Celtic Weapons
Recent papers in Celtic Weapons
Bibliographie de Miklós Szabó / 11 DÁVID BARTUS Les manches de couteau à représentation de gladiateur de l'époque romaine / 27 MICHEL BATS Les dédicants gaulois du sanctuaire d'Aristée de la chôra d'Olbia de Provence (Hyères, Var)... more
From the beginning of the 3 rd century BC the territory of modern Ukraine, previously defined by the Scythians of the North Pontic steppes and Hellenistic influences from the Black Sea zone, was supplemented by the Celtic culture from the... more
kelebai volterrane sono state oggetto di un primo importante lavoro di sintesi nel 1968 da parte di Marinella Montagna Pasquinucci che, raccogliendo un corpus dr più di un centinaio di crateri "a colonnette" etruschi a figure rosse e... more
Celtic warriors used swords and spears as assault weapons, but their full equipment included shields, belts, and sometimes even helmets. From the 5th to the 1st centuries BC, warrior equipment evolved so that by the LT C1 phase, early La... more
Une approche contextuelle des potins nerviens « au rameau » de type A : l'apport du site « Mont-à-Henry » à Ittre (Brabant wallon, Belgique)
Celtic helmets from the late La Têne period form 3 main groups -single unit helmets found mostly in France and Switzerland; 2-part helmets, composed of a calotte and/or type Port neck guard, which are found both east and west of the Alps;... more
(Marcus Junianus Justinus. Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus XXV, 2) Although the first Celtic mercenary activity in southeastern Europe is recorded in 367 BC, when Dionysios of Syracuse took a band of them into his... more
Nueva figura de guerrero celtibérico pintado en un abrigo del Alto Maestrazgo de Teruel, con una panoplia militar completa y un casco con apéndices que demuestra su vinculación con los cascos celtibéricos procedentes de Aranda del Moncayo... more
. At the moment, over two dozen La Têne sites have been identified in the Ukrainian Upper Tisza, the best documented of these being the major Celtic settlement(s) on the Galish and Lovachka hills, near the modern town of Mukacheve. The... more
Early La Tène sword in decorated scabbard, kept in the Archaeological museum in Zagreb, was found in the late 19th and early 20th century in the village of Sotin in eastern Croatia. Through typological, technical, and iconographic... more
1. Il tema che il Prof. Mario Luni mi ha chiesto di trattare si inserisce nelle problematiche di quello che potremmo definire "il de-clino" dell'indipendenza celtica in Italia.
The article presents theoretical considerations on the model of weaponry in the West Balt Barrow Culture. In the absence of sources (especially protective weapons), the author abundantly uses analogies drawn from the Lusatian and... more
Talk at the Institut für vor- und frühgeschichtliche Archäologie und provinzialrömische Archäologie of the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München. Tuesday 12th of December 2017.
celtic swords<they construction and suppliments
The village of Koynare (Pleven region) is situated on the left bank of the Iskar river in north-western Bulgaria, an area which over the past century has yielded probably the highest concentration of late Iron Age warrior burials in... more
Article on the Excavations of Gournay-sur-Aronde.
Oddelek za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete, Aškerčeva 12, YU-61000 Ljubljana 8. junija 1987 je Miro Potočnik 1 med podvodnim topografskim pregledom pod izlivom Ljubije v Ljubljanico v rečnem muljnem nanosu odkril slabo ohranjeno železno... more
The Celtic cavalry practice known as trimarkisia is only known by a quote in Pausanias (Guide for Greece 10.19.9-11). Although always mentioned when tackling Celtic warfare, little effort has been made to try to explain how it functioned... more
"Il articolo tratta del mobilio di una sepoltura della seconda Età del ferro riesumato nel 2008 nel comune di Chens-sur- Léman in Alta-Savoia. L’architettura del contenitore è stata ricostruita, e nel feretro si trova una spada nel suo... more
Lors de la campagne de surveillance pour la mise en valeur du sanctuaire de Corent (Puy-de-Dôme), un dépôt exceptionnel d'armes formant un trophée gaulois a été découvert.
A partir de los recientes estudios sobre el armamento entre los pueblos prerromanos de la cuenca central del Duero pretendemos argumentar que las élites y sus clientelas fueron quienes poseyeron las armas y particularmente los puñales que... more
R. Graells / A.J. Lorrio, Helmets in the waters of the Iberian Peninsula: ritual practices and data for discussion. In M. Egg / A. Naso / R. Röllinger (Hrgs.): Waffen für die Götter. Waffenweihungen in Archäologie und Geschichte, Akten... more
A la fin de la période celtique, entre le deuxième et le dernier quart du Ier siècle avant J.-C., de nouveaux types d’offrandes apparaissent dans les sanctuaires de l’Est de la Gaule. Parmi elles se trouvent des offrandes miniatures, des... more
Article on the Excavations of Ribemont-sur-Ancre.
Spíše agresivita, tedy útočnost a ýbojnost (nerozlučně s obranou), než|i ,,pokojné.. zemědě|swí aýrobamúže být považována za sym Ptom neienom českých l(eltů, nýbÉ všech (proto)historic|ých popuIací v jižnější polovině evropského... more