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      Child healthAdolescent HealthAdolescentChild
Many OECD countries have replied to economic recessions with an adaption in public spending on social benefits for families and young people in need. So far, no study has examined the impact of public social spending during the recent... more
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      Mental HealthChild healthFamilyAdolescent Health
Background: A multi pronged community based strategy, known as National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), was implemented from 2005-06 to 2012-13 in India to curtail maternal and child health (MCH) disparities between poor and rich, rural and... more
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      Program EvaluationChild healthQualitative ResearchUrban Health
Early identification of distinct patterns of child social-emotional strengths and vulnerabilities has the potential to improve our understanding of child mental health and well-being; however, few studies have explored natural groupings... more
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      Research DesignMental HealthChild healthChild Development
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      NursingChild healthFocus GroupsContent Analysis
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      Health SciencesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyChild health
The realisation of human potential for development requires age-specific investment throughout the 8000 days of childhood and adolescence. Focus on the first 1000 days is an essential but insufficient investment. Intervention is also... more
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      Child healthChild DevelopmentAdolescent DevelopmentAdolescent Health
The present study aims to estimate the incidence of preventable infectious diseases or associated symptoms among young children in Bangladesh and also determine the factors affecting these conditions. The study hypothesised that various... more
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      PovertyChild healthWater qualityWater Purification
A cross Europe, most countries have pediatric societies, committees, or equivalent. Within these societies or standing as separate entities, young groups have evolved. Residents or trainees within pediatrics have collaborated to form... more
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      PediatricsChild healthMedical EducationInternational Cooperation
**See upload for discount flyer** Who are the children in child health policy? How do they live and see the world, and why should we know them? A journey into the lives of children coping in a world compromised by poverty and inequality,... more
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      Medical AnthropologyChild healthAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodPublic Health Policy
Objective To systematically review the evidence for associations between exposure to community violence and physical health outcomes in children and adolescents. Methods A thorough search of multiple online databases and careful... more
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      PsychologyViolenceChild healthPediatric Psychology
Our objective was to understand the racial and ethnic variation in parental strain for non-Latino White, African American, and Latino parents of children with ADHD and other comorbid diagnoses. We selected 5,397 children with a current... more
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderMental HealthChild healthHealth Care
published by Taylor and Francis. It is posted here by agreement between them. Changes resulting from the publishing process-such as editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms-may not be reflected in... more
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      Child healthEducational PsychologyEducational evaluationEducation Policy
The main objective was to compare parent-reported health-related quality of life (HRQL) of child and adolescent survivors of childhood cancer to that of controls who had no history of cancer. Methods We assessed HRQL of 800 child and... more
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      Child healthQuality of lifeLeukemiaAdolescent
Reliable data on child growth is a prerequisite for monitoring and improving child health. Despite the extensive resources invested in recording anthropometry, there has been little research into the reliability of these data. If these... more
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      NursingChild healthNonparametric StatisticsAnthropometry
Indonesia consist of many island inhabited by many ethnic groups with different social economic condition. As in other parts of the world, anemia is still one of the major health problem in Indonesia The reported anemia prevalence differs... more
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      HematologyChild healthThalassemiaIndonesia
In 1997 Health Visiting was deemed by New Labour to be an important player in reducing health inequalities. It was acknowledged that if Health Visiting was to fulfill this vision it would have to work out with its traditional child health... more
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      Child healthHealth inequalityGroup communicationPublic Health
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderMental HealthChild healthQuality of life
Water-related diseases continue to pose major threats to children's survival and well-being in many places in the developing world. This article develops a theoretical perspective on the ways in which children's vulnerability to... more
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      Human GeographyChild healthChild CareHealth Services
Objective: To assess from a societal perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of a family-based GP-mediated intervention targeting overweight and moderately obese children. The intervention was modelled on the LEAP (live, eat and... more
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      Child healthEconomics and Human BiologyObesityFamily Practice
Background: The International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) Subjective Knee Form is a knee-specific measure of symptoms, function, and sports activity. A modified IKDC Subjective Knee Form (pedi-IKDC) has been developed for use in... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringPsychometricsChild health
Deficiencies in the quality of health care are major limiting factors to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals for child and maternal health. Quality of patient care in hospitals is firmly on the agendas of Western countries... more
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      Child healthGlobal HealthChild WelfareHealth Planning
This investigation examined the extent to which curricular choice and incorporation of phonemic awareness (PA) into the kindergarten curriculum affects growth in kindergarten literacy skills and first-grade reading and spelling outcomes... more
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      EducationChild healthPhonological AwarenessReading
Have you ever • Disagreed with colleagues over a proposed course of treatment for a child? • Considered ways to ‘bump’ a child up on a waiting list to speed up their assessment? • Wondered how to deal with a family that repeatedly fails... more
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      NeuroscienceChild healthMedical Ethics
