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"Baruchello’s Philosophy of Cruelty, the second collection of his essays, turns a difficult and emotionally charged topic into a surprisingly informative and enlightening read. Covering the history of Western philosophy’s treatment of... more
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      EconomicsPhilosophyEthicsHuman Rights
Essential topos of the work of Cesare Beccaria, and legacy of the most important of On Crimes and Punishments, is the condemnation of the death penalty, accompanied by the peroration of life imprisonment as an effective alternative. In... more
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      Capital PunishmentDeath PenaltyHuman DignityBeccaria
Although in the section A chi legge he suggested otherwise, Beccaria owes much to Hobbes. This is evinced by three theses advanced in Dei delitti e delle pene: human beings are by nature unsociable; there is no natural law prior to the... more
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      Political PhilosophyThomas HobbesPhilosophy of PunishmentNatural rights
L'articolo partendo dalla ricorrenza del 250° anniversario della pubblicazione del Dei delitti e delle pene di Cesare Beccaria, tratteggia brevemente la storia del diritto penale di Ancien Régime individuando l'origine delle critiche che,... more
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      Philosophy Of LawFilosofía PolíticaHistory of LawHistoria del Derecho
RESUMO: O presente trabalho objetiva realizar uma analise passando por cada um dos pontos de evolução do sistema prisional brasileiro, de sua origem até a atualidade de que temos alguma espécie de registro. Além de possibilitar um estudo... more
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      Direito Processual PenalDireito PenalCesare BeccariaDireito Penitenciário
Unlike the first French translation, which has received adequate scholarly attention, the first English translation, printed in London in 1767 for the Whig bookseller , journalist and advocate for the freedom of the press John Almon, has... more
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      Translation HistoryHistory of Criminal LawCesare BeccariaDei Delitti E Delle Pene
A tipografia jurídico-filosófica de Cesare Beccaria (1738-1793) é extensa. Tal fato deve-se, notoriamente, por duas razões: a primeira, de caráter conceitual, uma vez que Beccaria pensa a legislação, ou mais especificamente, a pena, a... more
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      Legal PhilosophyDireito PenalFilosofia do DireitoDERECHO PENAL
Direttore editoriale MASSIMO BRAY Ha contribuito con un servizio editoriale Ervin editing srl Opere Bibliografia 30 Giuristi e mercanti di Umberto Santarelli Un nuovo (e forte) ceto mercantile Un rischio del mestiere di mercante: il... more
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      Pena Di MorteCesare BeccariaIlluminismo milaneseIlluminismo giuridico
"Dei delitti e delle pene" è un'opera di Cesare Beccaria, edita nel 1764. Il lavoro di Beccaria è un'espressione dell'illuminismo e della necessità di un progetto di riforma sociale. In questa analisi proponiamo una ricostruzione... more
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      Filosofía PolíticaFilosofia del DirittoIlluminismo italianoCesare Beccaria
La réception française des Délits et des peines a tissé un filtre épais d’interprétations influentes. On propose ici de partir de leur genèse pour en éclairer différemment la signification. Beccaria écrit dans un contexte d’affrontement... more
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      Criminal LawCesare Beccaria
vittime: tutti gli altri erano semplici spettatori. A un certo punto nella società è emersa una sensibilità che ha fatto sì che un libretto di questo tipo sia diventato un best seller internazionale. È stato geniale perché ha reso... more
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    • Cesare Beccaria
Introduction to a new extensively annotated translation of Beccaria's classic Treatise, On Crimes and Punishments.The translation is of the original Harlem edition of 1766, the last edition that Beccaria personally oversaw.
