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What is the 19 Days Prevention Campaign? It is a multi-issue CALL TO ORGANIZE FOR ACTION to change social behavior, educate, and mobilize diverse organizations and civil society partners – including young people – to become involved in... more
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      Child abuse and neglectViolence PreventionBullyingChild Labor
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      Child protectionSocial Development in developing countriesHuman TraffickingDeveloping Countries
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      HomelessnessHuman TraffickingNew OrleansSex Trafficking
32 Billion Dollars- That is the estimated revenue of human trafficking in the world. A large chunk of these are vulnerable children. Human Traffickers have launched a full-scale hunt on children. Pedophiles and child porn Industry which... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodUsabilityChild and adolescent mental healthChildren's Literature
Publisher: Abacus; Hachette Book Group; Little, Brown and Company Published: 2008; ISBN13: 978-0316113786; ISBN10: 0316113786; Pages: 368; Format: Hardback Say... more
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      African StudiesChild protectionAfricaKenya
"Although much literature on human trafficking focuses on sex trafficking, a great deal of human trafficking results from migrant workers, compelled - by economic deprivation in their home countries - to seek better life opportunities... more
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      Criminal LawTerrorismHuman RightsInternational Criminal Law
Against a backdrop of rising unemployment and increased deprivation, this FRA Annual report closely examines the situation of those, such as children, who are vulnerable to budget cuts, impacting important fields such as education,... more
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      Information SocietyAccess to JusticeMigrationAsylum
Este artículo presenta un análisis comparativo del marco normativo vigente en Ecuador y España en materia de trata infantil con fines de explotación sexual. El objetivo es identificar semejanzas y diferencias que orienten las políticas... more
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      EcuadorSpainChild TraffickingProtection systems
This article examines the matter of private adoptions of minor children and the issues arising from Greek Law 2447/96 on adoptions. It presents the crucial articles of Law 2447/96 which have been amended and in some cases they work... more
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      Adoption and FosteringChild Trafficking
We would like to thank the many young people who gave their time to help us understand their experiences. The evaluation was made possible by many stakeholders helping us to access data. We particularly wish to thank Hannah Stott and... more
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      Refugee StudiesPolitical ScienceHuman TraffickingChild Maltreatment
Different theoretical perspectives, which underpin the issue of child trafficking and the role of education in this issue, were used in the analysis of the data of this study. An extensive Needs Assessment (NA) was carried on in eight... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Childhood EducationChild Trafficking
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      Human TraffickingAnthropology of PolicyChild migrationChild Trafficking
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    • Child Trafficking
For the full published version, please see: International Journal of Children's Rights, Volume 24, Issue 2, 2016, pp 378-407 There are an estimated eight million children residing in orphanages, or residential care facilities, globally... more
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      Human TraffickingIntercountry AdoptionChild TraffickingOrphans and Vulnerable Children
This book presents a vivid description of the solutions that researchers have discovered for ethical dilemmas that pose themselves at studying disadvantaged, vulnerable and victimized populations. Ethical codes prescribe that the scholar... more
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      EthnographyHuman TraffickingProstitutionSex Trafficking
In historical terms, intercountry adoptions from India have had a short run. Within thirty years of its inception, murky scandals of child kidnapping, falsifying paperwork, outright trading, and other tragic stories have ridden these... more
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      Child protectionHuman RightsChild WelfareAdoption
This article dealing with the child trafficking as horrible and terrible trade manner. The issue of human trafficking huge concern for most nations including Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, trafficking in person has long been a common practice-a... more
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    • Child Trafficking
Human trafficking involves exploitation in prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor, domestic service, and for the purpose of organ removal. The dominant narrative in human trafficking discourse on victims is that... more
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      CriminologyHuman RightsHuman TraffickingChild Trafficking
Few social phenomena in contemporary South Africa have been subject to so much speculation and raised so many unanswered questions as the country’s child trafficking ‘problem’. The exact scope of child trafficking in South Africa will... more
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      Human TraffickingProstitutionHuman Trafficking of Women and ChildrenChild Trafficking
In September 2013, the Democratic Republic of the Congo suspended the issuance of exit letters to orphans adopted by foreigners. This effectively shut down the intercountry adoption process in the Congo DRC. Technically, intercountry... more
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      AdoptionDemocratic Republic of CongoChild TraffickingINTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION AND CHILD TRAFFICKING
Human trafficking involves exploitation in prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor, domestic service, and for the purpose of organ removal. The dominant narrative in human trafficking discourse on victims is that... more
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      Human RightsHuman TraffickingChild TraffickingTrafficking In Human Beings
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      Project ManagementHuman TraffickingHuman Resource ManagementChildren's Media
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      Human TraffickingChild TraffickingTrafficking Human Beings
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      Human TraffickingChild Sexual AbuseSex TraffickingChild Trafficking
