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RESUMEN: En este artículo se muestra una parte del estudio llevado a cabo por la Agrupación Espeleológica GET en la Torca de Aloños (Villacarriedo, Cantabria). Aunque la cavidad es conocida desde siempre al estar situada en el centro de... more
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      Information RetrievalCaving
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      SpeleologyPrehistoric Rock ArtExplorationChili
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      SpeleologyCavingSpeleological Bibliography
The Balkan Conference of Speleology - Sofia’2014 was organized as one of the events, marking the 85th anniversary of organized caving in Bulgaria as well as the 50-year anniversary of the Caving Club “Helictite” - Sofia. It was held from... more
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      Karst hydrogeologyKarst GeomorphologyKarst and speleologyCave and Karst Studies
The present Almanac is intended for readers, who are mainly among the wide range of cavers, who have a sense of historicism and desire to "dig" in the past. The idea of compiling such book belongs to Mr. Vanyo Gyorev – a member of the... more
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      SpeleologyCavingHistory of Speleology
THE LIGHTS OF THE DARKNESS Summary The book „The Lights of the Darkness“ is a logical cont-inuation of the author‘s desire share his impressions, knowledge, beliefs and thoughts, related to caving and speleology, which he started... more
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      BulgariaSpeleologyMemoryKarst and speleology
Eksplorasi Karst Klapanunggal merupakan laporan tertulis yang disusun oleh anggota Palawa Unpad yang tergabung dalam tim eksplorasi tersebut, 2014.
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      Karst and speleologyCaving TourismCaving
Welcome to Volume 14 (2020) Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies (JQRSS) comprising papers from first-time authors alongside more experienced writers, all wishing to share their ideas stemming from primary research or through... more
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophyNutritionQualitative methodology
This report details the joint Chinese-Bulgarian expedition carried out by members and friends of Bulgarian Caving Society in collaboration with the Yunnan Institute of Geography & China Exploration & Research Society (CERS)- Yunnan... more
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      SpeleologyKarst and speleologyCave and Karst StudiesKarst and Caves
Caving is a type of sports activity done by those who are especially interested in adventure sports in order to investigate and map the caves. The increasing demand for this sport in recent years in Turkey having an abundant source of... more
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      TurkeyCaveTürkiyeTourism Cave
В Московской области существует несколько известняковых каменоломен, в которых исторически сложилась своеобразная культура стихийного неорганизованного спелеотуризма. В статье изложена краткая историческая справка по данному вопросу и... more
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      Ancient QuarryingTourismCavingSpelestology
Borneo: Memory of the Caves is the account of an extraordinary adventure, told by the protagonists who made the exceptional discovery of the rock art murals of Kalimantan which are over ten thousand years old. Their findings shed new... more
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      ArchaeologyIndonesian HistoryRock Art (Archaeology)Indonesia
The 10-th Jubilee Balkan Cavers Camp took place in the recreation area “Ledenika”, located 16 km far from Vratza City, Vratsa district, from 21-st to 26-th June 2016. According to the registration data, the Camp gathered at least... more
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Sekembali dari acara yang dihelat di Cibubur pada medio Oktober 2014, utusan perhimpunan yang dikirim untuk mengikuti kegiatan segera membuat sebuah coretan tangan seputar apa yang terjadi dan potensi serta tantangan di hari depan.... more
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      Caving TourismCaving
Based on the successful initiation and breakthrough to surface of the PC1 cave at Cadia East, a back-analysis of the performance was conducted to confirm design parameters to optimise the future draw strategy. A mine-scale numerical model... more
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Resumen: Se presentan los resultados preliminares de la primera campaña de excavación realizada en la Cueva del Ángel en el año 2005, dentro del Proyecto General de Investigación “Estudio sobre el Pleistoceno medio y superior en depósitos... more
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      Lower Palaeolithic ToolsCaving
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      SpeleologyCaving TourismCaving
The article describes the speleological cooperation over the last 50 years between the Bulgarian, Soviet and Russian cavers.
