Recent papers in Charisma
Living in the Spirit: The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life, by Geoff Waugh, is a personal and group study guide to life in the Spirit. The chapters are: 1 Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 2 Born of the Spirit, 3 Filled with the Spirit,... more
While contemporary communication theorists often avoid the concept of charisma due to its status as an ineffable mystical quality or a natural knack for persuasion, this essay argues that charisma is rather a technē. Using Max Weber's... more
El libro estudia el fenómeno del liderazgo desde los perfiles del carisma, los problemas del poder y los retos de la realidad que, muchas veces, es resistente al cambio. Hoy día se advierte la carencia de líderes legitimados... more
Former President of the Media Ecology Association, Dr Phil Rose, ran for office in the 2015 Canadian federal election. This article presents an interview with Rose in the wake of his defeat. To stimulate and organize the flow of the... more
are left with the question of why anyone would replace the new gods of ''technology and smartphones,'' especially when there are few material religious objects left to allow for a relational dynamic of enchantment.
Gerade hat Rob, Ich-Erzähler in Nick Hornbys High Fidelity und leidenschaftlicher Musikliebhaber, mit Marie LaSalle, einer von ihm geschätzten amerikanischen Folksängerin, geschlafen. Sein Triumph steigert sich noch erheblich, als er... more
era hasta finales del siglo XVIII, un fenómeno limitado en el tiempo y com partimentado en el espacio, deviene, como bien señala Lafon, "una realidad latente y familiar". Todo un presagio de las terribles tragedias que empezarían en 1914.
“Charisma and Causality,” ArtReview (November, 2015).
This paper focuses on one type of content, text, which in itself is complex and requires a significant understanding of language and human cognition. Traditionally, researchers used what is now known as the manual approach to carrying out... more
Despite the historical and contemporary prevalence of charismatic terrorist leaders, there has been very little empirical examination of the relationship between charismatic forms of authority and the strategic operation of terrorist... more
Conclusion générale d’un ouvrage collectif, ce chapitre fait la synthèse des enjeux et des problèmes soulevés par la notion de charisme en sciences sociales. Il revient à la fois sur les difficultés de la conceptualisation du charisme... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to introduce, apply and compare how artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically the IBM Watson system, can be used for content analysis in marketing research relative to manual and computer-aided... more
Dans cet ouvrage appuyé de nombreux interviews de personnalités du monde de l'entreprise, le leadership apparaît comme une force d’inspiration et d’entrainement du collectif à tous les niveaux de l’entreprise dans le but d’atteindre un... more
This paper considers the emergence of Mount Athos' monk elders in Greek society in recent decades until the current economic crisis. Their social influence has grown over these decades, especially after some of them were recognized as... more
This study investigates the influence of crisis on leader use of charismatic rhetoric. We examine leader charismatic rhetoric across two major crises, longitudinally exploring potential long-term influences of charismatic rhetoric on... more
In order to illuminate our theological understanding of love this essay analyzes love in the context of the Pauline formula of faith, love, and hope. In terms of method, the essay combines exegetical observations, conceptual tools from... more
Sind wir Zeugen einer neuen Ausgießung des Heiligen Geistes über die leidende, gottferne Menschheit? Erleben wir heute ein neues Pfingsten – mit Reden in fremden Sprachen, Prophetien und Wunderheilungen? Das wäre so ein großes Geschenk... more
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to introduce, apply and compare how artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically the IBM Watson system, can be used for content analysis in marketing research relative to manual and computer-aided... more
Culture's influence on leadership processes is generally accepted. However, differing leadership styles will be differentially impacted by the cultural context in which they seek to operate. The current paper examines two seemingly... more
Ignatius of Antioch portrays his voyage to Rome as a journey which follows in Paul's footsteps, while offering a diametrically opposite model of authority.
Luxury retail strategy differs from other retail strategies not merely in distinctive formulations of product, price, distribution, and appeals to customer distinction. Instead, it increasingly stands or falls on the legitimacy of a... more
Una de las funciones fundamentales del Espíritu Santo es conservar y custodiar la frescura de los dones carismáticos y jerárquicos derramados en la Iglesia. Un gran fruto de la actividad del Espíritu Santo, como animador y dador de vida,... more
Cette étude se base sur une veille des sites internet de l’organisation et une enquête de terrain réalisée en immersion aux côtés des raéliens. Son enjeu est de montrer comment la notion de réseau permet au mouvement raélien et à son... more
Depuis ses débuts à treize ans où « pelusa » est alors une attraction footballistique dans son pays et à l'étranger, jusqu'à la consécration mondiale du « Pibe de oro » en 1986 qui fera du lui l'un des hommes les plus célèbres de la... more
Current debates about the ethics of mindfulness swing between two poles: on one hand, critics of “McMindfulness” take issue with mindfulness’ corporatization under conditions of free-market capitalism; on the other, “Trojan horse”... more
The leadership style of inspirational leadership has not gained substantial research attention. Studies have found inspirational leadership to be particularly relevant for practitioners. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the... more
Influencers have monopolized media attention in recent years, the result of a long process lasting two decades dating from the rise of blogging at the beginning of the twenty-first century. In this article, I set out the historical... more
Pour le cardinal Congar, une théologie équilibrée du presbytérat doit reconnaître, en même temps, la nécessité de la structure sacramentelle instituée par le Christ et la force dynamique des dons spirituels.
This essay developed out of the final chapter of The Sympathy of Things where I related beauty to a notion of radical generosity. Tracing generosity back to the ancient Greeks brought me to a whole new world of grace and “charis”, the... more
Max Webers Religionssoziologie als eine Typologie und Soziologie des Rationalismus ist von Interesse geblieben, da in ihr nicht nur Einsichten in die Einstehung der Teilordnungen des modernen Gesellschaftssystems, sondern auch in die... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
This book provides a thorough synthesis of classic theories on charisma and group psychology. The usefulness of this theoretical synthesis is then tested against detailed case studies of the cults surrounding Jim Jones and Charles... more
21 € 264 pages Parution le 22 avril 2021 MANUEL DU PARFAIT DICTATEUR Jules César et les « hommes forts » du XXI e siècle Christian-Georges SCHWENTZEL Qui pourrait imaginer que Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Viktor Orbán, Narendra Modi, Xi Jinping,... more