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The goal of cathodic protection is to prevent corrosion by maintaining buried pipelines at a constant potential with respect to the surrounding soil. In practice, however, the implementation is very complicated since many factors can... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsCathodic ProtectionElectrical Resistance
Results of electrochemical measurements of conductive coatings, based on the mixing of pigmentary graphite in a polymer matrix are presented in this work. Electrochemical parameters are determined for the investigated coatings during... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceCathodic ProtectionBuilding
This experimental field study interrupted the protection current offered by Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) to ten in-service reinforced concrete structures. The study aimed to identify the long-term effects of ICCP after it... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringConcrete
Current distribution from a surface mounted anode to steel reinforcement in atmospherically exposed concrete is modelled as a function of the condition of the steel, the resistivity of the concrete and anode-steel geometry. The boundary... more
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      Civil EngineeringCathodic ProtectionBuildingCurrent Density
Calcareous deposits were formed on steel under cathodic protection conditions in artificial seawater at various potentials from (/ 0.9 to (/1.4 V/SCE. The deposition kinetics was analysed by chronoamperometry measurements and the... more
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      EngineeringKineticsScanning Electron MicroscopyImpedance Spectroscopy
Biofilm formed on carbon steel by various species of bacterial cells causes serious problems such as corrosion of steel, choking of flow in the pipe, deterioration of the heat-transfer efficiency, and so on. Cathodic protection is known... more
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      BiofilmsElectrochemistryBiotechnologyHeat Transfer
Two aspects related to the deterioration process of organic coated structures under cathodic protection, detected in a previous work, are analysed: (i) why the size of failures exposing the metallic substrate can in¯uence the level of... more
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      EngineeringCathodic ProtectionPhysical sciencesDelamination
The corrosion sensor should have high sensitivity enough to measure the corrosion rate in mild corrosive environments and the ability to detect the corrosion mechanism. Therefore, our goal is to develop and apply a steel thin film... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCathodic ProtectionThin Film
Incidents of failure due to corrosion/stress corrosion cracking of high-pressure gas pipelines in Pakistan have been observed to occur after about 15-20 years of service. The present paper constitutes the failure analysis of an 18-inch... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringErgonomics
samples buried in soil have been studied in this research. Samples of unprotected carbon steel are used with other protected by different corrosion protection such as galvanic coating, rubber coating and two types of cathodic protection... more
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      Protected areasCorrosion ProtectionCathodic ProtectionStainless Steel
At stell ship's, hull plate material of under water or topside wich is easiest to be hit by corrosion. The mentioned can result, happened thick reduction of plate, easy of leakage effect unable to arrest;detain pressure from uotsid.
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    • Cathodic Protection
Pre-disturbance measurements of the in-situ corrosion properties of iron fittings on the snow brig James Matthews (1841) have been used as conservation management tools for the site. The wreck of the former slave trader is historically... more
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      Cathodic ProtectionIronCast IronConservation Management
The corrosion of metallic structures buried in soils or in contact with soils has long been a serious engineering and economic problem. All over the world many of buried structures such as (storage tanks, pipelines and critical structures... more
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    • Cathodic Protection
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      Cathodic ProtectionImpressed Current Cathodic Protection
Pulse current technology (PRT) for well casing cathodic protection has been successfully applied in North America since the late 1960's. Pulse technology has been limited primarily due to a lack of understanding of how the advantages are... more
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    • Cathodic Protection
This article discusses the use of CP (cathodic protection) for the cost effective control of external well casing corrosion. CP is an important tool because maintaining casing integrity is essential to oil and gas production, water and... more
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      CorrosionCathodic Protection
This paper presents a 3D theoretical simulation and analysis of DC stray current corrosion (SCC) in oil fields that could contribute to oil leak and finally oil deferment of electric submersible pump (ESP) systems. Application of the... more
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      Boundary Element MethodsOil IndustryCathodic ProtectionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Condition assessment or controlling systems for cathodic protection of reinforced concrete structures are usually based on potential measurements. In case of permanent monitoring systems, reference electrodes are embedded in the concrete,... more
