Charles Babbage
Recent papers in Charles Babbage
How does our brain give rise to the rich world of our conscious experience? Each lecture in this course approaches this fundamental philosophical question by focusing on a specific issue regarding thinking, minds, and brains. Topics... more
Artykuł otwiera długą serię felietonów, które wszystkie mają główny tytuł "Jak nauczyliśmy maszyny liczyć i myśleć za nas?", ale potem są rozwinięcia sygnalizujące kolejne istotne etapy historii rozwoju informatyki. Pierwszy artykuł... more
Coba fikirkan hal apa yang tidak dapat diretas hari ini ? Apakah demikian juga halnya dahulu ? apakah esok dan masa depan kita masih akan terus mengalami semua kekacauan ini ? Coba jawab dalam diri anda berapa banyak informasi yang anda... more
The general intellect of the whole community, male and female, is stunted or perverted in infancy, or more commonly both, by keeping from women the knowledge possessed by men. … The only and the simple remedy for the evils arising from... more
Course at the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe
What is business getting itself into in its embrace of so-called artificial intelligence? What is it getting the world into? In approaching these questions, it may be useful to set aside the term "artificial intelligence" in favour of... more
See the attached file below for the Table of Contents. The Henderson essay "Vibratory Modernism: Boccioni, Kupka, and the Ether of Space" from this volume is available under Papers here.
Die Geschichte der Künstlichen Intelligenz beginnt vor 300 Jahren mit der Arbeitsteilung der Kopfarbeit. Sie ist vor allem eine Frage der Organisation von Rechenprozessen. Vorbild ist immer der rechnende Mensch, dessen Fähigkeiten Stufe... more
Resumen — Charles Babbage planteó el diseño [1] de sus máquinas diferencial [2] y analítica [3], las que no pudo llevar a cabo completamente por diversas razones. La arquitectura de esta última máquina, analizada a la luz del desarrollo... more
This essay investigates the ways in which changing communication networks in the middle of the nineteenth century forced people to entrust their most closely guarded secrets to unknown intermediaries as a matter of course. This shift... more
Skop Dergi'de yayınlandı.
This bibliography collects comics that involve computers, computer culture or computer pioneers. It includes titles for both adult and child readers.
Funded by the British government, Babbage’s Difference Engine was supposed to be the world’s most powerful mechanical calculator, able quickly to produce tables of numerical solutions for relatively high-order polynomial equations. But it... more
Sydney Padua’s 'The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage' as a research sample between Literary Criticism and Digital Humanities As Schmitz-Emans pointed out, comics «represent an art of storytelling that is rooted in a basic... more
Between Art and Truth with MachineLearning: A brief history of ArtificialIntelligence from the code of Ur-Nammu to the Generative NeuralNetworks. From autofiction to the open collective author. English translation of the French original... more
The paper looks at the relationship between machines and pre-modern enclaves of skills, exploring the manner in which technological networks deploy various forms of cultural difference in order to augment efficacy. Includes research on... more
Pragmatism, according to Peirce, “is a sort of instinctive attraction for living facts.” Living facts, like living organisms, are cellular. Interaction in cellular ontologies is not causal, in which objects touch, attract or repel each... more
Presented at the North American Victorian Studies supernumerary conference at Florence, Italy, May 2017.
Babbage’s designs could be the base for making Mechanical Computers with MEMS Technology. Basic arithmetic operations could be extended with lograrithmic calculus as in Slide Rules. Mechanical parts in MEMS provide shrinking and... more
Genius genes-How Asperger Talents Changed the World
Tra la fine del Settecento e i primi decenni dell'Ottocento, il Vesuvio e tutta l'area vulcanica del napoletano diventano la meta obbligata delle osservazioni di studiosi locali e stranieri, in un periodo in cui si gettano le basi della... more
Resumen: El estudio de las máquinas es un campo que puede rastrearse hasta el Renacimiento. Sin embargo, en la Modernidad adquiere cierto perfil teórico. Se produce una transformación desde los tratados sobre la instalación y uso que... more
Babbage's Dream examines what it means to be human in an age of technological transformation when the boundaries between the human and the machine, biology and technology, and science and religion have become increasingly blurred. The... more
Resumen-Charles Babbage planteó el diseño [1] de sus máquinas diferencial [2] y analítica [3], las que no pudo llevar a cabo completamente por diversas razones. La arquitectura de esta última máquina, analizada a la luz del desarrollo de... more
We learn from Michel Foucault's analysis of spaces of knowledge, in his The Order of Things, that an episteme can be reduced to one or two signs (a table, a network). These signs in turn may reductively frame everything about the... more
This chapter explores the cultural lineage that from the cams, cogs, wheels and delicate clockwork mechanisms of 18th century automata, arrives to the algorithm and code-based design of contemporary Android systems (via the punch-cards of... more
Between Art and Truth with MachineLearning: A brief history of ArtificialIntelligence from the code of Ur-Nammu to the Generative NeuralNetworks. From autofiction to the open collective author. English translation of the French original... more
A chapbook of poetry exploring the life and work of 19th century mathematician and computer pioneer Charles Babbage. Received a 2017 Elgin Award.
This article is a shorter version of "Hacking the Nineteenth Century: Babbage and Lovelace in *The Difference Engine* and *Arcadia*," which was the fourth chapter of my book, *Charles Dickens in Cyberspace.*
Repetidamente citado por Marx, Charles Babbage (1792-1871) es uno de esos fascinantes “filósofos” de las manufacturas, las máquinas, o el sistema capitalista en general, como Andrew Ure en el pasado, Taylor y Ford más recientemente o Ray... more
Babbage wrote two relatively detailed, yet significantly incongruous, autobiographical accounts of his pre-Cambridge and Cambridge days. He published one in 1864 and in it advertised the existence of the other, which he carefully retained... more
14th ESSE conference : S68 Sounds Victorian seminar (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 29 August – 2 September 2018) Dickens’s novels are usually characterised by orality, by the way the author transcribes English dialects and... more
It is difficult to imagine what Wordsworth would have done with an Asus Eee pc or how Keats would have felt after his first look at Chapman's Homer by clicking a hyperlink on a website designed in Flash. However, farfetched though it... more