it is common practice to assess oral reading... more
"“Bernstein’s powerful account of how the sentimental ideology of childhood innocence, and particularly its highly gendered manifestations, function to articulate racial hierarchies gives strong and detailed evidence for how paying... more
Las investigaciones acerca de la competencia literaria se han movido en general en el ámbito de la teorización sobre aquellos componentes que hacen a un individuo un individuo competente. Los textos de Mendoza, Colomer o Aguiar Silva, han... more