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      BulgariaRussian HistorySpeleologyCaving
The work presents summarized data, most of them unpublished, collected in the period (1991)(1992)(1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005), when 14 Bulgarian speleological expeditions were undertaken... more
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      Karst GeomorphologySpeleologyCave and Karst StudiesCaving
Dans cet inventaire des formes de parois, Laurent Bruxelles étudie l’impact de l’occupation passée d’immenses colonies de chauves-souris. Hormis la curieuse habitude de dormir la tête en bas, celles-ci produisent d’énormes quantités... more
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"Historiographycal review of geological, hydrogeological , morphological studies and the spreading of surface and underground Karst was made. The work discribes also the arhaeological, palaeontological and biospeleological exploration... more
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      BulgariaKarst and speleologyCave and Karst StudiesCaving
The article presents the results of the exploration under the project “Exploration of the caves of Mount Athos as integral part of the world natural, cultural and historical heritage” under the patronage of Euro Speleo Projects - European... more
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      SpeleologyKarst and speleologyCave and Karst StudiesCaving
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      Plant BiologyPlant Physiology (Biology)Spelean History (Caves and Caverns)Archaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)
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      BulgariaSpeleologyCave and Karst StudiesCaving
En 2000, puis en 2006 et 2008 s'est déroulée, dans l'archipel de Madre de Dias au Chili, une série d'expéditions géographiques et spéléologiques franco-chilienne d'envergure. Les prospections menées tant sur les iles que sur le littoral... more
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      Prehistoric Rock ArtExplorationChiliCaving
Résumé français: on présente une interprétation géomorphologique du réseau de Bunant ainsi qu'un essai de datation sur la base d'arguments (paléo)tectoniques. L'évolution karstique du réseau actuel fait suite à l'histoire d'un premier... more
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      GeomorphologySpeleologyCave divingKarstology
Romans built the 96 km long Campanian Augustean Aqueduct to bring fresh water from Southern Italy mountain springs to the densely populated areas of Puteoli and Baiae in the Phlegraean Fields. In the XVI and XIX centuries the ancient... more
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      SpeleologyUrban SpeleologyCavingArcheology and Speleology
An international expedition of the project “Cave research of the Holy Mountain Athos – Greece” took place 7th to 15th October 2016 . This phase of the project was organized by the Bulgarian Caving Society (BCS) and was held under the... more
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      SpeleologyKarst and speleologyCaving
The Phlegraean Fields are a volcanic area placed west of Naples (Italy). They supported an important ancient settlement, favoured by rich crops and several natural harbours, for both civil and Navy ships. The area lacks fresh water... more
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      Underground ArchaeologyCavingRoman Archaeology
For several years, numerous examples of ghost rocks have been described in Belgium and in France. They correspond to decalcified pockets but also include big weathered networks of soft alterite. This phenomenon is present in several... more
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No cave that still alive in this world. nobody care
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    • Caving
Caving, as a cave activity, allows human beings to experience unique experiences, through an intense involvement with the cave environment, aiming at discovering and contemplating the environment. The human relationship with nature,... more
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The aim of this paper is to explore the sensory dimensions of a first-time caver. As part of my doctoral research within the topic of the senses in sporting performance, this is an attempt to investigate how the senses may be evoked,... more
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      EthnographyOutdoor Recreation"New" senses in art: touch, smell, tastePhenomenology
Neuland entdeckt" Stille. Der dumpfe Schein der Lampe. Ein keuchender, vom Fließwasser durchtränkter Körper kämpft sich einen 30 cm breiten Schlot hinauf. Die scharfen Kanten der Felsen schneiden sich selbst in den abriebfesten... more
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      SpeleologyCave and Karst StudiesCaving
Thanks to recent developments in Internet editorial information sharing, a prototype of a caving reference bibliography and virtual library for the Lombardia region (Northern Italy) is proposed. It relies on the following components: 1)... more
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      SpeleologyDigital LibraryCavingSpeleological Bibliography
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The most long-lasting and systematic are the Bulgarian explorations of Albanian karst and caves. It starts in 1991 and continued up to date. During this period 26 Bulgarian speleological expedition were held in Albania and 272 new caves... more
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      Albanian StudiesSpeleologyKarstCaving
Nero's Oven is an artificial cave placed in the Municipality of Bacoli (Naples, Southern Italy). A small network of passages leads to an underground pool of hot water. The passages were dug in Roman times as a sweater: hot steam was used... more
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      SpeleologyUrban SpeleologyCavingArcheology and Speleology
This report details the joint Chinese-Bulgarian-Greek expedition carried out by members of Bulgarian Federation of Speleology and Yunnan Institute of Geograhpy & China Exploration & Research Society (CERS ) Yunnan branch, Yunnan Province,... more
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      China studiesKarst GeomorphologySpeleologyKarst and speleology
Идеята за организирането на Балканските Пещерни Събори се появи през есента на 2006г. Нейн радетел е настоящия президент на Балканският Спелеоложки Съюз – Алексей Жалов и бивш Зам.председател на Българската федерация по спелеология... more
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      SpeleologyCavingHistory of Speleology
La Cueva de la Ceza, localizada en Noceda-Folgoso (Courel), es una de las más significativas en la espeleología gallega. Desde las primeras exploraciones de esta cavidad en 1982 hasta la actualidad ha acogido una gran cantidad de... more
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      SpeleologyCavingArcheology and SpeleologyArcheology
Laurent Bruxelles, géomorphologue à l’Inrap, vient de co-publier un article sur la datation de Little Foot (StW 573), célèbre petit australopithèque, tombé voici plusieurs millions d'années dans une grotte profonde de grotte de... more
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Langkah kaki kami terus bergerak semakin masuk lebih dalam. Setelah tidak lebih dari lima menit melintasi permulaan lorong Gua Barat yang berlantai tangga beton, suara gemuruh aliran sungai mulai terdengar dan tidak lama kemudian lorong... more
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      Caving TourismCavingSpeleological Bibliography
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      SpeleothemsSpeleologyCave and Karst StudiesCaving
In the territory of Bulgaria up to date there are 6050 natural and artificial caves explored. This number do not include the hundreds to thousands of artificial galleries but there is no unified data base for their number, distribution... more
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      Medieval HistorySpeleologyCavingArcheology and Speleology
The article discribes about the Bulgarian Speleological Espedition in Vietnam in 1989. During the expedition 37 caves with a total length of about 6 km were explored and mapped!
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Franeo-Chifean geographical and speleological expeditions look place in the Madre de Dias Archipelago. The research carried out both on the islands and on the littoral enabled the finding of numerous caves. Among them, the Pacific Cave,... more
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      SpeleologyPrehistoric Rock ArtExplorationChili
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    • Caving