In some recent work on omissions, it has been argued that the causal theory of action cannot account for how agency is exercised in intentionally omitting to act in the same way it explains how agency is exercised in intentional action.... more
An account of what sort of causal integration is necessary for an agent to exercise agency is offered in support of a soft-line response to Derk Pereboom's four-case argument against source-compatibilism. I argue that, in cases of... more
When I raise my arm, my raising my arm is an event. When I stop at the store and buy milk, my doing so is a process. When I omit to raise my arm or to stop and buy milk, what, if anything, is my not doing these things? What, in general,... more
Wang Yangming 王陽明 (1472 – 1529) is famously associated with the view that knowledge and action are unified (zhī xíng hé yī 知行合一). Call this the Unity Thesis. Given standard assumptions about what it means for a person to know, it may seem... more
Virtues can be considered to play a causal role in the production of behaviour and so too can our self-narratives. We identify a point of connection between the two cases and draw a parallel between them. But, those folk psychological... more
Virtues can be considered to play a causal role in the production of behaviour, and so too can our self-narratives. We identify a point of connection between the two cases and draw a parallel between them. But, those folk-psychological... more
In contrast to Quine's Parmenidean (meta-)ontology and his preference for desert landscapes, recent years have seen a renewed interest in the non-being: non-existent entities, mere possibilia, negative properties, negative facts,... more
Some determinist approaches to free will opine that the human brain is subordinate to physical laws not fully under our control. This results in a weakening of the concept of the personal autonomy and moral responsibility of humans. Were... more
In some recent work on omissions, it has been argued that the causal theory of action cannot account for how agency is exercised in intentionally omitting to act in the same way it explains how agency is exercised in intentional action.... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
WHAT THEORY OF ACTION? ON MICHAŁ BARCZ'S MECHANICS OF ACTIONS This is a review of Michał Barcz's book Mechanika działań. Filozoficzny spór wokół przyczynowej teorii działania (Mechanics of Actions: Philosophical Dispute over the Causal... more
Teleological explanations of human actions are explanations in terms of aims, goals, or purposes of human agents. According to a familiar causal approach to analyzing and explaining human action, our actions are, essentially, events (and... more
One of the biggest issues in theory of action concerns the circumscription of actions in relation to the other phenomena in the universe. Donald Davidson’s “causal theory of action,” supplemented by his “anomalous monism,” is regarded as... more
This is a review of Michał Barcz's book Mechanika działań. Filozoficzny spór wokół przyczynowej teorii działania (Mechanics of Actions: Philosophical Dispute over the Causal Theory of Action). The book discusses various causal accounts of... more
Mark Sinclair offers in this book one of the first commentaries in English on the philosophy of Ravaisson, an author who is little read today and who nevertheless marked a whole generation of philosophers, especially French. This book... more
Esitetään Jyväskylän yliopiston humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan suostumuksella julkisesti tarkastettavaksi yliopiston Historica-rakennuksen salissa H320 maaliskuun 23. päivänä 2019 kello 12.
Donald Davidson argued in " Agency " that all actions are identical to movements of the body. Apart from his own reasons for this view, we can see that it allows for a very simple statement of the dominant theory of action, the causal... more
The article discusses a challenge to the traditional intentional-causalist conceptions of action and intentionality as well as to our everyday and legal conceptions of responsibility, namely the psychological discovery that the greatest... more
In some recent work on omissions, it has been argued that the causal theory of action cannot account for how agency is exercised in intentionally omitting to act in the same way it explains how agency is exercised in intentional action.... more
The notion of basic action has recently come under attack based on the idea that any putative basic action can always be divided into more basic sub-actions. In this paper it is argued that this criticism ignores a key aspect of the idea... more
In this paper, the ontological, terminological, epistemological, and ethical aspects of omission are considered in a coherent and balanced framework, based on the idea that there are omissions which are actions and omissions which are... more
In this paper I contend that Hegel has an "expressive" conception of action, that pretends to unite systematically both the psychological and the social or public aspects of it. On the one hand, Hegel seems to assume that we cannot... more
Reasons, Reason explanation, Psychologism, Causalism
Argues that attention is central to action and that this illuminates central issues in philosophy of action: causal deviance and expert skill.
In "The Talk I Was Supposed to Give" (2006), I argue that talk about negative events should not be taken at face value: typically, what we are inclined to think of as a negative event (John’s failure to go jogging) is just an ordinary,... more
According to causalism, actions are events caused in the right way by appropriate mental states. According to responsibilism, the notion of action is understood as a complement to the notion of nonaction, which in turn is delineated by... more
We take ourselves to be able to omit to perform certain actions and to at times be responsible for these omissions. What's more, omissions seem to have effects and to be manifestations of our agency. So, it is natural to think that... more
Teleological explanations of human actions are explanations in terms of aims, goals, or purposes of human agents. According to a familiar causal approach to analyzing and explaining human action, our actions are, essentially, events (and... more