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      Chant researchChantSequencesNotker Balbulus
A transcription of Leonin's "Viderunt Omnes" (c. mid to late 12th century), showing excerpts of the original two sources with comparative variations and a modern transcription. For a recording and score-video see the link below:... more
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      Early MusicMusic Theory PedagogyMusic HistoryMusicology
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      ReligionHistoryMusicEarly Music
Etude littéraire
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PREMISE: How can music allow a man to see the face of God? How can music direct the spirituality of those creating, practicing, and listening to it? Music and sound have played a significant role in religious practice throughout and... more
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      MusicContemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityMusic And Religion
This is my PhD dissertation. The third chapter might be interesting since it shows that the natural scale was the primary scale used in European antiquity (the so-called Folk Music Scale). It combined with the early diatonic scale... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean Studies
This is my Master's thesis on the lays of Fionn mac Cumhaill. It's very dated, and I've learned a lot since I wrote it, but it has some interesting points to it.
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      ChantFionn Mac CumhaillMedieval SingingEncomiastic
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      ReligionHistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryTheology
This is a digitized copy of one of the four known versions of the Pasion Ibanag, one of the Ibanag religious chanting traditions, encoded by Harold Sibayan de la Cruz and edited by Jan Karl Calubaquib Coballes.
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      Languages and LinguisticsLiteratureCulturePhilippine Literature
How could we manage the Orpheus’ heritage? How to handle a voice that charms the wild beasts and the gods, moving the rocks and silencing the mermaids? Apparently it’s easy: it’s enough turning back to look and deal with one’s own... more
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      MusicMusicologyMythologyOperations Research
This document is a copy of a version of the salomon, one of the traditional Ibanag religious chants, encoded by Harold Sibayan de la Cruz and edited by Jan Karl Calubaquib Coballes. The original author of the source document is Agustin... more
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These appendices accompany our article "Melodic Dialects in Old Hispanic Chant", Plainsong and Medieval Music 25 (2016)
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      MusicologyChant researchChantOld Hispanic Chant and Liturgy
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      MusicologyCatholic TheologyMedieval FranceEucharistic Theology
The current presentation deals with the basic chant repertory that was used in Divine Liturgies in the Valaam Monastery in the 19th and 20th centuries.
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      Church MusicMusicologyEastern ChristianityByzantine Liturgy
This study explores the idea of music being used in interreligious engagements involving Muslims, both so non-Muslims can be aware of Muslim sensitivities and so Muslims can positively contribute to such types of engagement. After... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationPeace and Conflict StudiesLiturgical StudiesEthnomusicology
As the global interest in the interfaith communication especially in the Post 9/11 Era is increasing, the ethos of inter-religiosity in Malaysia, a country that encompasses a diversity of ethnicity and belief systems, is still... more
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      ReligionBuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyBuddhist Studies
An important Rosicrucian teaching advocates working with "vowel intonations" to aid the student in meditation and to create physical and spiritual harmony. Modern science, especially in the realm of quantum physics, has begun to confirm... more
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      RosicrucianismIntonationVibrationMystery School
Die Studie verdankt sich der Identifizierung des ʽHeltauer Marienliedesʼ in zwei Handschriften, die wie die von CAROLA L. GOTTZMANN 1991 bekannt gemachte Grazer Handschrift Ms. 1972 dem bairisch-österreichischen Raum entstammen: Paris,... more
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      German LiteratureMusicChurch MusicArchival Studies
A popular article briefly discussing the past and present of church singing at the first class Valaam Monastery, situated in Finland.
