As with most fields of life, China can trace its history of word standardization back to ancient times, when the first dictionaries (such as Erya, ca. 3 rd century B.C.) appeared. Modern Standard Chinese used in Mainland... more
Chinese is commonly believed to be an analytic language, but evidence from philological works and cross-linguistic comparisons clearly suggests that various morphological operations existed in Old Chinese. The loss of Chinese morphology... more
This paper discusses result complements and phase complements in Chinese, both of which are postverbal elements. Despite their surface similarity, they are different with respect to argument realization. While the result complements allow... more
This article proposes a new description of Cantonese causative–resultative constructions (CRCs), constructions with two verbal elements relevant to the cause and the effect of an event respectively. We present a constructional schema for... more
Let-causatives and (a)symmetric DAT-NOM constructions.
Resultative verb compounds (RVCs) in Mandarin appear in a V1-V2 sequence and have three major subtypes-result-state, directional and completive RVCs with different degrees of compositionality depending on the extent to which the... more
In this paper, we discuss the syntax of a causative construction in European Portuguese, which is similar to the ordinary causative (OC) but which also differs from it in important ways. We refer to this construction as the Locative... more
In this paper, we discuss the syntax of a causative construction in European Portuguese, which is similar to the ordinary causative (OC) but which also differs from it in important ways. We refer to this construction as the Locative... more
This paper explores the conditions where Mandarin RVCs can be preserved in their Cantonese counterparts. Six types of Mandarin RVCsergatives, unergatives, accusatives, causatives, pseudo-passives and objectfrontinghave been examined.... more
This study of Early Modern Southern Min examines issues in the grammaticalization of its analytic causative constructions and sets out to explain the apparent singleton status of su3賜 ‘bestow' as a causative verb in the history of... more
From a historical perspective, this paper shows that resultatives in Modern Chinese are the result of the development of Chinese phonological structures. Initially, due to the devoicing effect of the causative prefix *s-, Old Chinese... more
In the past decades, corpus-based research has been gaining momentum in contemporary linguistics. While corpora, intended as large collections of naturally occurring texts, have always existed, rapid advances in computation and technology... more
This lemma introduces the basic structural characteristics of wh-questions in Old Chinese and the principle changes in Middle Chinese which led to the emergence of modern Chinese wh-questions. The lemma also briefly summarizes the... more
This paper argues (i) that morphological passives with /Hi/ in Korean are derived from causatives, and (ii) that, although multiple suffixation with /Hi/ and /Hu/ is generally prohibited in the present-day Seoul Korean, its reminiscence... more
Causative constructions come in lexical and periphrastic variants, exemplified in English by Sam killed Lee and Sam caused Lee to die. While use of the former, the lexical causative, entails the truth of the latter, an entailment in the... more
The verb l ata 'let/make' in Icelandic provides a unique opportunity to understand the behavior of symmetric versus asymmetric DAT-NOM constructions, as well as the nature of nominative-accusative case alternations. In this paper, we take... more
An introduction to Chinese word families.
The kinds of entities that can be described as causing an event depend, in part, on the language one speaks. Whereas in English and Chinese it is possible to say The knife cut the bread or The key opened the door, in Korean and many other... more
The verb láta ‘let/make’ in Icelandic provides a unique opportunity to understand the behavior symmetric versus asymmetric DAT-NOM constructions, as well as the nature of nominative-accusative case alternations. In this paper, we take a... more
Across Tibeto-Burman (hereafter TB) languages we find causatives expressed both through morphological means (a prefix on the verb, a difference in the voicing and/or aspiration of the initial consonant, a change in tone, or a combination... more
In this talk we will take into account the transitivization function of the root 打 dǎ ‘hit, beat, strike’ as a causative light verb, in Mandarin (打 dǎ), Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) (拍/打 phah4) and Hakka (打 da2): 1. a. TSM . 拍醒... more
This talk will deal with the issue of Chinese complex V-V verbs formed by means of a causative light V1 in Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) and Hakka. Mandarin Chinese has few lexical causatives (labile verbs), e.g. 开 kāi... more
This talk will deal with the issue of Mandarin Chinese complex V-V verbs formed by means of a causative light V 1 , also in a comparative perspective, taking into account other Sinitic languages. Different languages may express... more
Abstract : The analysis considers the manner in which a class of matrix verbs, the so-called raising verbs, have been fitted into some generative linguistic models. Taking as a cue the difficulty posed for these models by sentences of the... more
Abstract: This thesis* explores some of the syntactic & semantic properties of Purposive Constructions in English. The term "purposive" is recognized as a semantic concept which finds regular expression in a small range of syntactic... more
This article offers an overview of the different ways to express causativity in Chinese, also from a diachronic perspective, showing the evolution of the means to express causativity from Old to Modern Chinese.
The aim of this paper is to discuss Mandarin Chinese complex V-V verbs formed by means of a phonetically realized causative light V1. In Mandarin Chinese the main means to express causativity are periphrastic constructions and complex... more