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Cosa sarebbe stato l'intenzione di Corelli, in particolare attenzione sul clavicembalo nell'Op.V di Corelli?
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      Chamber MusicIntellectual History of the Baroque PeriodBaroque MusicItalian Baroque art
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      Chamber MusicPianoHornViolin
Morphology and structure of swimbladder in three species of family cyprinidae and two species of family cobitidae has been studied. It was observed that a comparative study of swim bladder is very useful to establish the taxonomic... more
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      Chamber MusicEncapsulatedStructured Catalysis
Preface: Toward the end of the eighteenth century, such great minds as Mozart and Beethoven entertained the notion that string trios might someday rival or eclipse string quartets. The quartet had grown from being mainly fluff to a... more
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      Chamber MusicMusic HistoryBeethovenElectrochemical Sensors
Programa de mano
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    • Chamber Music
Contiene 9 artículos de investigación, reseñas bibliográficas y discográficas, tesis doctorales y noticias, 489 p. Javier Marín López, editor-in-chief.
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      Chamber MusicBaroque MusicRenaissance musicSpanish Music
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      MusicChamber MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
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      Chamber MusicClassical GuitarBrazilian Music
Dmitri Shostakovich's Viola Sonata op. 147 (1975) is a significant work of the viola repertoire and one of the composer’s masterpieces. It is Dimitri Shostakovich's last completed composition, often referred to as his swans-song. Due to... more
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      Chamber MusicPianoViolaRussian and Soviet Music
‘Fräulein Klarinette’, ‘signorina clarinetto’, così Brahms amava soprannominare il clarinetto e il clarinettista Mühlfeld, la cui maestria aveva ispirato al compositore il Trio op. 114, il Quintetto op. 115 e le Sonate op. 120, capolavori... more
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      Chamber MusicMusicologyTextual CriticismClarinet
Introduction The present edition offers an arrangement for Recorder of the Trio for Flauto Trav., Violino & Basso Wq. 143 by CPE Bach (1714-1788). As is customary in such adaptations, with the transposition of a minor 3nd up, from B... more
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      Chamber MusicJ S BachRecorderBaroque Violin
A key word when preparing this sonata is TIME. Each era, each composer, has their own relationship with time, how they perceive and relate to time, and how they organize events within time. Does the future influence the present, or the... more
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      Chamber MusicPerformance Studies (Music)Time PerceptionEdward Elgar
Only in the 18th century do we begin to find specific mention of woodwind vibrato production. In the treatises of Hotteterre (1707) and of Quantz (1752) a finger vibrato is recommended. Hotteterre explains in detail how to produce the... more
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      Chamber MusicMusic HistoryWoodwindsPerformance
Performance preparation for Samuel Barber's Cello Sonata.
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      Chamber MusicPerformance Studies (Music)Samuel BarberCello Performance
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      Chamber MusicSecond Viennese SchoolArnold Schoenberg
À la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale, le milieu musical français – depuis les sociétés de concerts jusqu’au très convoité concours du prix de Rome – semble entrouvrir sa porte aux compositrices. Si cette parenthèse enchantée se... more
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      Chamber MusicWomen's StudiesWomen Composers And MusiciansBelle Epoque
For full details, including multimedia web resources, visit In 1829 Goethe famously described the string quartet as “a conversation among four intelligent people.” Inspired by this metaphor, Edward... more
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      Chamber MusicMozartSociabilityMusic analysis
The Helicopter String Quartet (1993) by German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928–2007) is one of the most notorious works of classical music of the past decades. The work is scored for a traditional string quartet, four helicopters... more
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      Chamber MusicPerformance ArtPhilosophy of MusicCultural Musicology
An Afternoon at Skittles: On Playing Mozart’s “Kegelstatt” Trio
Part I: A Trio for Signora Dinimininimi, Nàtschibinìtschibi, and Pùnkitititi
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      Chamber MusicMozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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      MusicChamber MusicMusic EducationMusic History
Notas al disco "Entre fandangos y habaneras" del Trío Malats y Ana Belén (Universal Music Spain, 2015). Contenido del disco: "Trío en Si bemol mayor" de Joaquim Malats, "Trío Op. 50" de Enrique Granados, "Cinco canciones negras" de Xavier... more
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      Chamber MusicSpanish MusicMúsica de CâmaraAnálisis Musical
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      Chamber MusicString Quartets19th Century MusicComposer
An Afternoon at Skittles: On Playing Mozart’s “Kegelstatt” Trio
Part II: Analyzing and Performing Musical Play
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      Chamber MusicMozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
In fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the Manhattan School of Music, this dissertation is an analysis of aspects of Mario Davidovsky's style and how they manifest themselves in two of his important... more
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      Chamber MusicComposition (Music)Classical GuitarElectroacoustic Music
Liner notes. José Luis Hurtado's Son de la bruja, Carlos Chávez's Soli II, Arturo Márquez's Danza de Mediodía, Mario Lavista's Cinco danzas breves, Manuel M. Ponce's Estrellita, José Luis Hurtado's Tenue