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      Church MusicMusicologyEastern ChristianityByzantine Liturgy
The paper deals with the contemporary church music repertoire and practices at the divine services of the Valaam Monastery in Finland, based on the author’s participant observation as a singer, chanter, and reader, carried out in multiple... more
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      Church MusicMusicologyParticipatory ResearchEastern Christianity
Key words: Aquitanian notation; semitone indication; special punctum, office of St Hilary of Poitiers
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      ChantAquitanian notation
The article aims to identify and characterize musical symbolization of chanting notation by examining correspondence between the symbolic systems representing on the manuscript and intonational chanting of Maha Chat Khamluang (Jataka... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyThai Studies
This is why I, my host families, and cultural informants throughout East and North Kalimantan are rushing to preserve the oral texts so that they can be passed on to the next generation (see also Okushima 2015) in order that the latter... more
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      EthnohistoryOral literaturePoemsBorneo
Stichera are hymns that constitute a major part of the changing hymnography in Eastern Orthodox divine services Vespers and Orthros. In the liturgical tradition of the Valaam Monastery in the 19th–20th century, the practice was to sing... more
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      Church MusicMusicologyEastern ChristianityByzantine Liturgy
Latin conducti do not typically come to mind when considering the medieval practice of French refrain citation; intertextual refrains were conventionally interpolated into French songs, narratives, and the upper voices of motets. Yet... more
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      BorrowingLiturgyIntertextualityMedieval France
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      Gregorian ChantChantSequencesNotker Balbulus
Prior to the establishment of the Roman rite with its Gregorian chant, in the Iberian Peninsula and Southern France the Mozarabic rite, with its own tradition of chant, was dominant from the sixth until the eleventh century. Few of these... more
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      Machine LearningNeumatic Notations (music)ChantMusic Generation
Abstract Contemporary technology allows for simple means to measure "a capella" intervals, durations and vocal inflections in sound samples obtained from authentically traditional psaltis, recorded at the turn of the 20th century, and... more
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      Music EducationMusic HistoryMusicologyMusic Technology
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    • Chant
Quels sont les marqueurs acoustiques du doublement de consonnes, technique décrite au XVIII ème siècle en musique baroque vocale française, à des fins expressives ? Ces marqueurs s'assimilent-ils à la gémination ? Nous avons enregistré 5... more
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      LinguistiqueChantPhonétique FrançaisePhonétique Historique
Sydney Fisher RB 357 is a miscellany comprising four parts each probably deriving from different books. Parts 1 to 3 contain notated mass chants. Part 1, probably of 15th-century origin, is of particular interest for the changes that have... more
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      Manuscript StudiesRenaissance FlorenceChant
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsHistorical MusicologyChant
In this paper, I examine the background of music theorist Johannes de Grocheio and the circumstances surrounding the production and preservation of his only known treatise, the Ars musice (c. 1275). I survey three institutions in Normandy... more
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      ArtMedieval MusicHistorical MusicologyChant
The paper discusses various aspect of musical experience, both passive (attention, intelligence, imagination, relationships), and active (humility, creativity, community), in reference to their possible spiritual meaning, as a passage... more
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      SpiritualityMusic and EmotionsListening (Music)Chant
Movement One of "Alma Mater," a piece for solo soprano, SATB choir, and piano: a modern musical setting of the four great Marian Antiphons of Compline.
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      Composition (Music)Music CompositionContemporary MusicGregorian Chant
In this paper, I examine the background of music theorist Johannes de Grocheio and the circumstances surrounding the production and preservation of his only known treatise, the Ars musice (c. 1275). I survey three institutions in Normandy... more
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      ArtMedieval MusicHistorical MusicologyChant
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureByzantine Studies
The liturgical celebration of the Mass, a multifarious spiritual, artistic, and intellectual manifestation, had a central position in the cultural life of medieval Europe. The 'Gregorian Chants', mostly words from passages of the Old... more
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吟誦是中國傳統讀書人誦讀、創作及講授古典詩詞文用的讀書調,同時具旋律性及隨意發揮的性質,其旋律因方言、師承及個人喜好形成各種流派。吟誦調日漸式微,曾在私塾學習的老人逐漸故去,搶救吟誦調的工作刻不容緩。關注及保育粵語吟誦調者尚少,零星研究未有系統地收集各派及各文體的吟誦調,亦忽略粵語吟誦調的詞樂特徵(平最高/最低,仄中)與其他方言(平高仄低/平低仄高)的相異之處。本計畫從語言學的角度入手,分析粵語吟誦的詞樂特徵,並收集何叔惠、蘇文擢、陳湛銓、常宗豪等二十世紀與香港有關之學者及其... more
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      EthnomusicologyClassical Chinese literatureChant researchCantonese Literature
Movement Four of "Alma Mater," a piece for solo soprano, SATB choir, and piano: a modern musical setting of the four great Marian Antiphons for Compline.
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      MusicComposition (Music)Music CompositionContemporary Music
German version published in Beiträge zur Gregorianik (with Inga Behrendt and Sarah Ann Long).
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      PlainchantManuscriptsChantPlainchant manuscripts
Vincent of Saragossa was the first Spanish martyr. A deacon under bishop Valerius of Saragossa, Vincent was martyred at Valencia on 22 January in 304; he underwent a considerable series of tortures, including the gridiron, which are first... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryChantSaints CultsSaint Vincent
In the scriptorium of the Abbey of Saint-Matthias of Trier paper manuscripts continued to be produced long after the invention of the printing press. These manuscripts were the result of a hybrid fabrication process approaching the... more
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      LiturgyHistorical MusicologyChant
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      African StudiesChantAnthropologie De La CommunicationSexe/genre
Yucuna Indians' songs. Texts, records and videos.
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      EthnomusicologyPerformance StudiesAmazoniaApplied Ethnomusicology
"Om Mani Padme Hum" is one of the most recited mantra among all faith traditions combined. Interestingly even within Sufi tradition we have instances where this mantra has been recited (for example: Omar Ali Shah's Tariqa). What does the... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionMysticismSufism