Childhood Cancer
Recent papers in Childhood Cancer
We present a novel use of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) for the analysis of histopathological images of neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer. Thanks to the advent of modern microscopy scanners, whole-slide histopathological images can now... more
A workshop designed to enhance school personnels' knowledge and understanding of childhood cancer was presented by a multidisciplinary team. Pre- and postworksho assessments were conducted of the participants' attitudes and... more
Central nervous system tumours Incidence Survival Population-based cancer registries Europe Trends A B S T R A C T This paper describes the incidence and survival of childhood central nervous system (CNS) tumours in Europe for the period... more
To evaluate the degree of psychological distress in adult childhood cancer survivors in Switzerland and to characterize survivors with significant distress.
The main objective was to compare parent-reported health-related quality of life (HRQL) of child and adolescent survivors of childhood cancer to that of controls who had no history of cancer. Methods We assessed HRQL of 800 child and... more
Although aggressive medical treatment protocols have led to 80% 5-year survival rates for most childhood cancers, many long-term survivors experience multiple troubling symptoms. Using data from 100 adult survivors of childhood cancers... more
Given the increasing interest in quality of life research in cancer survivorship, psychometric properties of the Quality of Life-Cancer Survivors (QOL-CS) were explored in a group of childhood cancer survivors. The QOL-CS is a 41-item... more
El cáncer infantil está considerado como la segunda causa de mortalidad en la edad infantil. El progreso en la investigación, los métodos diagnósticos y la eficacia del tratamiento permiten mejorar el índice de supervivencia. La propia... more
To test the hypothesis that exposure to high intensity lightning (around 400 nanometers) in neonatal nurseries increases the incidence of childhood leukemia, over 55,120 newborn children treated with phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia... more
THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CHILD AND THE ADOLESCENT AFFECTED WITH LEUKEMIA. The main psychosocial purpose in treating childhood cancer is to help children and their families to face the diagnosis of cancer and subsequent... more
The diagnosis of cancer and the treatment decisions associated with it may cause uncertainty, stress, and anxiety among parents. Emotional tensions can affect parents' relationships during the trajectory of the child's cancer illness. We... more
Overall survival from childhood malignancies has dramatically improved, with survival rates now reaching over 70%. Nevertheless, some types of childhood cancer remain a difficult challenge, and for those who survive the burden of... more
A workshop designed to enhance school personnels' knowledge and understanding of childhood cancer was presented by a multidisciplinary team. Pre- and postworksho assessments were conducted of the participants' attitudes and concerns... more
Overview The aim of the study is to identify demographic characteristics, various histopathologies, and site preferences for each disease entity of malignant head and neck tumors in pediatric oncology patients & treatment outcomes in... more
En la Sociedad de Lucha contra la Leucemia y el Linfoma (LLS, por sus siglas en inglés), creemos que estamos viviendo un momento extraordinario. LLS tiene el compromiso de ofrecerle la información más actualizada sobre los distintos tipos... more
This review summarizes the level of epidemiologic evidence for relationships between prenatal and/or early life exposure to environmental chemical contaminants and fetal, child, and adult health. Discussion focuses on fetal loss,... more
Both Sociologists and psychologist agree that the agents of socialization are classified in two main groups: primary and secondary. The family and peer groups are considered to be primary whereas the school, religious institutions and... more
s u m m a r y Background & aims: Malnutrition is a serious concern for children with cancer and nutrition screening may offer a simple alternative to nutrition assessment for identifying children with cancer who are at risk of... more
Survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer are at risk of vaccine preventable diseases and are recommended to receive booster vaccinations post-chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to describe the compliance of post-chemotherapy... more
Overview The aim of this study is to identify demographic & disease characteristics in pediatric oncology patients diagnosed with one of genitourinary tumors & treatment outcomes in these patients.
Recent diagnostic and therapeutic advances in pediatric oncology have led to greater survival rates in children with malignancies. However, while childhood and adolescent cancer therapies improve long-term survival, such treatments may... more
In the study we extract the venous thromboembolism (VTE) data set from KEGG database including 70 adults with one or more prior VTE on warfarin and 63 healthy controls. Then we construct three-way gene networks by using arithmetic mean... more
Previous studies showed that exercise in cancer patients is feasible and may reduce fatigue and improve physical fitness and quality of life. However, many previous studies had methodological weaknesses related to trial design, sample... more
While fairly complete and reliable incident data on childhood cancers are available from the registries in India, mortality and survival information is not. Information concerning the latter was obtained by the Bangalore cancer registry... more
This study presents initial data validating the use of a new instrument, the Impact of Traumatic Stressors Interview Schedule (ITSIS), to assess the occurrence of cancer-related posttraumatic stress in childhood cancer survivors and their... more
To describe selected components of pediatric palliative care from diagnosis to cure or end of life that combine to help nurses and other clinicians achieve goals of care for children with cancer and their families. DATA SOURCES: Published... more
PURPOSE Cancer is a leading cause of death among children in the Eastern Mediterranean region, where conflict and economic downturn place additional burden on the health sector. In this context, using economic evidence to inform policy... more
Objective. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after life-threatening medical illness have been found to predict poor outcome in preliminary studies of adults and children. However, these symptoms are rarely recognized in... more
Aim: It is essential to minimize pain and distress during painful procedures in children. This study examined the effect of using non-immersive Virtual Reality (VR) during a needle-related procedure on reported pain or distress of... more
Background: The use of complementary and alternative therapies by children with cancer is common. Up to 84% of children have used complementary therapies along with conventional medical treatment for cancer. Methods: We reviewed the... more
This review provides a survey of studies investigating physical activity and exercise interventions in patients during tumor treatment and survivors of childhood cancer. PubMed and Medline databases were searched using relevant terms.... more