Chemical Kinetics
Recent papers in Chemical Kinetics
Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics is written primarily for a first course in chemical reaction engineering (CRE) for undergraduate students in chemical engineering. The purpose of the work is to provide students... more
The chemistry and energetics of the Criegee intermediate, a primary product of the ozonolysis of alkenes, are discussed in terms of recent ab-initio calculations and laboratory studies. The experimental observations in O3–alkene systems... more
Shock initiation of the tri-amino-tri-nitro-benzene based explosive PBX 9502 cooled to −55°C J. Appl. Phys. 112, 074909 (2012) One-dimensional plate impact experiments on the cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine (HMX) based explosive EDC32... more
Previous investigations show that soot particle volume fraction and number density were significantly reduced by exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) diluents CO 2 and H 2 O. However, these investigations were often convoluted by their... more
For chemical systems obeying the mass-action law a method is presented, that enables the computation of the active intermediates lifetime distributions. The possibilities of experimental determination of these functions are also examined.
A new two-temperature chemical kinetics model for nitrogen plasmas is presented. The model is used together with the ûibrationally-specific collisional-radiatiûe model to study the effects of ûibrational nonequilibrium distributions on... more
The kinetic consequences of resonance tunnelling processes that may occur in chemical reactions are investigated in terms of a multi-centered unsymmetrical Eckart potential barrier. This potential function does not only simulate the... more
The asymptotic structure of laminar, moderately rich, premixed methane flames is analyzed using a reduced chemical-kinetic mechanism comprising four global reactions. This reduced mechanism is different from those employed in previous... more
The determination of rate parameters of gas-phase elementary reactions is usually based on direct measurements. The rate parameters obtained in many independent direct measurements are then used in reaction mechanisms, which are tested... more
The kinetics of the reduction of chromium(VI) to chromium(III) by D-fructose in HClO 4 was studied at various concentrations of reactants and acidities. The redox reaction takes place through a complex multistep mechanism, which involves... more
Marine aerosols produced by bursting bubbles at the ocean surface are highly enriched in organic matter (OM) relative to seawater. The importance of this OM in the photochemical evolution of marine aerosols and particularly as a source of... more
Models for the energy profile along the reaction coordinate are utilized to determine the barrier's height and location as a function of ΔG. These form the basis for structure–reactivity correlations and afford a unified formulation for... more
Smouldering combustion is the driving phenomenon of wildfire in peatlands, like those causing haze episodes in Southeast Asia and Northeast Europe. These are the largest fires on Earth and an extensive source of greenhouse gases, but... more
Detailed modeling of complex combustion kinetics remains challenging and often intractable, due to prohibitive computational costs incurred when solving the associated large kinetic mechanisms. The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU),... more
in a low molecular weight form, a high molecular weight form, and an immobile form where the molecules are bound to the tissue. The model describes how diffusion and absorption gradually reduce the insulin concentrations in the... more
Biodiesel has become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits and the fact that it is made from renewable resources. Esterification of carboxylic acids (specifically free fatty acids) is directly relevant to... more
or from the thermal decomposition of larger radicals formed in the degradation of oxygenated hydrocarbons, e.g., the OH-initiated oxidation of methylglyoxal [2]:
The kinetics and mechanism of hydrothermal formation of zeolite A from natural kaolinites have been studied using as starting materials two international kaolinite standards (KGa-1 and KGa-2 from Georgia, USA) exhibiting a different... more
Computer aided process engineering depends much on understanding of chemical and physical processes and their interaction. With this in mind the EU project SAFEKINEX has been designed. Aim of the project is to improve understanding of... more
The kinetics of the reactions OH ϩ Br 2 : HOBr ϩ Br (1) and OD ϩ Br 2 : DOBr ϩ Br (3) have been studied in the temperature range 230-360 K and at total pressure of 1 Torr of helium using the discharge-flow mass spectrometric method. The... more
Fuel and air staging are used to study the potential for reduction of NOx emissions from biomass fuelled reactors. The two well-known methods to reduce NOx emissions in a combustion process by primary measures are air-and fuel staging.... more
The photochemical box model (PBM) developed in present study is based on the principle of mass conservation. It has a horizontal domain of city size and a vertical dimension of the mixed layer height. The concentration of any pollutant is... more
Densities of sodium chloride in the concentration range (0.010 to 0.090 ( 0.001) mol · dm -3 have been determined in aqueous and aqueous maltose systems [(1.0, 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0) % w/v] at different temperatures [(298 to 323) K] with the... more
Kinetics of acid hydrolysis of seven antibacterial iron(II) Schiff's base complexes has been studied. The Schiff's base ligands were derived from sodium 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde-5-sulfonate and a series of amino acids. The hydrolysis rate is... more
A detailed kinetic, mechanistic and spectroscopic investigation has been made on the oxidation of fosfomycin by potassium dichromate in aqueous perchloric acid medium at 25 oC and at a constant ionic strength, I = 3.10 mol dm-3. The... more
NOTATION a Number of moles of solute per mole of suberin.
