Chemical Enggineering
Recent papers in Chemical Enggineering
Adsorption of Congo red dye onto activated carbon from periwinkle shell was carried out to see if the activated carbon from Periwinkle shell will provide a good alternative for the commercial activated carbon in the adsorption of Congo... more
This paper aims to provide a bibliometric analysis of publication trends on the themes of biomass and bioenergy worldwide. A wide range of studies have been performed in the field of the usage of biomass for energy production, in order to... more
MCcab Thiele by NRTL In this work i've used excel sheet to made more accurate program that will help chemical engineering students and professors to visualization the changing that happen by changing the variables such as XD ,XB ,q... more
This research work evaluates the impact of stormwater infiltration on the removal of organics, solids, nitrogen and phosphorus in a LECA-based horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Stormwater runoff for the period between... more
MCcab Thiele by Van Laar In this work i've used excel sheet to made more accurate program that will help chemical engineering students and professors to visualization the changing that happen by changing the variables such as XD ,XB... more
A sustainable management of environment and agriculture is crucial to protect soil, water, and air during intensified agriculture practices as well as huge industrial and transportation activities. A promising tool to address these... more
Dunyoda ishlab chiqariladigan misning 80 % miqdori pirometallurgik usulga toʻgʻri keladi. Shu jumladan, Bizning mamlakatimizda ham mis eritish zavodida pirometallurgik usuldan keng foydalaniladi. Bu usul oʻzining qulayliklari bilan... more
Las presiones competitivas en la industria química y en la biotecnológica hacen cada vez más necesario contar con procedimientos que permitan escalar lo más rápido y directo posible, desde los laboratorios de investigación y desarrollo.... more
The heat penetration factor fh is required when calculating the pasteurization time or the sterilization time of packaged foods. This spreadsheet simplifies the tedious calculations of the specific surface of a food container, required... more
Introducción a las operaciones de separación. Cálculo por etapas de equilibrio. Autor: A. Marcilla Gomis
Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante
Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante
Research about periodic properties of materials
Dalam industri banyak digunakan sistem pendinginan (Cooling System) dalam prosesnya. Sistem pendinginan ini merupakan proses untuk mengurangi panas dalam suatu proses atau alat. Panas ini dikurangi dengan menransferkannya dari suatu... more
Energy costs affect the profitability of virtually every process. This book provides a unified platform for process improvement through the analysis of both the energy demand side—the processing plant—and the energy supply side—... more
REAKSI PENDESAKAN I. TUJUAN • Memahami arti deret Volta • Memahami reaksi pendesakan / reaksi pertukaran tunggal • Melakukan percobaan reaksi pendesakan II. DASAR TEORI Setiap logam cenderung melepaskan electron atau mengalami oksidasi... more
Advances in microbial enzyme technology offer a significant opportunity for developing low-energy bioconversion solutions for industrial wastes as inexpensive feedstocks for useful products. In this short communication, two agro-food... more
Effect of value usage on formic acid against latex pH to determine the quality of Ribbed Smoke Sheet I (RSS I)have performed in PTP Nusantara III Kebun Gunung Para. Determination the quality of Ribeed Smoke Sheet I (RSS I) is done by... more
Sorry, This title isn't in English, because Lao people are less known about it, but the relationship of this title in English has many.. so, I need for Lao people know and understand
This training program will present a detailed overview of the refining process yields from the crude oil feed to the finished products. Major refining processes are presented and discussed, including feedstock, feedstock preparation,... more
In the highly complex and technical field of chemical engineering where technology is evolving with lightning speed, it is very necessary to remain updated with the latest advancements. Hence, interaction of the students of the technical... more
Two bed media were tested (gravel and Filtralite) in shallow horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) constructed wetlands in order to evaluate the removal of ammonia and nitrate for different types of wastewater (acetate-based and domestic... more
2.9 Typical Flow of feed inside Furnaces 34 3.12 Different Cracking Processes 77 2.10 Crude oil distillation with a preflash unit 35 3.13 Methaforming Unit 78 2.11 Fractional Distillation fractions with BP & uses 36 3.14 Methaforming... more
The presence of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) in the wastewater industry causes toxicity and inhibition of the anaerobic degrading bacteria. The anaerobes in the multistage anaerobic reactor were loaded by 30.0 mg/gVS Graphene nanoparticles (MAR-G... more
The mixing rule models MHV1, MHV2 and WS were used to predict ternary VLE and VLLE at sub-and supercritical conditions of the systems water+methanol+carbon dioxide and water+ethanol+carbon dioxide. We used a cubic equation of state (SRK,... more
This paper presents an example of the importance of evapotranspiration in constructed wetlands, with vertical subsurface flow, comparing different methods of treatment efficiency calculations and discussing the influence of... more
Distillation is the most common separation technique and is energy intensive. Distillation can consume more than 50% of a process plant’s operating energy cost. A way to improve an existing plant’s operating cost or to reduce a new... more
The spread of COVID-19 has been exacerbated by the emergence of variants of concern (VoC). Many VoC contain mutations in the spike protein (S-protein) and are implicated in infection and response to therapeutics. Bivalent neutralizing... more
The Kinetics of the Biosorption of Methylene Blue onto LagenariaSphaerica as adsorbent was studied and the plant was characterized to check it suitability to be used as adsorbent for the treatment of aqueous waste water. The... more