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There is a argument that the Communal violence is primarily due to caste contradictions. Religion has a role in the violence.
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      ReligionReligion and PoliticsIndian PoliticsCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature
This essay is a critical examination of Russian prodigy Dostoyevsky's famous work "Crime and Punishment". In this essay, I attempt to deconstruct the ideas of duality, identity crisis, moral resurrection, and religion by illuminating the... more
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      Russian LiteratureSex and GenderFeminist TheoryPostcolonial Studies
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      JainismPopular religionReligious StudiesWomen and Gender Studies
The main objective of the present paper is to explore the relevance of Ambedkarism (thoughts of Ambedkar) and how it brings political consciousness among backward sections. B.R. Ambedkar advocates the path for emancipation through his... more
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      Indian studiesIndiaCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureAmbedkar Studies
Social media produces numerous spaces and opportunities, globally, for people to link up, reach out, mobilise, assert their identity, build bridges... For those on the margins, this virtual alternative enables them to break down otherwise... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSocial Media
This article reexamines the United States Supreme Court’s opinion in United States v. Thind, which held that high caste Hindus were not “white persons” and were therefore racially ineligible for naturalized citizenship, through a... more
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      LawRhetoricLegal HistoryCritical Race Theory
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      Asian StudiesGlobalizationSociology of LawSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Nation is a concept that draws lot of attention for its complicated discourse. It impacts the lives of its citizens in multiple ways. The inception of national consciousness in the minds of its people creates chaos in their personal as... more
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      Indian English LiteratureIndian LiteratureContemporary Indian LiteratureIndian Writing in English
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    • Caste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature
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      SociologySociology of EducationPolitical ScienceRural Development
Abstract: The clash between the Rig Vedic Indo-Aryans, the Pre-Rig Vedic Indo-Aryan tribes, and the Harappan civilization can be described as a world-historical dialectical conflict, in which the sovereign dominant culture subjugates the... more
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      HinduismHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)BrahmanismSacrifice
The Editors shall not be responsible for originality and thought expressed in the papers. The author shall be solely held responsible for the originality and thoughts expressed in their papers.
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      HinduismCultural StudiesCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureHindu Studies
‘The Upanishad of Breast’ Jaidev Shukla, trans. Sachin Ketkar,  Indian Literature: Sahitya Akademi’s Bimonthly Journal, New Delhi Sahitya Akademi, Vol. 255, ISSN 0019-580-4, Jan-Feb 2010
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      Cultural HistorySocial HistoryIndian LiteratureGujarat
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    • Caste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature
Rites of expiation and reparation (prāyaścitta) may not seem central to the history of the Mantramārga, but they provide a fascinating angle from which to view the evolution of this broad religious tradition. Instead of focussing on the... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureTantric StudiesSanskritMedieval Indian History
ECSAS Vienna 2020. Focusing on the devotional sect of Pushtimarg, this panel encourages a diversity of papers to stimulate new debates on the significance of the sect vis-à-vis its social histories, devotional practices, theologies,... more
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      HinduismIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
Clark, Zoila. “Rasgos naturalistas y modernistas en Sin rumbo (1885) de Eugenio Cambaceres.” Hispanófila 154 (2008): 47-58. (Journal Article).
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesArgentinaLatin American literature
This article explores women-oriented Iyengar yoga practices through a historical, textual and ethnographical analysis. These practices were inaugurated by the teachings of B.K.S Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar and globally expanded by Iyengar... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesIndian studiesSouth Asian Studies
This is an article based on five ancient Vedic Mantras that Dissuade Sati and Encourage Widow Remarriage! They five mantras are discussed In the light of 14th century Sāyaṇācārya's commentary. It is to be noted that of the five mantras... more
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      Indian CultureCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureRig VedaVedas
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      SociologyPolitical EconomyModern Indian HistoryCaste and Untouchability
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      Gender StudiesCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureTranslation and Gender
Mulk Raj Anand is one of the most eminent personalities in the History of Indian writing in English. Almost all of his writings deal with the life of lower class people. He basically projects such ordinary people as the protagonists of... more
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      Caste and UntouchabilityUntouchability in IndiaIndian Writing in EnglishDalit and other marginalized communities
Society is made up of men and women and we see both the genders in light. But hidden is the third gender, the transgender, who are called as the “Special Children of God”. They are in between the masculism and feminism. These transgenders... more
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      Fundamental RightsCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureIndian societyThird Gender
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      BuddhismHinduismSouth Asian StudiesTranslation
In many parts of India, women and some men from particular communities considered lower caste still collect human waste from homes, community toilets, open defecation areas, and drains on a daily basis, load it into cane baskets or metal... more
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      Human RightsCivil RightsWork and LabourEmployment Discrimination
Cultural critiques of the imperialism and its consequences on the culture of the colonised communities are designated as postcolonialism. The term postcolonialism refers to the ways in which race, ethnicity, culture and human identity are... more
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      Cultural StudiesIndian studiesDramaFeminism