Objectives-Self-versus proxy-perspectives may produce different results that are important for clinical decision-making and for assessing outcomes in research studies. We examined differences in child versus parent-report of the child's... more
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      Child healthQuality of lifeEpilepsyConcepts of Value in Health Care
Background Unintentional child injuries are a growing public health problem, representing a major cause of mortality, morbidity, and disability worldwide. Injuries are a substantial burden on health-care systems, particularly in lowincome... more
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      NursingChild healthEvidence Based NursingInjury Prevention
A cross-sectional survey was used to determine the association among women’s breastfeeding problems, their perceptions of support from midwives and child health nurses, and breastfeeding cessation in the first 10 weeks postbirth in a... more
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      NursingPerceptionChild healthSocial Support
Malaria not only remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, but it also impedes socioeconomic development, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Rapid and unprecedented urbanization, going hand-in-hand with often declining... more
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      Child healthSustainable DevelopmentUnited NationsMalaria
Fetal macrosomia is an obstetric complication that makes child birth hazardous to women in labor, and sometimes an enigma to medical practitioners. It tasks the skills of obstetricians and places a burden on human and material medical... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyFood ScienceNutrition
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      Mental HealthChild healthFamilyFoster Care
Issue addressed: Children’s fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption in Australia is below levels recommended for optimal growth, development and health. Methods: ‘Kids in the Kitchen’ is a classroom-based program that engages students in... more
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      Health PromotionChild healthFruits and vegetablesSchool Health
Abstract In recent years increased attention has been focused on listening to the views of children and young people. This study analysed 31 research studies, which were published between 2000 and early 2009, into children and young... more
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      Health Professional EducationChild healthChildren's PerceptionsChildren's Voices
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      SociologyAnthropologyPovertyChild health
Iron deficiency anemia is extremely common, particularly in the developing world, reaching a state of global epidemic. Iron deficiency during pregnancy is one of the leading causes of anemia in infants and young children. Many women go... more
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      Child healthPregnancyChildIron Deficiency Anemia
The continuum of care has become a rallying call to reduce the yearly toll of half a million maternal deaths, 4 million neonatal deaths, and 6 million child deaths. The continuum for maternal, newborn, and child health usually refers to... more
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      Child healthPrimary Health CareChild WelfareEvaluation
Food insecurity, the lack of consistent access to sufficient quality and quantity of food, affects an estimated 800 million people around the world. Although household food insecurity is generally associated with poor child nutrition and... more
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      Child healthFood Security and InsecurityFood SecurityNicaragua
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      Child healthPublic Health
Hunger, with its adverse consequences for children, continues to be an important national problem. Previous studies that document the deleterious effects of hunger among children cannot distinguish child from family hunger and do not take... more
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      PediatricsPovertyMental HealthChild health
As the law of parentage is striving to meet the challenges of new reproductive technologies, dealing with cross-border surrogacies emerges as one of the most pressing topics in international family law. The current legal situation as... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodChild protectionChild healthChildren and Families
Infant mortality rate (IMR) is an important indicator of progress toward health equity and socioeconomic development. Despite progress, the US is ranked 45th among 192 countries in IMR, with non-Hispanic black IMR 2.2 times that of... more
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      Health CommunicationChild healthHealth DisparitiesStrategic Planning
To assess the impact of a voluntary, paraprofessional home visiting program on promoting child health and development and maternal parenting knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Methods: This collaborative, experimental study of 6 Healthy... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyEducationSocial Work
An urgent need to improve Swedish primary child health-care nurses' cultural competence was revealed by previous research among nurses working in, and immigrant parents visiting, primary child health-care services. The aim of this... more
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      NursingChild healthNonparametric StatisticsEducational Measurement
‫في‬ ‫بصحتهم‬ ‫املرتبطة‬ ‫األطفال‬ ‫حياة‬ ‫نوعية‬ ‫تقييم‬ ‫هو‬ ‫هدفنا‬ :‫األهداف‬ ‫يعانون‬ ‫الذين‬ ‫أولئك‬ ‫باستثناء‬ ،‫السعودية‬ ‫العربية‬ ‫اململكة‬-‫بجدة‬ ‫املجتمع‬ .‫معروفة‬ ‫مزمنة‬ ‫أمراض‬ ‫من‬ ‫التي‬ ،‫املستعرضة‬ ‫الدراسة‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫في‬... more
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    • Child health
To: 1) review the historical contexts and current profiles of father involvement in African American families; 2) identify barriers to, and supports of, involvement; 3) evaluate the effectiveness of father involvement programs; and 4)... more
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      Child healthChild CarePregnancyChild
Background More than 3·5 million children aged less than 5 years die from diarrhoea and acute lower respiratory-tract infection every year. We undertook a randomised controlled trial to assess the effect of handwashing promotion with soap... more
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      PovertyChild healthPakistanHealth Education
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      Child healthJuvenile DelinquencyChild WelfareHistory of Childhood and Youth
Objective: (1) To introduce photovoice, a participatory action research methodology, for use by MCH program managers to enhance community health assessments and program planning efforts, (2) to enable community people to use the... more
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      Feminist TheoryParticipatory ResearchPhotographyParticipatory Action Research
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      PovertyChild healthPublic HealthInformal Settlements
Resumo Introdução: O boletim de saúde infantil e juvenil é um instrumento imprescindível, que se destina ao registo dos factos mais importantes relacionados com a saúde da criança / adolescente. Apesar da sua reconhecida relevância,... more
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      Child healthPediatrics and Child Health