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      Chamber MusicClassical MusicWind quintetContemporary Mexican Music
Articles historic equipment including repair tools, reed knives, shaper tips, gouging machines, and cane. Ledet faithfully curated these artifacts and carefully moved them, along with his personal possessions, to every home in which he... more
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      Chamber MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
”Ett tack till Lilla Parnassen och Gunilla som håller musikintressets fladdrande låga levande i väntan på den stora musikaliska elden”. Så skriver musikprofessorn Jan Ling i Sällskapet Lilla Parnassens gästbok den 11 april 2006, och... more
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      Chamber MusicOperaBourgeoisie
Ricerca musicologia a cura di Dora Filippone: la musica con chitarra di Arthur Johannes Scholz (Lemberg 1883 - Vienna 1945). Un grande compositore, oggi in gran parte ancora sconosciuto, dedica alla chitarra in trio con flauto e... more
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      Chamber MusicMusicologyClassical GuitarGuitar
During the years prior to World War II, a number of composers in Germany were creating music of political content that addressed social issues. By writing El Cimarrón (1970), Hans Werner Henze made a unique contribution to the tradition... more
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      Chamber MusicTwentieth-century MusicPolitical songs
This article revises a conviction strongly established in the traditional historiography of colonial music, according to which eighteenth-century Spanish American nobility, mostly integrated by Creole bureaucrats, miners, and merchants of... more
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      Latin American StudiesChamber MusicColonialismNobility
Program notes to the opening season of the "Squero" concert all at th Giorgio Cini Foundation. Italian and English texts by the author. Programma di sala per la stagione inaugurale dell'auditorium "Squero" presso la Fondazione Giorgio... more
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      Chamber MusicBeethovenBeethoven's Late String Quartets
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      Chamber MusicWomen's HistoryNineteenth Century United StatesAmerican music history
Organizadores: Othaniel Alcântara Jr. e Wolney Unes. Livro de partituras com obras de Estércio Marquez Cunha com análises críticas. Organizado e editado por Othaniel Alcântara Jr. e Wolney Unes. Textos analíticos: Othaniel Alcântara Jr.,... more
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      Chamber MusicMusicologyViolin
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      MusicChamber MusicWoodwinds, Brass, And PercussionWoodwinds
Johannes Brahms’ original Piano Trio in B major was written in 1854 and 35 years later, he came back to this work and published a revised version. The second version of this work has a changed sonata form in the first movement, even... more
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      Chamber MusicClassical MusicPiano TrioJohannes Brahms
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      Chamber MusicMusic EducationTeacher EducationWoodwinds
El 20 de noviembre de 2012 dentro del marco del Festival de Otoño de París, en la Cité de la musique, el Ensemble intercontemporain, presentó Ionisation de Edgar Varèse, dirigida por Sussana Mälkki. Siendo esta una de las más prestigiosas... more
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      Chamber MusicPercussionHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)XXth century music
Review published in the newsletter of the American Brahms Society, vol. XXXIII, no. 2, fall 2015.
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      Chamber MusicPianoPerformance StudiesBrahms
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      Chamber MusicHistory of Music TheoryMusical FormHistorical Musicology
El compositor y pianista Ricardo Castro Herrera (1864-1907) no solamente es el músico más notable de su generación, sino de todo el siglo XIX mexicano. Su legado comprende obra para piano solo, canción de concierto, teatro lírico, obra... more
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      Chamber MusicString QuartetMúsica mexicana siglos XIX y XXRomanticismo mexicano
SpiS treści Informacje o projekcie 5 program fesiwalu 9 informacje o prelegentach 13 Koncert 1 17 Koncert 2 23 Koncert 3 31 Małgorzata Sułek Parnas czy towarzystwo wzajemnej adoracji? Salon muzyczny jako zjawisko społeczno-artystyczne 39... more
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      Chamber MusicPolish musicWładysław Żeleński
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      Chamber MusicFrench Music19th Century MusicFrench Music, 1870 - 1945
x d osi e r x La ópera siempre nos evoca una imagen de grandeza: una orquesta sinfónica, un escenario de grandes dimensiones, un coro nutrido y centenares de espectadores, todo reunido en un teatro de aire monumental. Esta visión, que... more
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      Chamber MusicOperations ManagementOperations Research
This study documents and provides an understanding of how the Cavani String Quartet (CSQ) uses their coaching strategies and rehearsal techniques to teach advanced music students to work together as teams. My primary goal in conducting... more
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      MusicChamber MusicMusic EducationCollaboration
How to cite: Syroyid Syroyid, B. (2018). Analysis of the Constructive Functions of Notated and Acoustic Silences in Béla Bartók's Fifth String Quartet, First Movement, Allegro. In R. Parncutt and S. Sattmann (Eds.) 15th Internacional... more
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      MusicChamber MusicMusicologySilence
This study will examine the opening sonata-form movements of the piano trios by Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847) and Robert Schumann (1810–1856) concentrating on the interaction between analysis and performance. The aim is to consider and... more
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      Chamber MusicSchenkerian AnalysisFelix Mendelssohn-BartholdyRobert Schumann