Mahasweta thematizes difference in a bid to problematize the so-called unity of the Indian nationhood. Even after the formal decolonization this difference as space evinced so much by the tribal/dalit lifeworld especially of Bihar and... more
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    • Caste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature
Better is to live one day virtuous and meditative than to live a hundred years immoral and uncontrolled‖ (The Buddha) Bhakti movement in India has been a path-breaking phenomenon that provided a solid shape and an identifiable face to the... more
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      Caste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureProtest LiteratureCaste and Religion in IndiaBhakti Movement
Vijay Tendulkar is one of the finest playwrights in Indian theatre. His plays express his deep concern for society. He deals with the themes that genuinely interested him and were vital, i.e. the several social problems the Indian society... more
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      Caste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureVijay Tendulkars Plays
The God of Small Things centers around caste and a chain of other issues. The paper analyses the connection between caste, Velutha and social mobilization in the novel. Meanwhile, the situations of subalterns in India are manifested... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureArundhati Roy
With Swayamsevaks (volunteers) like Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Lal Krishan Advani in the drivers’ seats in the National Democratic Alliance Government at the Centre in India (1998-2004), the RSS accelerated its old favourite pastime of... more
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      Indian PoliticsReligious PersecutionCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureRight-Wing Extremism
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      Caste and UntouchabilityDalit studiesCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureDalit Literature
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      Gender StudiesNarratologyIndian LiteratureIndian Sociology
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      Early Modern LiteratureIndian CultureIndian Writing in EnglishTradition
The present paper has critically analysed Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s contribution to emancipation of women in the context of Indian society. Ambedkar’s feminist insight has been observed from two perspectives—theory and practice. His engagement... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryGender HistoryFeminist Philosophy
Kerala is considered as Gods own country blessed by nature with boons of abundance: plentiful rains, backwaters and numerous rivers. It has a copiously diverse vegetation, beautiful landscape and climate. It is also this region that takes... more
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      Fiction WritingLiteratureAutobiographyIndian English Literature
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      Post-ColonialismPartition literatureSouth Asian Diaspora LiteratureIndian English Literature
In this article I focus on the aspect of gender, discussing a variety of heroines encountered in Hindi novels of the first half of the 20-th century. It will be shown that "modern heroine" not only provided a gendered model for the modern... more
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      Indian LiteratureWomen's Writing (Literature)Caste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature
Caste is one of the most challenging social institutions of India. It has divided society into various rigid categories. It has also made a mockery of democracy, as each caste becomes a vote bank for political parties leaving no scope for... more
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      AnthropologyCaste and UntouchabilityCultural AnthropologyDalit and other marginalized communities
The Malayalam essay published in Bhashaposhini in Aug 2017 is a comprehensive critical analysis of the films and cinematic career and contributions of K G George one of the vibrant and noted contemporary film makers from Kerala. The... more
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      Film StudiesCinemaIndian CinemaSubaltern Studies
Mahatma Jyotirao Phule’s book ‘Gulamgiri’ (Slavery) is considered one of the Pioneer books. It explores Brahminical supremacy and hegemonies in the social structure of Indian society. It critiques the institution of caste through a... more
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      Caste and UntouchabilityCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureCaste
India calls Savitribai Phule (1831-1897) the Mother of modern education for India. Scholars call Jan Comenius (1592-1670) the Father of modern education for the world. In this essay, Wolf explores how these two extraordinary persons,... more
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      EducationGlobal educationFeminism and Social JusticeCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature
My introduction and Part I of my translation of an important mid-twentieth-century Bengali novel by Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay.
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      Translation StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPeasant StudiesSouth Asian Studies
Indian feminists have a widespread inclination towards taking the feminist thesis as their premise and abandoning women’s relation to caste. The neglect of 'Dalit' in the Indian discourse on gender is deeply problematic because Dalit... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyAestheticsPolitical Philosophy
PhD Thesis (synopsis) submitted in June 2019, Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad.
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureFilm StudiesPopular Culture
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      HinduismModern Indian HistoryDalit studiesCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature
Comments Invited on "How the Foreign Vedics Took Over Egalitarian Hinduism" Dear friends, In my ongoing efforts to explain how the co-existence of two distinct religions to which erroneously was considered one for almost a millenniums in... more
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      Caste and UntouchabilityCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature
Critiques of caste and 'Brahminism' featured prominently in the social, political and intellectual life of colonial India. It is often assumed that Brahmins took the lead in developing such critiques as a consequence of the ideological... more
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      Public CultureIndiaCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureIndian religions
RETRIEVAL OF DALITS IN THE LITERARY INTERPRETATIONS OF MULTILINGUAL INDIA Dr. Jayshree Singh Associate Professor, Dept. of English, F.S.S. & H., Bhupal Nobles’ University, Udaipur (Raj.) Abstract Dalit Writings in India problematize... more
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      Minority StudiesContemporary Indian LiteratureCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and Literature