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Case report A case of a 43-year-old woman presenting with acute left flank pain is reported. Method and result Point-of-care ultrasound utilizing color Doppler revealed a twinkling artifact at the left ureterovesicular junction,... more
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      RadiologyUltrasoundMedicineCase Report
Since earliest known civilization, Sumerian, more than six thousand years ago, a small group of elites is enslaving masses in the name of religion and gods, under the disguise of so-called law. Over it has changed names, terminologies,... more
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Case report A case of a 43-year-old woman presenting with acute left flank pain is reported. Method and result Point-of-care ultrasound utilizing color Doppler revealed a twinkling artifact at the left ureterovesicular junction,... more
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      RadiologyUltrasoundMedicineCase Report
Laporan Praktikum Kimia
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Abstrak-Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui viabilitas Bacillus S1 terhadap paparan HgCl2 2,5 mg/L selama 36 jam dan aktivitas enzim amilase, protease, selulase dan lipase. Penentuan viabilitas dilakukan dengan menghitung CFU... more
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Case report A case of a 43-year-old woman presenting with acute left flank pain is reported. Method and result Point-of-care ultrasound utilizing color Doppler revealed a twinkling artifact at the left ureterovesicular junction,... more
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      UltrasoundCase ReportPoint of CareEmergency
The composer Marzena Majcher and singer Małgorzata Kubala (soprano) try to answer the question: how does the Chemistry of Love sounds? through analysis and interpretation of two parts of the composition - I Dopamine and II... more
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      MinimalismModern MusicChemisrtyAnálisis
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A paper about chemistry
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    • Chemisrty
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    • Teknik Kimia
dan puji syukur atas kehadirat-Nya, yang telah melimpahkan rahmat, hidayah, dan inayah-Nya kepada kami, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan laporan percobaan pengaruh pengadukan terhadap pembuatan es lilin dalam campuran pendingin.
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    • Laporan Praktikum Kimia
Thermodynamics paper
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    • Thermodynamics
This scientific observation practicum aims to gain experience in recording and explaining experimental obsevation, develop skills in handling tools and moving solid and liquid materials, familiarize yourself with the work safety... more
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Menentukan titik beku berbagai larutan dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya
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Malachite dye is among the millions of dyes used in every aspect of our daily life. The adsorption kinetic the pollutant (dye) from adsobate using palm kernel shell (Elaeis Guineasis) as the biomass was studied. From the several... more
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    • Chemisrty
The esterification of carboxylic acids (CA) with alcohols has a great importance for the chemical industry [1-2]. Recent studies reveal that the esters of CA mat be used as plasticizers, solvents, and components of biofuel (BF).... more
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    • Chemisrty
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Titik beku adalah suhu dimana tekanan uap cairan sama dengan tekanan uap padatannya. Titik beku larutan lebih rendah daripada titik beku pelarut murni. Hal ini disebabkan zat pelarutnya harus membeku terlebih dahulu, baru zat terlarutnya.... more
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Case report A case of a 43-year-old woman presenting with acute left flank pain is reported. Method and result Point-of-care ultrasound utilizing color Doppler revealed a twinkling artifact at the left ureterovesicular junction,... more
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      UltrasoundCase ReportPoint of CareEmergency
 The arrangement of electrons in the ground state of the carbon atom is (1s) 2 (2s) 2 (2p) 2 .
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    • Organic Chemistry
Materi Bioteknologi
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      EducationScience EducationBiotechnologyChemisrty
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    • Sifat Koligatif Larutan
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Det er forsøgets formål at bestemme om oxidationen forløber under de beskrevne forsøgsomstaendigheder. Samt om oxidationen kan beskrives ved et af nedenstående reaktionsskemaer:
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    • Chemisrty
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    • Chemisrty
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    • Chemisrty
Tujuan :
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    • Chemisrty
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Saat ini hampir 10 juta zat kimia telah dikenal manusia, dan hampir 100.000 zat kimia telah digunakan secara komersial. Kebanyakan sisa zat kimia tersebut dibuang ke badan air atau air tanah. Sebagai contoh adalah pestisida yang biasa... more
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I chose this experiment to see if the type of oil depends on how much heat energy it produces. I wanted to see if a close of enough amount of heat energy in the motor oil that powers our car; we might be able to power our cars with grape... more
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      Labor lawChemisrty
The inclusion complex of 3-(2-chloro phenyl) 4-methyl 2thiocarbamoyl-3,3a dihydropyrazolo [3,4c] pyrazole has been synthesized with β-cyclodextrin so as to improve its solubility and bio accessibility. The formation of inclusion complex... more
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      Emergency MedicineInternal Medicine (General Medicine)Sports MedicineVeterinary Medicine
In the experimental procedure we will measure the heat of neutralization when an acid and base react to form 1 mole of water. This quantity of heat is measured experimentally by allowing the reaction to take place in a thermally insulated... more
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    • Chemisrty
The pi-bond between the carbons is very electron rich, and so repels the electrons in a neighbouring bromine molecule inducing a dipole. The electron pair in the pi-bond are attracted to the slightly positive bromines atom causing the... more
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      Organic ChemistryChemisrtyElectrophillic Addition reactions