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      Cochlear ImplantChildren with hearing impairmentSpeech and Language Assessment of Bilingual Children
The aim of this study is to determine whether a social skill instruction program, prepared according to the cooperative learning method, is effective for children with hearing disability in learning the basic social skills, starting and... more
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      EducationCooperative LearningChildren with hearing impairmentSocial Skills Training
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      Depression (Psychology)Children with hearing impairmentHearing Impairment
Background: Auditory rehabilitation is one of the important tasks of speech-language pathologists. So, it is necessary to know auditory behaviors in order to make some decisions about the children with hearing loss such as determining the... more
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      Auditory PerceptionPersian LanguageDeafness and Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairment
Овладяването на четене с разбиране при децата с увреден слух има не само образователно, но и силно терапевтично значение. Традиционните подходи на това обучение не водят до необходимите резултати при учениците със слухови нарушения.... more
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      Teaching and Learning Writing and ReadingChildren with hearing impairment
Language and communicative development is related to the understanding of the symbolic world. Children with special educational needs who use symbolic play have higher levels of communicative skills (Pizzo & Bruce, 2010; Barton & Wolery,... more
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      Play TherapyChildren's PlayChildren with hearing impairmentHearing Impairment
Corso: LINGUA DEI SEGNI ITALIANA [LM0016] Docente: BERTONE Carmela L'integrazione del bambino sordo nella scuola italiana INDICE 1. L'alunno sordo…………………………………………………………………………………p.3 2. La scuola speciale e la scuola... more
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      Children with hearing impairmentEducation of Hearing ImpairedLIS Lingua dei segni italianaItalian Sign Language
This work focuses on the provision of library resources and services to hearing impaired students in special school libraries in South-South, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the... more
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      Library ScienceSpecial EducationLibrary and Information ScienceSpecial Educational Needs
“The fact that the stated assumptions have been demonstrated proves that the activities included in the psychomotor development program have the expected results and can go further with this program. Its effectiveness has been... more
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      Children with hearing impairmentPsichology
The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of using word wall media to increase science-based vocabulary of students with hearing impairment of the third grade in SLB B YRTRW Surakarta the academic year 2015-2016. The... more
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      Special EducationSpecial Educational Needs and TransitionsSpecial education (Psychology)Special Educational Needs
La discapacidad auditiva es una alteración de la audición que afecta a más del 5% de la población mundial, de los cuales 32 millones son niños, según datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). En España, la sordera afecta a más... more
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      Cochlear ImplantChildren with hearing impairmentAcoustic analysis of speechHearing Impairment
The Study was aimed to develop and validate the items/ objectives for language stimulation home training activity manual useful for the children with hearing impairment in the chronological age range of 2-6 years. A Quasi Experimental... more
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      Children with hearing impairmentLanguage Stimulation‎
This research aims to test the effectiveness of using reflective maternal method in increasing interest in learning and understanding the language of hearing impairment students in grade 2 SLB Pemalang, with 6 numbered subjects,... more
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      Special EducationSpecial Educational Needs and TransitionsListening Comprehension (Psychology of Language)Special education (Psychology)
Background: Consistency of hearing aid and remote microphone system use declines as school-age children with hearing loss age. One indicator of hearing aid use time is data logging, another is parent report. Recent data suggest that... more
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      AudiologyPediatric AudiologyChildren with hearing impairmentHearing aids
The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of using word wall media to increase science-based vocabulary of students with hearing impairment of the third grade in SLB B YRTRW Surakarta the academic year 2015-2016. The... more
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      Computer ScienceSpecial EducationSpecial Educational Needs and TransitionsSpecial Educational Needs
Little is known about children who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) with a coexisting autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The objective of our study was to understand the needs of children who are D/HH with coexisting ASD. We posed... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersDeafness and Hearing LossCochlear Implant
Childhood hearing loss impacts almost all areas of child development: speech and language, psychosocial, and psychoeducational development, among others. The earlier management is implemented, the better chance there is to ameliorate the... more
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      Pediatric AudiologyChildren with hearing impairmentHearing aidsChildren with a Hearing Loss