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      Civil EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresCathodic ProtectionMeasurement Error
Marine environment is the most severe exposure condition for reinforced concrete structures due to the presence of moisture, chlorides and sulphates. Coastal and offshore structures are subjected to time-dependent deterioration due to... more
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      RehabilitationCathodic ProtectionDurability of Concrete
The effect of zinc and tin addition to pure aluminum was investigated in 3 wt.% NaCl solution. The corrosion behavior of the elaborated samples (Al, Al–Zn and Al–Zn–Sn) was studied by open circuit potential, Tafel plot and electrochemical... more
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      Corrosion ScienceCorrosionSacrificial anodeCorrosion Protection
This book tries to collect the main ideas, techniques, and methods used by these prominent engineers in order to repair and rehab the large variety of structures. Furthermore, this book presents study cases of rehabilitation of structures... more
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      Corrosion EngineeringGalvanic CorrosionReinforced Concrete StructuresCathodic Protection
This article discusses the use of CP (cathodic protection) for the cost effective control of external well casing corrosion. CP is an important tool because maintaining casing integrity is essential to oil and gas production, water and... more
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      CorrosionCathodic Protection
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      Corrosion EngineeringCathodic Protection
Ethyl silicate binders Zinc-rich ethyl silicate primer Pre-hydrolysis Partial hydrolysis Gel time Shelf life
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringSteel StructureSHELF LIFE
Teknik Elektro -D3 iii Politeknik Enjinering Indorama KATA PENGANTAR Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Puji serta syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat serta hidayah-Nya, sehingga penulis dapat melaksanakan kerja... more
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    • Cathodic Protection
Corrosion Engineering–Principles and Solved Problems is based on the author’s experience teaching undergraduate and graduate corrosion courses entitled Corrosion Engineering, Advanced Corrosion Engineering, and Electrochemical and... more
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      Corrosion EngineeringCathodic ProtectionPassivityHYDROGEN INDUCED CRACKING
Build a rugged and portable device capable of performing NACE´s recommended indirect corrosion surveys. The equipment should be synchronized with a cathodic protection system through a GPS antenna. It should perform high-speed analog... more
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      EngineeringEmbedded SystemsOil and gasCathodic Protection
This work aims to evaluate the effects of hydrogen in three high- strength steel grades. The phenomena of hydrogen (H) entry, transport and trapping inside the metals, together with the different types of damages due to the presence of... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyCathodic ProtectionMechanical Properties of MaterialsHydrogen Embrittlement
Reinforced concrete is subject to deterioration when reinforcing bars corrode as a result of chloride contamination and/or carbonation. Conventional patch repair methods are often inadequate, particularly for chloride-related problems.... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceCathodic ProtectionBuilding
Pipelines and AC power transmission lines frequently share corridors leading to AC interference corrosion problems, as documented by pipeline failures that have occurred in the USA, Canada and Europe, even when cathodic protection is... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringCorrosion Science
This experimental field study interrupted the protection current offered by Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) to ten in-service reinforced concrete structures. The study aimed to identify the long term effects of ICCP after it... more
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      ConcreteCathodic ProtectionImpressed Current Cathodic Protection
I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Alberto Sagüés, whose guidance, supervision and support from the early stages to the concluding level of this project, allowed me to finish this dissertation. Appreciation is given to my examining... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCathodic ProtectionZincReinforced concrete
When cathodic protection is selected as a rehabilitation method for a concrete structure, there are many choices that can influence the type, effectiveness, durability and cost of the system. If the structure is complex in design and... more
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      Materials ScienceCorrosionSystem Designprestressed Concrete
This report summarizes findings from a 24-month study in which the performance of cathodic protection systems for substructures of two interstate bridges was remotely monitored. The two bridges# 860050 and# 860054 are located on the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringStructural EngineeringMagnesiumCathodic Protection
