Children's Drawings
Recent papers in Children's Drawings
Children's drawings are implicated in their emotional, cognitive, artistic, and semiotic development, raising the question of how early educators may best facilitate drawing development. This study compared three activities to determine... more
Kinder zeichnen schon sehr lange. Und es ist schwer vorstellbar, dass sie es nicht in jeder Kultur getan haben, die den allgemeinen Gebrauch von Ritzinstrumenten oder Stiften und Formen der bildlichen Repräsentation kannte. Dennoch ist... more
Young children’s ideas about a number of science topics have been steadily studied in recent years and the respective research findings have considerably supported the development of early childhood science education so far. However,... more
This article considers drawing as a meaning-making activity that takes place in certain sociocultural contexts to find evidence for its communicative potentials as well as the relationship between thought and drawing in early childhood.... more
This article presents a model of scribbling development, proposing that children's working memory capacity development constrains the acquisition of visual control, the development of form, and the attribution of meaning to one's own... more
Previous research suggests that young children draw animals by adapting their scheme for the human figure. This can be considered an early form of drawing flexibility. This study investigated preschoolers' ability to draw a dog that is... more
This paper uses a case study of the drawings, early writings and imaginative role play of two children to illustrate how children use a variety of modes to make meaning in ways that are creative and beyond the design and expectation of... more
Drawing is one of the most popular recreational activities among children’s peer groups. The drawing child is not only building a representation that ‘stands for’ something of the outside world, he is projecting in the image a sign that... more
Τα παιδιά εκφράζουν τις σκέψεις και τα συναισθήματά τους με τις ζωγραφιές τους. Το ιχνογράφημα αποτελεί απεικόνιση του εσωτερικού κόσμου των παιδιών, καθώς και του τρόπου με τον οποίον αντιλαμβάνονται την πραγματικότητα. Στην παρούσα... more
Children’s drawings were studied to discover cognitive and social abilities of children. Children’s development is also identified through drawings. A number of theories were developed on the development of children’s drawings. The... more
Semiotics, which is used for the analysis of a number of communication languages, helps describe the specific operational rules by determining the sub-systems included in the field it examines. Considering that art is a communication... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı ilköğretim öğrencilerinin çevre algılarını çizdikleri resimler yoluyla incelemektir. Çalışma 2010-2011 eğitim öğretim yılı bahar döneminde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaya 68’i dördüncü sınıf, 78’i beşinci sınıf, 97’si... more
Bir çocuğun dünyasında sanatsal aktiviteler, özelliklede resim, yetişkin dünyasındaki algılanışlarından biraz daha farklı özellikler taşır. Çocuğun nesneleri ve şekilleri nasıl algıladığı yada bilişsel gelişim süreci içerisinde sanat... more
For a long time usually considered as simple scribbles, children's drawings have become, over the 20th century, an object of study for an ever growing number of experts and scholars. Psychologist and psychoterapists, semiologists,... more
This second themed edition of Global Studies of Childhood, “Children’s Art in Times of Crisis”, continues the conversation about how children’s art, and art about childhood, can contribute to issues related to ethics, justice, and social... more
En la presente tesis trabajamos con una metodología interdisciplinar partimos del proceder de los antropólogos sociales, el trabajo de campo, la observación participante y buscamos posteriormente un sistema de análisis que va de lo... more
ES: Los dibujos infantiles constituyen una de las categorías de fuentes más escasamente tenidas en consideración por los historiadores. Aunque algunos investigadores han comenzado a estudiar sus posibles aplicaciones historiográficas, de... more
Περίληψη Η παρούσα έρευνα αφορά τη μελέτη του ρόλου της τέχνης στην εκπαίδευση με έμφαση στη μουσειοπαιδαγωγική προσέγγιση της ζωγραφικής. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, σκοπός της έρευνας ήταν να εξετασθεί και να αναλυθεί κατά πόσο επιτυγχάνεται η... more
This poster is a focused overview of my dissertation research. Since it's geared for children visiting COSI (a science museum in Columbus, OH where I collected part of my data) it concentrates on comparing children's drawings of houses... more
I quaderni scolastici appartengono a quella vasta gamma di materiali minori a lungo ignorati da parte delle strutture istituzionalmente preposte alla conservazione e alla trasmissione del patrimonio documentario. 1 Materiali minori,... more
This article explores two films that represent, at least in the Czechoslovak context, the first gesture towards the possibility of animating archival material on Nazi crimes. The two films in focus here employed drawings and paintings... more
Results based on two consecutive qualitative studies are documented in this paper. The first study focused on perfectionist characteristics in drawings of fifth graders. The second study was designed based on the findings from the earlier... more
In 1981 Peter Handke published the semi-autobiographical text Kindergeschichte, containing reflections on the early years of life with his daughter Amina. During these years, Amina frequently wrote and drew in her father's notebooks. This... more
Thi~~tudy examines whether community context shapes geopolitical identity. An open-ended survey was administered to 187 rural and urban tenth grade students by their social studies teachers. Students were asked to describe their... more
Drawing in childhood period is an activity in which children reflect themselves freely, expressing their emotions, thoughts and imaginations. The aim of the research is to examine the views, experiences in practice lessons and approaches... more
The aim of the present study was to investigate the cultural conception of self and family held by Turkish migrant preschool children in comparison with native German and native Turkish children by the assessment of self- and... more
Оригинальная нетиражная сатирическая графика Первой мировой войны, в отличие от массовой печатной графики, мало знакома исследователям, поскольку рассредоточена в различных музейных собраниях и изучение ее сопряжено с рядом трудностей. В... more
This quasi-experimental study examined 42 high school introductory chemistry students’ conceptual understandings of the particulate nature of matter (PNM) before and immediately after instruction. Two groups of students, who were taught... more
The aim of this study is to examine friendship perceptions of Syrian and Turkish children attending the Project of Support to Sport Education Project that aims to gather Syrian and Turkish children through sport and to encourage... more
Background: Extensive research examined the development of both language and drawing, but the relationship between these symbolic representation systems is less investigated and controversial. Working memory and executive functions seem... more
This paper critiques the traditional linear development of children's drawings looking at multiple endpoints and providing a more cognitive developmental view of both drawing and understanding the visual arts. I argue that both drawing... more
In the present study, we examined the family drawings of preschool-aged children from three cultural contexts that represented different aspects of autonomy and relatedness. The final sample consisted of 53 children from urban Western... more