Деца рођена са факторима ризика од раног узраста захтевају редовно систематско праћење тима стручњака за развојне поремећаје. Циљ рада представља идентификација деце која имају различит степен менталне ометености и која су обухваћена... more
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      Early InterventionInclusionInclusive EducationIntellectual Disability
هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی اثربخشی بازی درمانی کودک محور با رویکرد آکسلاین بر تنهایی و ناامیدی کودکان با آسیب شنوایی بود. روش: روش پژوهش شبه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری شامل دانش‌آموزان دختر با آسیب... more
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    • Children with hearing impairment
Moyenne des ITI: lent….< rapide…. accommodation temporelle à la vitesse d'alternance Irrégularité ITI: mismatch (rythmicité perturbée) > versus match (rythmicité régulière)  effet de rythmicité des paires de mots + effet d'interaction... more
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      Auditory PerceptionAuditory NeuroscienceChildren with hearing impairmentTurn-Taking
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      Hearing screeningBangladeshDeafness and Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairment
In this study, the aim is to develop a measurement tool that can be used to measure attitudes towards Turkish Sign Language (TSL). For this purpose, the researchers followed a systematic process. The study group consists of students in... more
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      Special EducationTurkish Sign Language (TID)Sign LanguagesDeafness and Hearing Loss
This study focused on disablers experienced by learners with Hearing Impairments (LwHI) when accessing health services in Zambia. A qualitative methodology driven by Hermeneutics Phenomenology research design was applied. In addition, a... more
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      ZambiaChildren with hearing impairmentSpecial Education Needs and Inclusive Practice
Özet Küçük çocukların eğitiminde resimli çocuk kitapları sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Resimli çocuk kitapları farklılıklar ve yetersizlikler gibi karmaşık konuların aktarılması için en etkili araçlardan biridir. Yapılan araştırmalar, hem... more
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      Children with hearing impairmentChild Language DevelopmentChildren`s Story Books
School is not only the place where children learn the knowledge, skills, and competencies to access workforce opportunities later in life, but also where they learn social skills and ways of being in the world. In school, children... more
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      Children with hearing impairmentSocial SkillsLife Skills EducationHearing Impairment
Objectives: The auditory behavior in everyday life (ABEL) questionnaire is a valid tool that was translated and adapted to Persian language by Oryadi-Zanjani et al. (2015). This study aimed at establishing the final Persian version of the... more
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      Auditory PerceptionPersian LanguageDeafness and Hearing LossCochlear Implants and Speech
The aim of this study was to examine auditory recognition and vocal production of emotions in three prelingually bilaterally profoundly deaf children aged 6-7 who received cochlear implants before age 2, and compare them with age-matched... more
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      Speech & Hearing SciencesDeafness and Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairmentHearing aids
Introduction: Spoken word recognition (SWR) is a complicated process whereby through listening to a word or sentence we automatically connect each word’s acoustic signal to its stored representations in the mental lexicon. We hypothesized... more
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      Speech Language PathologySpeech SciencesSound Perception and Speech RecognitionSpoken Word Recognition
This paper intends to study needs analysis of hearing-impaired students' teachers in elementary schools all over Iran. The subjects of this study were 275 teachers who were teaching hearing-impaired students in elementary schools. The... more
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      Curriculum DesignChildren with hearing impairmentNeeds AnalysisHearing Impairment
The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of self-directed learning by using group worksheet in science subjects for hearing impaired students. This is a quantitative research. Method used in this research is... more
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      Special EducationDeaf studiesSpecial Educational Needs and TransitionsDeaf Education
Objectives: The auditory behavior in everyday life (ABEL) questionnaire is a valid tool that was translated and adapted to Persian language by Oryadi-Zanjani et al. (2015). This study aimed at establishing the final Persian version of the... more
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      Auditory PerceptionPersian LanguageDeafness and Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairment
It is known that mothers raising children with hearing impairment suffer from constant chronic stress, which contributes to their maternal or mental burnout. Children with hearing impairments have difficulties in emotional and... more
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      Emotional intelligenceCoping StrategiesSocial IntelligenceChildren with hearing impairment
The birth of a child with hearing impairment in a family will cause chaos and inconvenience among family members. This will affect the quality of life and welfare of parents. The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a... more
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      ResilienceQuality of lifeParent Child RelationshipsChildren with hearing impairment