To characterize the influence of ionic strength on the kinetics of calcite precipitation from seawater solutions we carried out a set of experiments at four different ionic strengths (I ϭ 0.10; 0.34; 0.55; 0.93 m) in NaCl-CaCl2 solutions,... more
Laminar flame speed measurements of dimethyl ether/air mixtures were made at 1, 5, and 10 atm with equivalence ratios ranging from 0.7 to 1.6. All experiments were performed in a large cylindrical constant-volume bomb with optical access.... more
Hydrogen peroxide was discovered in 1818 and has been used in bleaching for over a century [1]. H 2 O 2 on its own is a relatively weak oxidant under mild conditions: It can achieve some oxidations unaided, but for the majority of... more
There is much interest in the combustion mechanism of organophosphorus compounds (OPCs) due to their role as potential halon replacements in fire suppression. A continuing investigation of the inhibition activity of organophosphorus... more
The instantaneous rate of change of rancidity of coconut oil and butter in the acid value scale was determined. These rates of rancidity followed a good second order polynomial fit. The correlation between sampling time and rancidity (A.... more
A massive air or steam ingress in High Temperature Reactors (HTRs) nominally operating at 600-950 o C is a design-basis accident requiring the development and validation of graphite oxidation and erosion models to examine the impact on... more
Experiments have been performed on a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine (HCCI) fuelled with natural gas. The in-cylinder pressure has been measured for different engine speeds and fuel-air ratios. Numerical simulations of the... more
The emergence of methods allowing the simplification of detailed chemical kinetics enables detailed modeling of turbulent diffusion flames. One of these methods, the “Intrinsic Law-Dimensional Manifolds” (ILDM) method and its application... more
As shown above, each Panel member concentrates his efforts on a given area or type of data. Nevertheless, the Panel's final recommendations represent a consensus of the entire Panel. Each member reviews the basis for all recommendations,... more
The use of isoconversional, sometimes called model-free, kinetic analysis methods have recently gained favor in the thermal analysis community. Although these methods are very useful and instructive, the conclusion by some that model... more
The design and operation issues for reactive distillation systems are considerably more complex than those involved for either conventional reactors or conventional distillation columns. The introduction of an in situ separation function... more
The kinetics and nitroarene product yields of the gas-phase reactions of naphthalene-d8, fluoranthene-dl,,, and pyrene with OH radicals in the presence of NO, and in Nz05-NO3-NOz-air mixtures have been investigated at 296 2 2 K and... more
The use of numerical models for the design and optimization of UV/H2O2 systems must incorporate both reactor design (hydrodynamics, lamp orientation) and chemical kinetics (reaction mechanisms, kinetic rate constants). This study was... more
Determination of experimental kinetic isotope effects (KIE) is one of the most useful tools for the exploration of reaction mecha- nisms in organometallic chemistry. The approach has been further strengthened during the last decade with... more
Hydrogen peroxide was discovered in 1818 and has been used in bleaching for over a century [1]. H 2 O 2 on its own is a relatively weak oxidant under mild conditions: It can achieve some oxidations unaided, but for the majority of... more
iii iv This evolution does present the drawback, however, of increasingly hiding the global and general aspects of the problems. One of the major advantages of analytical solutions is the way in which they can provide insight in these... more
The oxidation of diols by 2,2-bipyridinium chlorochromate involves a hydride-ion transfer via a chromate ester intermediate.
Removal of acid green 25 (AG25) dye onto activated palm ash from aqueous solutions was investigated. Experiments were carried out as function of contact time, initial concentration (50–600 mg/L), pH (2–12) and temperature (30–50 • C). The... more