Recent papers in Chemisrty
H - Acid Caustic Fusion Stage CONTENTS 0 INTRODUCTION 1 DESIGN INFORMATION 1.1 Reactor Type 1.2 Temperature Range 1.3 Pressure Range 1.4 Chemical System 2 BACKGROUND 3 KINETICS AND MECHANISM 4 MAXIMUM... more
Det er forsøgets formål at bestemme om oxidationen forløber under de beskrevne forsøgsomstaendigheder. Samt om oxidationen kan beskrives ved et af nedenstående reaktionsskemaer:
In the experimental procedure we will measure the heat of neutralization when an acid and base react to form 1 mole of water. This quantity of heat is measured experimentally by allowing the reaction to take place in a thermally insulated... more
A paper about chemistry
Materi Bioteknologi
The pi-bond between the carbons is very electron rich, and so repels the electrons in a neighbouring bromine molecule inducing a dipole. The electron pair in the pi-bond are attracted to the slightly positive bromines atom causing the... more
I chose this experiment to see if the type of oil depends on how much heat energy it produces. I wanted to see if a close of enough amount of heat energy in the motor oil that powers our car; we might be able to power our cars with grape... more
The esterification of carboxylic acids (CA) with alcohols has a great importance for the chemical industry [1-2]. Recent studies reveal that the esters of CA mat be used as plasticizers, solvents, and components of biofuel (BF).... more
The inclusion complex of 3-(2-chloro phenyl) 4-methyl 2thiocarbamoyl-3,3a dihydropyrazolo [3,4c] pyrazole has been synthesized with β-cyclodextrin so as to improve its solubility and bio accessibility. The formation of inclusion complex... more