Natural and non-natural kinds have significant differences. This paper explores the subclasses of each kind and establishes the type system for event nouns. These nouns are divided into natural types, artifactual types, complex types... more
Venice. During these four years, I had an amazing time both professionally and personally: I had the chance to meet or even work with wonderful teachers, as well as spend great time with incredible colleagues who became my friends, work... more
This paper contributes to the discussion on causative-unaccusative verb pairs in English and Hungarian. It examines numerous assumptions in derivational detransitivisation analyses of such verbs and shows that these assumptions are... more
For decades, passives as a major grammatical category in both English and Chinese have been subject to much research, both corpus-based and non-corpus-based. A number of contrastive studies of passives in English and Chinese have been... more
In Mandarin, a nominal may follow a string that is composed of a monomorphemic verb and its monomorphemic object. The nominal exhibits the same constraints as a preverbal PP. Also, unlike a canonical or non-canonical object, such a... more
In this study, I take an aspectual approach to the syntax and semantics of postverbal locative zai-phrases in Mandarin Chinese. Verb scalar properties are shown to determine verb co-occurrence with the postverbal locative zai-phrase, and... more
This research proposes a new theory of direct causation and examines how this concept plays a key role in the linguistic coding and individuation of causal events. According to the no-interveningcause hypothesis, a causal chain can be... more
This paper presents the results of an empirical investigation into the characteristics of unaccusativity in Mandarin by building on the gradient approach to split intransitivity (Sorace, 2000) and previous analyses of Mandarin within that... more
This article is concerned with the problem of argument-function mismatch observed in the (apparent) subject-object inversion in Chinese consumption verbs, e.g., chi 'eat' and he 'drink', and accommodation verbs, e.g., zhu 'live' and shui... more
En este trabajo se explora el alcance de la distinción entre “predicación de Individuo” y “predicación de Estadio” en el fenómeno de la alternancia copular del español (“ser” / “estar”), lo que representa uno de los interrogantes más... more
As with most fields of life, China can trace its history of word standardization back to ancient times, when the first dictionaries (such as Erya, ca. 3 rd century B.C.) appeared. Modern Standard Chinese used in Mainland... more
I am happy to have the opportunity here to thank a number of people that have been of great help in completing this thesis. First and foremost, I want to thank Ida Toivonen and Kate Kearns, my supervisors. Ida's critical and challenging... more
I am happy to have the opportunity here to thank a number of people that have been of great help in completing this thesis. First and foremost, I want to thank Ida Toivonen and Kate Kearns, my supervisors. Ida's critical and challenging... more
Chinese is commonly believed to be an analytic language, but evidence from philological works and cross-linguistic comparisons clearly suggests that various morphological operations existed in Old Chinese. The loss of Chinese morphology... more
In this paper we propose using the distributional differences in the syntactic patterns of near-synonyms to deduce the relevant components of verb meaning. Our method involves determining the distributional differences in syntactic... more
Different from English and Albanian, verbs in Chinese-Mandarin, do not conjugate across pronouns which perform the action. They have no inflectional nature and features in none of the grammatical tenses which are in the focus of this... more
This paper discusses result complements and phase complements in Chinese, both of which are postverbal elements. Despite their surface similarity, they are different with respect to argument realization. While the result complements allow... more
This study examines the acquisition of Mandarin dative constructions by second language (L2) and heritage learners of Mandarin Chinese. Three groups of speakers (L2, heritage, and native, 20 in each group) participated in this study by... more
This article proposes a new description of Cantonese causative–resultative constructions (CRCs), constructions with two verbal elements relevant to the cause and the effect of an event respectively. We present a constructional schema for... more
This article is concerned with the problem of argument-function mismatch observed in the (apparent) subject-object inversion in Chinese consumption verbs, e.g.,
There are three ways of deriving verbs in Dutch: through zero marking, through suffixation, and through prefixation. We focus on prefixed deadjectival verbs, contrasting two views. According to the first view, prefixed verbs are... more
The A-NOT-A structure is one way to express polar questions in Mandarin Chinese. The present study provides a constraint-based analysis of A-NOT-A questions in Mandarin Chinese within the framework of HPSG (Pollard & Sag, 1994) and MRS... more
Resultative phrases are generally believed to conform to the Direct Object Restriction: that is, they describe the direct object if verbs are transitive. However, some exceptions have occasionally been reported, and this paper... more
PersPred is a manually elaborated multilingual syntactic and semantic Lexicon for Persian Complex Predicates (CPs), referred to also as Light Verb Constructions (LVCs) or Compound Verbs. CPs constitutes the regular and the most common... more
It has long been observed that an eventuality may be associated with at most one delimitation. This paper argues that the incompatibility between Mandarin verbal reduplications and several post-verbal result-denoting elements is one of... more
This paper investigates the transitive uses of the verb fan "annoy; be annoyed; bother to do", which exhibit both similarities and disparities between Beijing Mandarin and Taiwan Mandarin, as far as the data from Gigaword corpus,... more
This paper examines variation in the interpretation of the Chinese verbal suffix ‑le and attributes it to a process of ongoing change in which an original aspectual system is gradually developing into a new tense system. The paper argues... more
Let-causatives and (a)symmetric DAT-NOM constructions.
