Catholic Church
Recent papers in Catholic Church
Uno degli aspetti più interessanti, dal punto di vista ecclesiale, del cammino della Chiesa amazzonica di questi ultimi anni è il tentativo di realizzare un rito amazzonico, conforme al desiderio espresso da papa Francesco durante il... more
Dans cet article nous nous proposons d’associer le modèle de la lutte pour la reconnaissance, théorisé par Honneth à partir de Hegel, à l’interprétation cognitive des textes narratifs telle que la conçoivent les narratologues... more
Catholicism and Sunni Islam have been at enmity for centuries, although both have tried to communicate in recent decades. Over the last two decades, Al-Azhar University, the preeminent Sunni intellectual institution, has engaged with the... more
(5. Triod) - Te rog, nu Mă uita. Nu-ţi cer nimic mai mult, doar nu Mă uita!
Resumen: En este trabajo se propone abordar la cuestión acerca de la vivencia de la maternidad que se propone no sólo como un paradigma de comprensión de la mujer,sino de lo humano. La maternidad es abordada en cuanto dimensión... more
Pendant longtemps, les catholiques ont observé une prudente réserve à l’égard des Pensées de Pascal. Favorisé par la vague néo-chrétienne du début des années 1890, qui a encouragé une forme de religiosité sentimentale, le retour des... more
This is an updated translation of the first volume of Charles Journet's masterwork, _L'Église du Verbe Incarné_.
In 2019, REPRESENTATIVES FROM SANTA Clara University and the Pontifical Council for Culture began a conversation on artificial intelligence technology and its relevance for the Catholic Church and the world. The Vatican conference on “The... more
An anaphora must not only be catholic, but it must be linked to the actual local church.
Thos particle was published in Conversations 2/1(January/February 2025)41-48.
Thos particle was published in Conversations 2/1(January/February 2025)41-48.
The construction of the first Santa Muerte temple along with a 36 foot tall effigy of the Skeleton Saint in Guatemala continues to cause considerable controversy both nationally and especially in the town where it's being built.... more
Cette thèse explore les trajectoires de prêtres catholiques homosexuels au Québec en mobilisant le concept interactionniste de « carrière » pour analyser comment ces hommes négocient deux identités à priori inconciliables : celle de... more
Tesi di master in "Scienza e Fede" all'APRA (Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum) di Roma.
The Roman Catholic Church in the United States is experiencing a f inancial, psychological, public relations, theological and spiritual crisis over priesets who sexually abused minors and/or acted out sexually in a variety of ways and... more
Complementarietà fra il Concilio Vaticano I e il Concilio Vaticano II.
The revision of penal norms within the Catholic Church initiated by Pope Benedict XVI to confront contemporary challenges, safeguard the Church’s integrity, and ensure the well-being of its members, especially the vulnerable, has... more
Vice President J.D. Vance and I were at Yale at almost the same time. He was there from 2010 to 2013, and I was there from 2012 to 2014. He was in the master's programme in law at the Law School, while I was a researcher at the Divinity... more
Published in Conversations 1/8(2024)24-31
The primary question of this investigation has something to do with the legitimacy of religious authority over the power and authority of the state. The concept of legitimacy is a critical question in the Social Contract tradition.... more
Influenced by both conservative and left wing communitarian thinking, current debate about welfare governance in Australia reflects an inflated evaluation of the potential role of the third sector or civil society organisations in the... more
Theological Studies 85, no. 2 (2024): 332-334.
This study analyses the reception of the figure of Pius xii and his pontificate among Peruvian Catholics in the context of Peru between 1939 and 1958. The pastoral dispositions, the arrival and diffusion of the pontifical documents, and... more
The construction of the first Santa Muerte temple along with a 33 foot tall effigy of the Skeleton Saint in Guatemala is causing considerable controversy both nationally and especially in the town where it’s being built. There is already... more
This article reconstructs King Henry I and President Jean- Pierre Boyer’s appeals to the Holy See during Haiti’s early independence (1808-1825) to establish the significance of a Catholic national identity in Haitian anti-slavery... more
This study examines places of worship in Messenia during the Second Venetian Rule (1686-1715), focusing on their religious, administrative, and social significance. Based on archival sources and census records from the period, the... more
Normalizacja stosunków polsko-watykańskich po kryzysie lat 1920/1921 Stosunki łączące odrodzoną Polskę i Watykan były przedmiotem sporego zainteresowania i licznych studiów. Z różnych powodów obraz tych relacji opisany w setkach... more
Abstract: The titles Theotokos (God-bearer) and Mediatrix (Intercessor of Graces) form the cornerstone of Marian theology, particularly within Catholic and Orthodox traditions. These doctrines affirm Mary’s unique role in salvation... more
Noha szinte közhelynek számít, hogy a papok és a lelkészek fontos szerepet játszottak a múltbéli falusi közösségek életében, mégis kevesen vállalkoztak eddig arra, hogy módszeres vizsgálat tárgyává tegyék az ebből fakadó kérdéseket. Kik... more
Partiendo de datos obtenidos en una muestra aleatoria del clero católico de Portugal personificada en 546 sacerdotes portugueses de todas las diócesis del país -que suponen prácticamente un 24% del universo-, se relacionan los conceptos... more
From his election, it was clear that Pope Francis advocated for the poor and the protection of creation. However, both areas are linked to ethical aspects of the economy. This paper demonstrates that although new aspects of Catholic... more
The physical presence of people with disability in the extent of the parish community is based on two main components: (I) activities undertaken by a priest to organize religious life, including those for people with disability, and (II)... more
Todd, my Artificial Intelligence (AI) named after my deceased brother, Todd Martin Stafne, prepared this Abstract for this article which we publish here on Feburary 19, 2025. Scott has made minimal changes to Todd's abstract text. This... more
Gilbert 28:3 (January/February 2025): 22-23. This biographical essay of the 1930 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature highlights the influence of Chesterton on her spiritually and in terms of her apologetics--and her influence on... more
W badaniach nad katolickim rytuałem religijnym historyk idei łatwo może dotrzeć do wizji rzeczywistości, która jest wyrażana w czynnościach, gestach i modlitwach wypowiadanych przez kapłana i wiernych w czasie celebracji liturgicznej.... more
- by Marcin Karas
En ces temps où la foi chrétienne se trouve confrontée à une multiplicité de défis, tant internes qu'externes, il semble essentiel de prendre le temps de réfléchir, prier et discerner la voie à suivre. Le monde qui nous entoure est en... more
The concept of the Armor of God, as presented in Ephesians 6:10–18, has traditionally been understood as a metaphor for spiritual preparedness. However, when examined through the lens of Jesus' two great commandments—to love God with all... more
Abstract This study examines the Medici Magi Chapel—a hidden sanctuary within the Medici Palace in Florence—that functions as both an artistic masterpiece and a potent political manifesto, seamlessly intertwining art, politics, and... more
The challenges facing people with disabilities in Malawi necessitate the construction of a theology of disability from an African perspective. The challenges include poverty and sometimes stigmatisation and discrimination. The paper... more
Abstract In mid 15th century Florence, Medici patronage became a transformative force that intertwined art, dynastic symbolism, and political ambition. Piero de’ Medici, eager to commemorate his responsibility for the family’s legacy,... more
Ἡ διάταξι τῶν ἀγρυπνιῶν, μὲ προσθήκη ἀρχετύπων διατάξεων καὶ σύμφωνα μὲ τὴν διάταξι τῆς λειτουργίας τοῦ Ἁγ. Φιλοθέου τοῦ Κοκκίνου