Recent papers in Chemotaxonomy
In taxonomy, polyphasic approach is based on the principle of combining and evaluating different types of data obtained from microorganisms. While, during characterization and identification of a microorganism, in the direction of... more
ABSTRACT The alkane pattern of leaf waxes from 24 tropical Ficus species in Nigeria was determined by gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Of the 12 alkanes identified, hentriacontane and tritriacontane were the... more
The two morphologically similar microalgae NMBluh014 and NMBluh-X belong to two different strains of Nannochloropsis oceanica. They possess obviously different feeding effects on bivalves, but are indistinguishable by 18S rRNA and... more
mThe fatty acid compositions of the seed oils from ten pine species have been established by capillary gasliquid chromatography of the methyl esters. With regard to either normal fatty acids or D5-olefinic acids, the general pattern of... more
Five anthocyanins, cyanidin 3-(2 with five known anthocyanins have been identified in flowers of Cleome hassleriana Queen line. One monoacylated and four diacylated cyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucosides were identified as the main... more
Sixteen accessions of Ocimum basilicum L. belonging to different cultivars and varieties, and one accession each of O. × citriodorum Vis. and O. minimum L., were examined for their external leaf flavonoids. The O. basilicum samples showed... more
Jacquemontia reclinata House (Convolvulaceae) is a federally listed endangered species endemic to coastal strand habitat of south-eastern Florida. In order to identify the closest relatives of J. reclinata, a phylogenetic reconstruction... more
Nematine larvae possess ventral glands which contain compounds that protect the larvae from predation. More than 50 volatile compounds have been identified in secretions from the glands of 13 Nematus species. Monoterpenes constitute the... more
Castanospermine, a physIologIcally active polyhydroxylated mdohzldme alkaloid first isolated from seeds of Castanospermum australe, has been isolated from the dried pod of Alexa lelopetala and tentatively identified m seven other species... more
The maJor sterols m the marine diatoms 7'halass~osu~1 pseudonana and Thalassiosm eccentrtca have been ldentlfied as 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3jI-ol (24-methylenecholesterol), 24ethylcholesta-5,24(28)E-dlen-3P-ol (fucosterol) and... more
The surface flavonoid profiles of four plants each of 15 cultivars or varieties of basil species, Ocimum americanum, O. basilicum, O: Â citriodorum and O. minimum, were studied by HPLC with diode array detection. Up to 14 different... more
The seeds of Trichilia welwitschii C.DC. (Meliaceae) yielded three limonoids, dregeanin DM4 (1), reported here from a natural source for the first time, the known rohituka 3 (2) and trichilia lactone D5 (3). The bark yielded... more
Four European Pulicaria species, P. odora, P. paludosa, P. sicula and P. vulgare, were analysed for their surface and vacuolar constituents for comparison with previous data obtained for P. dysenterica. Each species had a distinct... more
Glucosinolate content of leaves and roots, diversity in leaf pubescence, and resistance to two near-isogenic lines of the flea beetle Phyllotreta nemorum with or without an R-gene, were determined for 27 accessions of 7 Barbarea taxa,... more
Chemosystematics has been used to distinguish plants and other organisms that are useful for food and those best avoided. Originally unwritten, this knowledge has been progressively formalized with useful, harmful and inactive chemical... more
Fungi were isolated from selected areas of two medieval wall paintings in the chapel of the castle of Herberstein and the parish church of St Georgen (Styria, Austria), in different states of conservation. The aim of this study is a... more
The anthocyanin content of 23 grass species (Poaceae) belonging to five subfamilies has been determined. Altogether 11 anthocyanins were identified; the 3-(6Љ-malonylglucosides) and 3-glucosides of cyanidin, peonidin and delphinidin, the... more
The species which grow wild and are used as oregano in Greece are Coridothymus capitatus (L.) Reichenb. fil., Satureja thymbra L., Origanum onites L. and 0. vulgare L. Because of their economic importance, we studied their distribution in... more
