Chamber Graves
Recent papers in Chamber Graves
The cemetery at Bodzia (Central Poland) dating back to the beginnings of the Polish state, remains so far the only one of its kind in Europe. It combines in an eclectic way various elements of burial rites. They seem to have been... more
Hur kan vi som arkeologer få insyn i och förståelse för historiskt symboliska platser som Birka och Gamla Uppsala? Platsernas monumentalitet och rika forskningshistoria riskerar att påverkar de hypoteser och tolkningar vi lyfter fram och... more
A tanulmány a csákberény-orondpusztai avar kori temetőben 2019-ben folytatott tervásatáson nagy számban megfigyelt sírépítményeket mutatja be. A feltárt sírok kivétel nélkül a 7. század közepétől a 8. század elejéig, tehát az ún. közép... more
Plan, das Stift aus Grobe zu verlegen, mit dem Lärm der Volksmenge und dem Tumult der Handelstätigkeit begründet 41. Die Ausgrabungsergebnisse passen somit gut zu den schriftlichen Überlieferungen für das Stift 42. In diesem Zusammenhang... more
Will the current discovery in Poland force us to reevaluate what we think about the Viking Age outside of nowadays Scandinavia? The death and possible burial site of the Danish king Harald Gormson Bluetooth till now was one of history’s... more
The largest necropolis of Naissus (modern Niš, Serbia) in the late antiquity period was formed on the right bank of the river Nišava, east of the fortification, along the road that led to Ratiaria. It is located on the site of today's... more
A shorter edition (140 pages) in Swedish of the book from 1992: "Högom Part I. The excavations 1949-1984". The last chapter is the article "Grisfest i Fröland" published 2016 in Arkeologi i Norr no. 15, i.a. containing the updates of the... more
Die Merowingerzeit ist eine Epoche "hoher politischer Komplexität, aber auch kultureller Innovationen" 1 . Mit der Begründung des fränkischen Reichs durch die Machtübernahme Chlodwig I. im Jahr 482 n. Chr. entwickelten sich die Merowinger... more
To my knowledge, nobody has drawn together the pan-European evidence about the image of the two mythical goats of Norse god Thor in Viking-Age burial gifts’ traditions in such a manner, as I will attempt. A further aim was to assess the... more
Özet: Paplagonia Bölgesi doğuda Halys (Kızılırmak) ve Pontos Bölgesi, batıda Parthenios (Bartınsu) veya Billaios (Filyos çayı) ile Bithynia, güneyde ise Gangra (Çankırı) ile Galatya bölgelerinin sınırladığı alan içerisindedir. Ele... more
Κρητικές επιρροές στα ταφικά έθιμα του Αιγαίου (Κρήτη, Κύθηρα, Λακωνία) κατά τη ΜΕΧ και την ΥΕΧ Ι-ΙΙ: νεκροταφεία, τύποι τάφων, ταφικές πρακτικές και κτερίσματα ΑΘΗΝΑ 2014 Ασημίνα Τσιμόγιαννη ΑΜ: 201349 Επιβλέπων καθηγητής: κος Γιάννης... more
In Iron Age Sweden, the almost constantly dominating burial fashion is crema- tion burials in different variants . The inhumation burial rite is in comparison a very small but nonetheless important material . These graves often contain a... more
In the richly furnished ‘princely graves’ of the Roman Iron Age and the Migration Period we encounter a range of luxury bjects imported from the territory of the Roman Empire, and often, also objects manufactured locally from precious... more
I slutet av september år 2017 släppte Uppsala universitet ett pressmeddelande, vilket under oktober samma år kom att få stor uppmärksamhet i massmedia runt om i världen. På Facebook och andra sociala medier delades en uppsjö artiklar med... more
Zozulya S.S. Research of the Dneprovskaya burial mounds group of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex in 2017 Two mounds from the Dneprovskaya group of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex were excavated in 2017. Mound Dn-59 held a... more
"Summary: There are about 40 Migration Period chamber graves in central and northern Sweden. They display regional variation and appear to be different from such graves on the Continent. The paper gives an overview of the available... more