Recent papers in Causation
This is a draft version of the paper. To view the final product through Springer (open access), click here: Brain-computer interfaces allow agents to control computers without moving their bodies. The agents imagine... more
Counterfactual conditionals are used extensively in causal reasoning. This observation has motivated a philosophical tradition that aims to provide a counterfactual analysis of causation. However, such analyses have come under pressure... more
A obra corresponde a uma dissertação que tem por objecto dois aspectos considerados absolutamente relevantes para a temática do nexo de causalidade - o fundamento e os limites do juízo de condicionalidade -, os quais não terão sido, pelo... more
Entrepreneurial exit is a major event in the development of a venture. However, we have little understanding of the factors that drive the development of an important pre-cursor to exit: the exit strategy of the founder. Based on the... more
We consider evaluating the causal effects of dynamic treatments, i.e. of multiple treatment sequences in various periods, based on double machine learning to control for observed, time-varying covariates in a data-driven way under a... more
Knowledge of crash causes is important because it directs the mind to the consideration of potential prevention actions and because knowledge of the frequency with which various causes arise in crashes is necessary for determining the... more
Identifying the necessary and sufficient conditions for individuating and classifying diseases is a matter of great importance in the fields of law, ethics, epidemiology, and of course, medicine. In this paper, I first propose a means of... more
The Thai phrase, “เวรกรรม” is used blamingly by those who feel as if things aren’t working out their way (Fate Karma [เวรกรรม]). Such reference to ‘Karma’ characterizes it as a controller of fate similar to the Christian God. Both are... more
Binding specificity is a centrally important concept in molecular biology, yet it has received little philosophical attention. Here I aim to remedy this by analyzing binding specificity as a causal property. I focus on the concept's role... more
Substance-dualist interactionism faces two sorts of challenge. One is empirical, involving the alleged incompatibility between interactionism and the supposed closure of the physical world. Although widely considered successful, this... more
This (preprint) chapter argues that the 'thick' constructivism to which many prominent Feminist Security Studies authors currently subscribe is incapable of providing this sub-field of International Relations with adequate philosophical... more
Aristotle’s key thoughts on teleology are found in Physics II.8-9. My aim here will be limited: to understand the way in which a final cause, something good, acts as a cause. Hypothetical necessity provides the logical structure of how... more
En el presente trabajo se analiza la noción de complementariedad asociada a la coexistencia pacífica de modelos de explicación científica propuesta por Salmon. Se presenta un análisis de la relación entre la coexistencia de estos modelos... more
Despite the widespread assumptions on the compatibility between nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and special relativity, there still remains a considerable amount of unresolved problems to which few authors explicitly pay attention. Most... more
In this chapter I consider ways in which contemporary graphical causal models can be extended to model systems with complex temporal dynamics. I propose that the present limitations of many contemporary causal models in representing such... more
in "Mind, Self and Person, ed. Anthony O'Hear (Cambridge University Press 2015) - It is often thought that as human agents we have a power to determine our actions for ourselves. And a natural conception of this power is as freedom - a... more
A futurate is a sentence with no obvious means of future reference, which conveys that a future-oriented eventuality is planned or scheduled. I argue in this paper that the component of planning found in the meaning of futurates should be... more
The aim in this paper is to challenge the increasingly common view in the literature that the law on end-of-life decision making is in disarray and is in need of urgent reform. The argument is that this assessment of the law is based on... more
A selection of papers in legal theory, focused on evidence, proof, truth, and especially the place of scientific testimony.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
In this paper, I explore the question what a continuant is, in the context of a very interesting suggestion recently made by Rowland Stout, as part of his attempt to develop a coherent ontology of processes. Stout claims that a continuant... more
The reality of free will has sometimes been argued for by appeal to a consciousness we are supposed to have of our own freedom. But equally there are modern writers who claim that a proper understanding of consciousness will show free... more
What is it for an event not to occur? This is an urgent, yet under explored, question for counterfactual analyses of causation quite generally. In this paper I take a lead from Lewis in identifying two different possible standards of... more
Ante las dificultades probatorias del nexo causal en supuestos de responsabilidad civil o patrimonial el Derecho obliga a que el peso de la incertidumbre recaiga en su conjunto sobre uno solo de los sujetos implicados: sobre el agente... more
Exceptions are often cited as a counterargument against formal causation. Against this I argue that Aristotle explicitly allows for exceptions to essences in his biological writings, and that he has a means of explaining them through... more
We defend a pragmatic approach in the philosophy of causation and explanation. Our approach is grounded in the more general pragmatic stance that we take towards the goals of the sciences. By means of our pragmatic view on explanation and... more
In 1935 Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) published an important paper in which they claimed that the whole formalism of quantum mechanics together with what they called ``Reality Criterion'' imply that quantum mechanics cannot... more
How does health insurance affect health? After reviewing the evidence on this question, we reach three conclusions. First, many of the studies claiming to show a causal effect of health insurance on health do not do so convincingly... more
Self-Determination is the first volume in the two-volume The Ethics of Action. Self-Determination will be published by Oxford University Press in late 2016/early 2017 – December in UK, and January in US. The attached file from... more
This paper discusses recent arguments of Franklin Miller and Robert Truog about withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment and causation. The authors argue that traditional medical ethics, and the law, are mistaken to take the view that... more
This paper presents an analysis of the English instrumental markers with and 15 verbal use. As with other thematic roles, the semantic generalizations encoded by the role Instrument have been difficult to precisely characterize. In this... more
From Sandis, C. (ed.) Philosophy of Action from Suarez to Anscombe (Routledge 2018) This new paper charts the route from Hobbes' attack on Suarez's theory of reason and power to Hume's reason scepticism. The action theories of... more
This paper explores the nature of causation within the framework of evidence-based practice (EBP) for health care. The aims of the paper were first to define and evaluate how causation is presently accounted for in EBP; second, to present... more
Ontological Apology attempts to examine how our attitudes and interactions with work both as individuals and a society have shaped our culture. Whereas for the majority of the modern age we have shirked Ontology [being] for Epistemology... more
Causal Bayes nets (CBNs) can be used to model causal relationships up to whole mechanisms. Though modelling mechanisms with CBNs comes with many advantages, CBNs might fail to adequately represent some biological mechanisms because—as... more
Functionalist theories have been proposed for just about everything: mental states, dispositions, moral properties, truth, causation, and much else. The time has come for a functionalist theory of nothing. Or, more accurately, a role... more
Indonesian has three morphemes that are commonly used to express futurity, namely 'akan', 'mau', and 'pasti'. I argue that for certain speakers, the meanings of these three morphemes all contain a future modal, and that two of the... more
If events exist, what are they like? It is common to accept events as the proper relata of the causal relation. If that is the case, and there is causation, then there must be events. There is disagreement over the character of these... more