Trafficking in human beings is turning to be a “glocal” phenomenon - subject to increasing international attention in recent years and continuing to be a local development concern. Several domestic anti-trafficking initiatives both by the... more
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      Human TraffickingChild TraffickingTrafficking in Persons
The CONFRONT research project aimed to strengthen counter-trafficking efforts in Europe by addressing two deficiencies in the current countertrafficking response: lack of in-depth knowledge of the new forms of trafficking affecting... more
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      Human TraffickingHungaryChild Trafficking
Abstract: Every day, children are being bought, sold and transported away from their homes. The trafficking of human beings particular children has become a multi-dollar business that appears to be growing. Child trafficking is illegal.... more
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      Child TraffickingChild Sex TraffickingHuman Traffikcing, Victims of Trafficking, Sex WorkPrevention Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Trafficking is a silent crime. It usually remains hidden from the observation of people, even law enforcement agencies, as either a crime is perpetrated on the trafficked victim or he/she is forced to commit a crime, both of which can... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman TraffickingChild LabourChild Trafficking
Few social phenomena in contemporary South Africa have been subject to so much speculation and raised so many unanswered questions as the country's child trafficking 'problem'. The exact scope of child trafficking in South Africa will... more
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      Human TraffickingProstitutionHuman Trafficking of Women and ChildrenChild Trafficking
HOUSED IN THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS ARCHIVE at Geneva is a collection of intake surveys from the Rescue Home in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. These documents record the histories of some 2,000 Armenian girls, boys, and young women who... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryHuman RightsHumanitarianism
This article analyzes the extent of child trafficking from a quantitative standpoint. The quantitative research approach was adopted in this study, supported by the application of cross-sectional exploratory and descriptive research... more
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      EthiopiaQuantitative Research MethodsChild Trafficking
Purpose – The market in trafficked children bought and sold for sexual exploitation is one of the most inhumane transnational crimes that appear to have been facilitated by globalisation and its many effects, such as growing disparity in... more
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      CambodiaThailandAdvocacy and ActivismChild Trafficking
In South Africa child trafficking has become a central concern for both the state and non-state agencies. Although it is claimed that child trafficking is widespread, currently very little reliable data exists to determine the nature and... more
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      Children's RightsChild migrationHuman Trafficking of Women and ChildrenChild Trafficking
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      Human TraffickingChild TraffickingTrafficking in PersonsTrafficking Human Beings
Victims of child trafficking, who have been rescued from exploitation, have the need to get recovery treatments or therapies. Being free from trafficking or prostitution is not the final episode. Though an absolute cure cannot be... more
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      Social WorkHuman RightsHuman TraffickingPsychosocial Studies
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      Social WorkPsychosocial StudiesChild Trafficking
European Union (EU) Member States and institutions introduced a number of legal and policy measures in 2014 to safeguard fundamental rights in the EU. Notwithstanding these efforts, a great deal remains to be done, and it can be seen that... more
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      Information SocietyAccess to JusticeMigrationAsylum
‘Child trafficking’ has recently been critically positioned within moral panic theory by authors such as Westwood (2010) and Cree et al. (2014) making links between historical and present day presentations of this social issue. This paper... more
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      Social WorkSociology of Children and ChildhoodChild protectionChildren's and Young Adult Literature
This Writ of Rebellion was written by Lotus Justice. It is not my work but it has been filed and is public record.
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      Land LawMortgage ForeclosureChild Trafficking
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      Human RightsChild SoldiersChild Trafficking
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La explotación sexual, la trata de personas y el “turismo sexual” son fenómenos que continúan aumentando y que afectan especialmente a niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes. A pesar de la amplia legislación que existe al respecto, tanto a... more
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      Human TraffickingChild Sexual ExploitationTrafficking for sexual exploitationChild Trafficking
We caught them. All references provided.
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      Conspiracy TheoriesNazismCIAChild Trafficking
In The Politics of Victimhood in Post-conflict Societies, ed. Vincent Druliolle & Roddy Brett (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). The chapter analyses the struggle of Spain’s stolen children and their relatives to obtain truth and... more
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      Memory StudiesSpainVictimsRepression
A study on trafficked and unaccompanied children going missing from care in the UK

Andrea Simon, Chloe Setter and Lucy Holmes
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      Human TraffickingUnaccompanied Refugee MinorsChild TraffickingUnaccompanied Children
Di industri seksual komersial, praktik pelacuran yang melibatkan anak-anak perempuan di bawah umur adalah salah satu bagian dari industri dan perdagangan seks global yang telah menggurita dan merambah ke berbagai bentuk layanan. Meski... more
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      ChildernSex IndustryChild Trafficking
Trafficking of children for labour exploitation is a profit-oriented criminal activity by which children are recruited, transported, harboured or received for the purpose of labour exploitation irrespective of whether or not force,... more
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      CriminologyInformal EconomyOrientalismPower
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      Social WorkDomestic ViolenceChild abuse and neglectViolence Prevention
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      Human TraffickingChild Trafficking