We performed this study to determine the role of nasopharyngeal and middle ear (ME) biofilms in acute otitis media (AOM). Sixty female 6-month-old chinchillas, free of ME disease, were utilized. Experimental animals were inoculated with... more
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      Animal ScienceBiofilmsAnimal StudiesAudiology
Purpose: This pilot study examined factors influencing classroom hearing aid use in school-age children with hearing loss. Method: The research team visited classrooms of 38 children with mild-to-moderate hearing loss (Grades 1–7) on 2... more
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      Special EducationPediatric AudiologyClassroom TechnologyChildren with hearing impairment
Teachers and parents have long believed that children with hearing loss (CHL) are at increased risk for fatigue. CHL may be physically and mentally " worn out " as a result of focusing so intently on a teacher's speech and on... more
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      Pediatric AudiologyDeaf EducationFatigueDeafness and Hearing Loss
HearEm is an educational app aiming to improve speech in hearing-impaired children using methods used by speech therapists. Children can practice and improve their speech by playing games while sitting at home. This app will include... more
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      American Sign LanguageChildren with hearing impairmentEducation of Hearing ImpairedHearing Impairment
Objectives: We performed this study to determine the role of nasopharyngeal and middle ear (ME) biofilms in acute otitis media (AOM). Methods: Sixty female 6-month-old chinchillas, free of ME disease, were utilized. Experimental... more
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      MicrobiologyOtolaryngologyPediatricsAnimal Science
This interview was conducted with Evelyn Glennie in 2003 in Graz. It covers a many topics including Evelyn Glennie's musical development as a child, her musical experiences in school, and when studying in London. It covers information... more
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      Music EducationDeafness and Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairmentCommissioning
This is a submission made by Damien Howard and Jody Barney on the situation of deaf and hard of hearing Indigenous people in Australia
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      Indigenous PeoplesRacial and ethnic discriminationDeafness and Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairment
eafness and profound impairment of hearing affect an individual's ability to communicate with his fellow beings. The economic impact of deafness involves the cost of identification and rehabilitation. 1 Identifying the causes of deafness... more
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      Children with hearing impairmentHearing Impairment
Objectives: The auditory behavior in everyday life (ABEL) questionnaire is a valid tool that was translated and adapted to Persian language by Oryadi-Zanjani et al. (2015). This study aimed at establishing the final Persian version of the... more
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      Auditory PerceptionPersian LanguageDeafness and Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairment
The study examined effect of total communication on linguistic deficiencies of pupils with hearing impairment in Anambra State, Nigeria. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted quasi-experimental... more
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      E-learning for Hearing Impairments (Deaf and Hard of Hearing)Children with hearing impairmentDeaf and Hearing impairmentTotal Communication
In this study, the authors report the results of a three-stage newborn hearing screening (NHS) program for well babies at the Gazi University Hospital (GUH) in Ankara between 2003 and 2013. GUH-NHS was performed by automated transient... more
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      OtolaryngologyPediatricsAudiologyPediatric Audiology
Background: This study aimed to investigate some child-and environmentdependent factors in a retrospective method to find a prediction model for the spoken language development of children with hearing loss (HL) after cochlear... more
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      Speech Language PathologyHealth OutcomesPersian LanguageLanguage Development
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a motor disorder that results from a non-progressive insult to the developing brain. It is a clinical presentation of a wide variety of cortical or subcortical insults occurring during the 1 st year of life. [1] It... more
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      OtolaryngologyDeafness and Hearing LossSensorineural Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairment
This paper aims to synthesize some arguments for the inclusive education of people with hearing impairment. It is structured in three parts preceded by an Introduction. The Introduction presents some ideas regarding specific elements of... more
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      Inclusive EducationChildren with hearing impairmentHearing Impairment
Deaf children traditionally face greater challenges and encounter difficulties particular to their abilities. The Information Search Process model (ISP) is oriented in the context of the present work as a process of searching for... more
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      Information SystemsSerious GamesChildren with hearing impairment
n this study, the authors report the results of a three-stage newborn hearing screening (NHS) program for well babies at the Gazi University Hospital (GUH) in Ankara between 2003 and 2013. GUH-NHS was performed by automated transient... more
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      PediatricsTurkeyDeafness and Hearing LossChildren with hearing impairment