Child Welfare
Recent papers in Child Welfare
Traditionally, the American child welfare system intervenes in cases of evident and severe maltreatment. Families in need of help, but who have not reached a crisis, are excluded from typical services. Some suggest that if these families... more
The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more
Delving behind Canada’s veneer of multiculturalism and tolerance, Policing Black Lives traces the violent realities of anti-blackness from the slave ships to prisons, classrooms and beyond. Robyn Maynard provides readers with the first... more
In recent years, legal scholars and practitioners as well as policymakers have focused unprecedented attention on the rights of parents with disabilities, particularly intellectual disabilities, and their children. At the same time,... more
Error! Bookmark not defined. 1 Introduction 2 Methodology 2.1 Poverty calculation in Australia 2.2 Spatial Microsimulation 3 Data 3.1 Census of Population and Housing 3.2 Survey of Income and Housing (SIH) 3.3 The use of Census and SIH... more
Recent reports have suggested that the problem of childhood and adolescent obesity has been exaggerated in Australia, and that community-wide obesity prevention initiatives are not warranted; we argue that this is not an accurate... more
The majority of research on the psychosocial impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) exposure for children has focused on IPV occurrence. The current study extended this research by examining three dimensions of IPV exposure: frequency,... more
As a preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of medical-legal partnership in pediatrics, we conducted a 36-month prospective cohort study of the impact of clinic-and hospital-based legal services. We hypothesized that integration... more
Two recent issues of The Future of Children have examined programs that support families with young children: the Winter 1993 issue on home visiting and the Winter 1995 issue on the long-term outcomes of early childhood programs. In both... more
Children with asthma living on the northern Mexico border suffer not only from the physical aspects of this condition, but also from the lack of a clear biomedical definition and treatment plan for the illness. An ethnographic study... more
There is no research on the cost-effectiveness of recruitment methods for an obesity prevention trial of young children.
In this second part of a two-part report, further findings of a postal questionnaire sent in March 2005 to dentists with an interest in paediatric dentistry working in varied UK settings are presented and discussed in the context of... more
The decade of 1980 was perhaps one of the most crucial period for Child Health in India. It is during this decade that child health issues, child health problems and child health policies were identified, recognized and announced by the... more
The field of medical (health) informatics broadly addresses the cognitive, information processing, and communication tasks of medical practice, education, and research by focusing on the development of computer-based patient records,... more
The maxim ''parents should do what is in the best interests of their child'' seems like an unassailable truth, and yet, as I argue here, there are serious problems with it when it is taken seriously. One problem concerns the sort of... more
Children who experience maltreatment are at increased risk of engaging in delinquent behavior. Although little is known about the mechanisms responsible for this increased risk, the use of substitute care placement and placement... more
This article examines the community-level impact of concentrated child welfare agency involvement in African American neighborhoods. Based on interviews of 25 African American women in a Chicago neighborhood, the study found that... more
Diarrhea and respiratory infections account for more than two-fifths of all deaths among children under five. Parental education and economic status are well-known risk factors for child morbidity, but little is known about whether... more
This qualitative study explores the experiences of emerging adults with serious mental health conditions (e.g., bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder) before and after they emancipate from the child welfare system and exit a... more
message. Links to source documents are in blue. Hover mouse over orange text for explanatory notes. Click HERE and enter e-mail address to be alerted to new studies and reviews Integrated substance abuse and child welfare services for... more
The Client Outcomes in Child Welfare (COCW) Project was designed to examine the state of knowledge about outcomes measurement in Canada and initiate a consensus building process for a coordinated strategy in tracking outcomes across... more
The erroneous claim that 50 percent of U.S. schoolchildren have never had a cavity has taken on the virtues of truth through frequent and widespread restatement. The 50-percent caries-free statement is an excessively optimistic... more
Several states and providers have embarked on initiatives to reduce using restraint and seclusion in residential programs. Restraint and seclusion are associated with harm to youth and staff, significant costs, reduced quality of care,... more
Mass casualty incidents and large-scale disasters involving children are likely to overwhelm a regional disaster response system. Children have unique vulnerabilities that require special considerations when developing pediatric response... more
Foster care Alcohol and drug use Termination of parental rights Using mixed methods, we compared appellate court foster care cases where parents' rights were terminated to those in which decisions to terminate parental rights were... more
In the last decade, molecular epidemiological studies have provided new perspectives on studying environmental risks in pediatric populations, based on the growing understanding that children may be more susceptible to toxicants than... more
in group D. The Ramsay Sedation Score (RSS) in group D was significantly higher than in group P during awakening [2.0 (2.0-2.0) in group D and 4.5 (4.0-5.0) in group P] (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine premedication followed by... more
... Journal,, 707721. 730 Pierce and Pierce Lopez, S., Grover, K., Holland, D., Johnson, M., Kain, C., Kanel, K., Mellins, C., Rhyne, M. (1989). Development of culturally sensitive psychotherapists. Professional psychology: Research and... more
obtained from other sources such as websites from international organisations, including UN and WHO. Some information came from earlier reviews and books of particular relevance; these works are in the public domain and are referenced... more
Barth et al. (2021) published an article in this journal identifying ten topics in the field of child welfare that are frequently discussed among professionals, advocates, and researchers in an effort to shape discussions of practice and... more