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      Criminal Law Criminal Procedure LawPhilosophy of PunishmentCapital PunishmentPunishment and Prisons
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    • Cesare Beccaria
By rigorously distinguishing between crime and sin, the Enlightenment philosophers and jurists involved in the secularization of criminal law didn’t merely applied in this area the major achievements of the Locke’s concept of religious... more
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      EnlightenmentPhilosophy of Criminal LawLiberalism and TolerationTheory and Practice of Toleration
Cet article tente d’évaluer la thèse soutenue par Michel Foucault dans Surveiller et punir. Selon cette thèse, la prison moderne ne serait pas née dans le discours des réformateurs, puisque ceux-ci restent attachés à une différenciation... more
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      Michel FoucaultCriminal Law, History, TheoryCesare Beccaria
The principles of penal parsimony, which Beccaria places at the heart of the criminal reform proposed in his 1764 Dei delitti e delle pene (‘On Crimes and Punishments’), derive from a precise interpretation of the social contract.... more
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      Enlightenment Political ThoughtCriminal Law, History, TheoryCesare Beccaria
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      MontesquieuCesare Beccaria
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    • Cesare Beccaria
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      HistoryModern HistoryEnlightenmentPhilosophy of Punishment
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeLegal History
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticePolitical TheorySocial Justice
Cet article s’interroge sur le silence observé par Beccaria sur l’idée d’une fonction correctrice ou éducative des peines. Ce silence est frappant pour deux raisons. L’idée que les peines doivent avoir pour but d’amender le coupable est... more
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      Philosophy of Criminal LawEnlightenment Political ThoughtCriminal Law, Criminal Procedure, History and Theory of Criminal LawCesare Beccaria
Dieser Aufsatz wird sich mit der Frage der Freiheit aus verschiedenen Perspektiven befassen. Beim Vergleich verschiedener Autoren der europäischen Literatur werde ich versuchen, eine Antwort auf die Frage "Was ist Freiheit" zu finden.... more
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      Russian StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureGerman Literature
Le comiche smorfie» Prima edizione: ottobre 2016 ISBN 978 88 6787 657 0 © 2016 cleuP sc "Coop. Libraria Editrice Università di Padova" via G. Belzoni 118/3 -Padova (t. 049 8753496) Tutti i diritti di... more
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      EnlightenmentEuropean EnlightenmentLinguistica italianaLingua E Letteratura Italiana
The focus of this collection of essays is the two-way relation of Cesare Beccaria's "On Crimes and Punishments" with Britain. It is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to be entirely devoted to this subject.
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      Capital PunishmentJeremy BenthamAnglo-Italian StudiesCesare Beccaria
Kant lettore di Beccaria. Aspetti filologici del dibattito I Per quanto riguarda le conoscenze di Kant in materia di lingue straniere, 1 si sa che lui padroneggiava il francese non in maniera attiva, ma sicuramente in maniera passiva,... more
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      Immanuel KantCapital PunishmentCesare Beccaria
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      Postal HistoryItalian artFrench artSpanish Art
SOMMARIO: 1. Beccaria criminologo? – 2. La legalità processuale e i poteri ‘restituiti’ al giudice. – 3. Il ruolo del giudice nel processo penale criminologico. – 4. Penologia e contraddizioni con lo stato di diritto: dalla legalità alla... more
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      CriminologyLegal HistoryCriminology (Social Sciences)Criminology/sociology of Deviance
Az arányosság elve a büntetőjogban Cesare Beccaria A bűnökről és a büntetésekről című műve alapján "…a büntetések célja nem az, hogy kínozzanak és gyötörjenek egy érző lényt, s nem az, hogy semmissé tegyenek egy már elkövetett bűntényt.... more
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      BüntetőjogCesare Beccaria
Following the trails of Pietro Molini, an Italian publisher residing in London whose name appears in Alessandro Verri's letters to his brother Pietro, and of John Almon, the publisher of the first English translation of Cesare Beccaria's... more
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      Translation HistoryPublishing historyHistory of Criminal LawJohn Wilkes (1725-1797)
* desidero esprimere la mia gratitudine a dario ippolito per la sua attenta rilettura di questo testo.
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      Criminal LawUtilitarianismPhilosophy of the EnlightenmentPenal Law
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsGilles Deleuze
Translating cultures; Interpretations, adaptations, contaminations, reaction in the history of Modern and Contemporary Europe.