This paper argues that the Invertible Construction (IC) in Chinese is a kind of distributive construction. What appears to be an inversion of word order is best understood as the division of the theme NP to be acted upon by a number of... more
La loi du 11 mars 1957 n'autorisant, aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article 41, d'une part, que les « copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une utilisation collective », et d'autre... more
This paper aims to present syntactic study and description of the noun phrase in Mandarina Chines language. Moreover, it shows the basic modifier of noun phrase in Mandarin Chines. First, Mandarin a language that classify as headinitial... more
Previous studies have suggested that, like Japanese, Hindi displays a preference for intransitive constructions that describe events as spontaneous occurrences over transitive constructions that give prominence to the agent. This study... more
Resultative verb compounds (RVCs) in Mandarin appear in a V1-V2 sequence and have three major subtypes-result-state, directional and completive RVCs with different degrees of compositionality depending on the extent to which the... more
This paper studies two linguistic constructions in Finnish, the go-say construction and the come-say construction. Both constructions contain a motion verb and a speech act verb in the 3rd infinitive illative case. The article focuses... more
This study aims to provide a detailed comparison of locative inversion in Mandarin Chinese with-zhe and (stative) locative inversion in Kinyarwanda. After a brief description of these constructions, the study shows that they are similar... more
RESULTATIVE PREDICATES AS EVENT MEASURES * * This paper is a part of Chapter 4 of my unpublished doctoral dissertation, submitted to Osaka University, 2007. I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Yukio Oba and Prof. Sadayuki Okada... more
for their invaluable comments to earlier versions of this paper. We also would like to thank Adrian Heinel, Sam Barclay, Ron Closby and Mark Donohue, who patiently worked as informants.
Resumen En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar la colocación latina poena afficere, 'imponer un castigo', un tipo de colocación con especificidades tanto sintácticas como semánticas que la distinguen de las construcciones verbo-nominales... more
In this paper, we discuss the syntax of a causative construction in European Portuguese, which is similar to the ordinary causative (OC) but which also differs from it in important ways. We refer to this construction as the Locative... more
In this paper, we discuss the syntax of a causative construction in European Portuguese, which is similar to the ordinary causative (OC) but which also differs from it in important ways. We refer to this construction as the Locative... more
This paper is concerned with the linking of arguments to syntax in Chinese resultative verb constructions. It is demonstrated that the linking principles based on event roles can account for the complementary distribution of the... more
Typology study of Ciacia language (CL) in various linguistic aspects has not been conducted yet. It is the first study that focus on syntactic typology. Ciacia language is one of local languages in Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi... more
The article discusses ways of expressing causation in Modern English. Causation finds its grammatical expression in nearly all languages though the ways of its expression may vary. Causation is one of the ways of causing which expresses... more
This paper seeks to highlight novel differences between direct and indirect causatives in Hindi-Urdu with respect to ‘optional’ -se phrases and ‘causer’ subjects. As opposed to the singular instrument -se phrase in the case of direct... more
In this paper, a frame-based description of verbal polysemy is used to answer some questions concerning syntactic behavior and argument structures associated with complex predicates in Persian. In Persian a number of CPs consisting of a... more
Previous studies on the Chinese progressive mainly focus on the distinctions between Chinese progressive zai and the continuous-zhe, but few has noticed that the progressive zai is sensitive to the plurality of the event encoded by the... more