This report presents results of various tests performed to establish design guidelines for the use of impressed-current cathodic protection systems on surface-effect ships. These results show that commercially available reference cells... more
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    • Cathodic Protection
This project aimed to study a comprehensive conservation plan for archaeological iron in seawater using cathodic protection as the main conservation technique. Nine cast iron cannons were discovered in 2000 just off the coast of Marettimo... more
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      Metal conservationUnderwater ArchaeologyMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyProtection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
The work described here deals with the performance of ethylenediamine N,N 0 -dibenzylidene, ethylenediamine N,N 0 -di(p-methoxybenzylidene), ethylenediamine N,N 0 -disalicylidene as corrosion inhibitors for zinc in sulphuric acid. The... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringCorrosion Science
Reinforced mortar and concrete are multi-phase composite materials at different levels of aggregation. In the framework of an extensive experimental study on cathodic protection (CP) efficiencies, the authors have investigated the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringImage AnalysisElectrical Circuit Theory
The extent of corrosion between a miniature steel ship model at different relative velocities of sea water fitted with commercial sacrificial anodes of aluminium (Al) in sea water and magnesium (Mg) in fresh water is studied. The... more
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      MagnesiumCathodic ProtectionShips and Offshore StructuresSea Water
It is well known that controlled changes in the electrode potential of specimens strongly influence the behaviour of corrosion fatigue for alloys in aqueous media. In other words, the effect of polarisation on the corrosion fatigue... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFatigueCathodic Protection
Discovering the need for more dedicated work in the conservation field relating to the preservation of historic structures with iron content and their potential for catastrophic failure through hydrogen embrittlement. Covered only in the... more
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      Cultural HeritageHistoric PreservationCorrosion ScienceHeritage Conservation
This article presents a case study of corrosion of a ship hull that began after continuous failure of the impressed current cathodic protection system. The purpose of this article is not to question or criticise the design, installation,... more
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      Civil EngineeringPhysical ChemistryFailureCorrosion
ORROSION HAS BEEN AROUND FOR ALL OF RECORDED history. Cathodic protection is the electrical solution to the corrosion problem. In this article, the history of cathodic protection (CP) is traced, and the design fundamentals are developed,... more
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      Cathodic ProtectionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
A novel test setup has been used in this study to simulate stress corrosion cracking initiation under a disbonded coating on an X-65 pipeline steel. In this setup, the synergistic effects of cyclic loading, cathodic protection and soil... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringMaterials Science
When cathodic protection is selected as a rehabilitation method for a concrete structure, there are many choices that can influence the type, effectiveness, durability and cost of the system. If the structure is complex in design and... more
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      System Designprestressed ConcreteCathodic ProtectionCurrent Density
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) has been one of the major components of the repair and maintenance strategy on many motorway structures in the U.K. It has helped to prolong the life of more than 700 structures, in a... more
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      Reinforced Concrete StructuresCathodic ProtectionImpressed Current Cathodic ProtectionCorrosion and Cathodic Protection
In the present work electrochemical studies were carried out with disc electrodes of Fe–36Ni alloy in sulphate solution at pH 1?5, using linear voltammetry (LV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques, comparing the... more
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      Corrosion ScienceGalvanic CorrosionCathodic ProtectionCorrosion Inhibitors
Transmission lines are considered one of the major sources of magnetic field. In recent years electromagnetic field (EMF) interference with buried pipelines has been of great interest in the literature. The EMF interference on pipelines... more
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      Electrical EngineeringSaudi ArabiaMagnetic fieldHigh Voltage
Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) is a widely used method to protect steel reinforcements against corrosion. Bond degradation between concrete and steel at protection and overprotection levels was studied. Two types of... more
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      Civil EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyCathodic ProtectionElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Cathodic protection (CP) is considered to be the only rehabilitation method for chloride-induced rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. The protection current distribution depends on several parameters, such as the geometry... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringCorrosion Science