Università di Firenze/ European University Institute/ Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
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      Translation StudiesRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)Cesare Beccaria
Col contributo di sarotti esce nel 1785, ma è frutto di una riflessione già fissata su carta tra il 1769 e i primi anni Settanta, allorché l'abate diventa professore di lingue antiche a Padova: cfr. C.E. ROGGIA, "De naturali linguarum... more
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      History of LinguisticsEnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentLocke
A Cesare Beccaria si devono i concetti fondamentali del diritto penale moderno. La filosofia, nelle sue mani, fu uno straordinario strumento di lotta politica, che gli permise di smantellare il pensiero e il linguaggio giuri-dico di... more
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      Intellectual History of EnlightenmentCesare Beccaria
That Addison and Steele’s “Spectator” was the most important literary model for “Il Caffè” (1764-1766) is a well-known fact. Recent studies have analysed the sophisticated pedagogic strategy adopted by the English journal, which catered... more
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      Italian LiteratureEuropean EnlightenmentJoseph AddisonHistory of Milan
Beccaria is widely acknowledged as one of penology's great reformers. This paper analyzes aspects of Beccaria's life and works and concludes that the adoration afforded Beccaria by penologists far outweighs the actual contributions he... more
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      History of CriminologyCesare Beccaria
nuova informazione bibliografica 3/15 rassegne Nuova informazione bibliografica, anno XII, n. 3 / Luglio-Settembre 2015 Emanuele Lugli cesare beccaria e la riduzione delle misure lineari a milano (1771-1789) 1 Della vasta bibliografia... more
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      History of ScienceInstrumentation and Measurement ScienceHistory of Economics18th Century
A análise econômica do comportamento criminoso passou a ser feita fundamentada em um rigoroso modelo teórico matematicamente estruturado a partir do artigo Crime and punishment: An economic approach de Gary Becker (1968). Não obstante,... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtSociology of Crime and DevianceThe economics of crimeAdam Smith
A proposito di C. BECCARIA, Des Délits et des peines -Dei delitti e delle pene [testo italiano a cura di Gianni Francioni, introduzione, traduzione francese e note a cura di Philippe Audegean] Lyon, ENS Éditions, 2009) 1. Il principio... more
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      Criminal Law, History, TheoryCesare Beccaria
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      RomanticismContemporary ArtWar StudiesSpanish Art
A short profile of Cesare Beccaria, written to mark the 250th anniversary of the publication of his main work, Dei Delitti e delle Pene (1764). In this piece I suggest that Beccaria's normative theory is closer to contractualism than to... more
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      EnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentEnlightenment Political ThoughtEuropean Enlightenment
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      History of Political ThoughtPierre-Joseph ProudhonJean Jaques RousseauTraductologie
Désireux de réduire les sources du droit pénal à la seule loi, Beccaria demande au juge de ne jamais interpréter la norme législative. Dans le chapitre IV des Délits et des peines, il formule cette critique de la doctrine ancienne de... more
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      Criminal LawLegal interpretationCesare Beccaria
In the second half of 18 th-century Europe, the notions-and the administration of law and justice underwent dramatic and fundamental epistemological changes. Crime and punishment were gradually reconceptualised and redefined. The general... more
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      LawCrimePunishmentCesare Beccaria
Inventario della documentazione storica del Venerando Collegio degli ingegneri e architetti di Milano, in Storia in Lombardia, 2 (2006), pp. 31-159. ALBERIGO GIUSEPPE (1964), Lo sviluppo della dottrina sui poteri nella Chiesa universale.... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryXVIII centuryHistory of Universities
Beccaria, enfant prodige della Milano dei Lumi, tenne a Milano l'insegnamento di Economia pubblica dal 1769, tappa decisiva nel percorso che lo condusse al Magistrato Camerale. Il suo insegnamento., decisivo per la formazione dei nuovi... more
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      Political Ecnomy, Political Economy of Agriculture, Labor PoliticsAdam Smith the Wealth of NationsCesare BeccariaStoria di Milano
Il existe une interprétation à mes yeux simpliste et réductrice de l’utilitarisme pénal de Beccaria. Selon cette interprétation, Beccaria ferait entièrement reposer les principes du droit pénal sur la logique du choix rationnel : puisque... more
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      UtilitarianismEnlightenment Political ThoughtCriminal Law, History, TheoryCesare Beccaria
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      Criminal JusticeSocial JusticeBeccariaCesare Beccaria
Bibliografia III: OPERE DI CONTENUTO GIURIDICO CRIMINO-LOGICO Premessa La pena capitale La prevenzione dei crimini L 'emenda penale La minore responsabilità penale delle donne. Le origini storiche del diritto di punire Le leggi nella... more
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      Sociology of LawItalian StudiesLegal positivismItalian Law