This study describes some characteristics of the Rubiaceae family pertaining to the occurrence and distribution of secondary metabolites in the main genera of this family. It reports the review of phytochemical studies addressing all... more
The leaf essential oils of Cistus monspeliensis plants growing wild on calcareous and siliceous soils in Provence (South of France) were analysed by GC and GC-MS. Qualitative and quantitative differences are noted in the essential oil... more
The alkaloid patterns of two occasionally sympatric Galanthus nivalis and Galanthus elwesii populations were studied by GC/MS. Thirty-seven alkaloids were detected, 25 for G. nivalis and 17 for G. elwesii. Only five alkaloids were found... more
This review summarizes all reports on sesquiterpene lactones and their immediate precursors from the Cichorieae (Lactuceae) tribe of the Asteraceae. A total of 360 compounds have been reported from this tribe. The reported substances... more
The book contains a collection of coloured images of plates obtained by thin layer chromatography of many lichen substances as an aid for their determination. The images show mounted runs obtained in solvents A, B/B’ and C commonly used... more
A As ss so oc ci ia at ti io on n f fo or r M Me ed di ic ci in na al l a an nd d A Ar ro om ma at ti ic c P Pl la an nt ts s o of f S So ou ut th h--E Ea as st t E Eu ur ro op pe ea an n C Co ou un nt tr ri ie es s O Or rg ga an ni is se... more
Actinomycetes is bacterial group that have similarity to Fungi. Actinomycetes contribute around 45% secondary metabolite that has been found or around 10000 secondary metabolite. Even though information about actinomycetes such as unique... more
For a monograph based on a polythetic concept, several thousands of herbarium specimens, and several hundreds of freshly collected and cultured specimens of Daldinia and allied Xylariaceae, originating from around the world, were studied... more
Lauraceae, an aromatic plant family has many medicinal uses which include antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities. The study was planned to investigate the phytochemical components present in the bark extracts of eight... more
The ubiquitous compound 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid, also known as ferulic acid (FA), constitutes a bioactive ingredient of many foods that may offer beneficial effects against disorders related to oxidative stress, including cancer,... more
To improve our understanding of the floral biology, pollination, and systematics of the genus Narcissus, a comparative study was made of flower volatiles from nine species native to southern Spain using headspace collection and GC-MS... more
Samples of the essential oil from Baccharis salicifolia, four samples from B. latifolia, and one sample from B. dracunculifolia collected in the high valleys of Bolivia in the province of Cochabamba were analysed by a combination of gas... more
Medicinal plants are potential sources of natural compounds with biological activities and therefore attract the attention of researchers worldwide. The objective of this research was to determine the chemical composition of methanolic... more
A molecular and morphological investigation of 35 collections of Daldinia from 11 plant species revealed five taxonomic entities of Daldinia in northern Europe. These include Daldinia concentrica, D. cf. fissa, D. grandis, D. loculata and... more
A molecular phylogeographic study of Paragonimus mexicanus collected from Guatemala and Ecuador was performed. Genomic DNA was extracted from individual metacercariae, and two gene regions (partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase... more
The composition of Lippia dulcis, an intensely sweet herb endemic to tropical America, was investigated using plants collected in Puerto Rico. Contrary to previous reports, it is characterized by the presence of a high percentage of... more
Essential oil compositions of fresh and freeze-dried leaves were determined for 16 accessions of Ocimum basilicum belonging to different varieties to see whether they could be used as infraspecific taxonomic characters. One accession of... more
A fucoxanthin-chlorophjll a J c-protein complex has been isolated from the pr?mizesioplz?te Pavlova gyrans Thjlakozd membranes urere treated z i t h the mild anionic de
The morphological features, phytochemical composition and biological activities of Pteris vittata L., growing rarely in Egypt were investgated. The morphological features of P. vittata including pale brown scales, short creeping rhizome... more